Its habenning!!!, China unbanning crypto. Beijing normies are lining up hungry for crypto. Bull run incoming!!!! We are hitting 6k this coming week
By god they've done it again the damn slant eyed cunts
I warned you Veeky Forumsraelis. I saw this coming miles away
so they did it to buy dips?
pic related
Post the full comic. It's one of the funniest comics I've ever seen on here.
Well that explains NEO's chart
the chinese elite gobbled up all the cheap BTC it could find from panicking normies
Daily reminder that NEO has 1 dev
let me look for it on my reaction folders
Why isn't anyone talking about this?
Fucking chink jews
I was hopeful for neo to be 100 by eoy
didn't know I forgot to add an extra 0
1000 eoy
>China unbans cryptocurrency
>Market recovering to reach ATH
>Just as bitcoin crests 5k China reinstates ban on crypto
>Market crash again
>Repeat 3x year
Would yoy rather have vitalik as a dev or a bunch of nobody's? Quality>>>>>>quantity
>Daily reminder that NEO has 1 dev
You're getting tiresome.
Clearly has more devs.
Das ist genau die Scheiße auf die ich Bock hab!
No Spanish please, stick to English.
Was für nen Blödsinn redest du da?
red pulse will be huge
>no chinks, burgers
>whitelist during china ban, most forgot to sign up
>first ico off neo, neo will be huge by eoy
>15m market cap
You got any idea when red pulse is supposed to get on an exchange? Got a whitelist, but I'd rather not lock my money for a month
saw this coming miles away, china isn't just going to ban an extremely lucrative new technology, they ALWAYS embrace it. still hilarious how they handled it though, cheeky fuckers.
>during a black friday sale i'm allowed to enter the store hours before the general public, but nah, i'll just wait in line with the rest of 'm
you silly goose. it's going to be listed on binance btw.