The psychology of "Racism"

What we refer to as "Racism" has very negative connotations, and disdain for racism is fed to us on a daily basis, but I have a theory about racism which I feel must have a certain degree of truth to it. Check this out:

Racism isn't a thing which you can just switch off, it's an uncontrollable animal instinct to act defensively when unusual or foreign people invade your tribe. Apes do it to other apes. It is one of the core reasons why humanity divided itself into separate cultures in the first place - humans evolved to suit different environments and diets, and created separate societies and religions with different moral values. Tolerance and acceptance will always be available, but racism going away is a utopian daydream because fear and suspicion of strange people and what we associate them with is a logical defensive psychological mechanism. It has been valuable to humanity for so long that it has become a standard inherited trait in all people.

SJWs agree you with. They call it implicit bias. The next time somebody asks you if you are racist the correct answer is yes and you're supposed to hail Hitler.

Wow, nought to Hitler in one post

How long did it take you to figure out something that obvious?

The real revelation is the fact that leftists at the top know this to be true, but try to fight it anyway. The left have developed a political model around a raison d' etre that can never be rendered obsolete, because racism is "problem" that can never be solved.

To argue against racism is to argue against discrimination, and to argue against discrimination is to argue against one of the most vital defining characteristics of life itself, right down to the cell membrane.

nah i dont think so.

"Racism" like what was practiced in America between whites and blacks was a socially learned and reinforced phenomenon not a naturalistic acting out of instinctual biases. There's a stark difference between mistrust of outsiders to your 'tribe' and a civic and social code built around intentional discrimination based on skin color or else they might get too 'uppity'.

>"Racism" like what was practiced in America between whites and blacks was a socially learned and reinforced phenomenon not a naturalistic acting out of instinctual biases.

It's been shown that white infants have an in-group racial preference.

>There's a stark difference between mistrust of outsiders to your 'tribe' and a civic and social code built around intentional discrimination

That "stark difference" is cause and effect. The latter is obviously a product of the former.

This is true.

I've grown up in a very multicultural society (upper-middle-class Australia) my whole life and I still genuinely dislike Han Chinese people from China because they're noisy and loud. No issues at all with anyone who speaks English and is essentially Australian in attitude.

In reality, it's not race that I care about, it's what 'group' you are from. And people nearly causing car accidents with careless driving/shouting loudly in my ear when I'm shopping are not of my 'group'. I'm sure if I knew them better, they might be of my 'group' and I might not mind so much.

You're reaching if you think the next step to "in-group preference among infants" is an entire society built around race-based slavery. Slavery in the Americas was borne out of the utility of human labor in an untamed land and the social justifications and psuedo-scientific rationalizations came after the fact. Jim Crow was based directly on fears and prejudices from the 19th century and codes reflect that, not ancient atavistic feelings encoded in their DNA.

It's as simple as this: People prefer others who are ethnically and culturally similar to them. Because you are much more likely to have more in common with someone with whom you share common heritage, culture, interests and experiences. Most people prefer to reproduce with there own kind as their offspring will look more like them.

So in a situation where people have the choice to associate with people of their own race and people of another race, most people will choose their own race. This will influence hiring choices, mate selection, who you'll lend too, who'll trust more, etc... This is perfectly rational behavior but leftist tards will cry "that's racist!".

Ok, but 'racism' isn't limited to that and my evidence is white-black race relations in America. If racism were all just a relatively benign bias you wouldn't see the brutal theatrics of lynchings that took place all across America.

Stop being so scared all the time. They aren't going to bite you. Some people are different that's true but it's no reason panic. Imagine only white peoples music forever. what hell would that be. But white people are good At other things. Just like all races have their things they are good at and things that they are shitty at. Together we can listen to black people music an get a blowjob by an Asian while eating tacos and watching tv which was probably incvented by white people. Great!

That does not happen anymore and the main problem I have with leftists is that they expect Whites and only Whites to destroy this perfectly rational bias within themselves.

There's a disconnect when your argument is a naturalistic appeal that racism is in our DNA and perfectly healthy but it only became benign and thus 'perfectly rational' after the federal government was brought in to end the most egregious aspects of racial discrimination.

I have given this some thought and I think a distinction needs to be made between:

- Racial discrimination (natural instinct, not inherently bad, can happen entirely in the mind as in a purely MENTAL aspect and does not necessarily translate into action) and
- Racism (should subsequently be defined as only instances of racial discrimination that cause people to ACT (VERBALLY, PHYSICALLY) in a NEGATIVELY prejudiced way. So things like affirmative action should not be under the label of racism even though they are two sides of the same coin.

The reason for this distinction is that discrimination as you say is entirely natural and necessary for humans in many aspects of life, and not all racial discrimination is bad. This also sidesteps the slippery slope argument of 'all people are racist' given the negative connotations of that word, by saying instead that all humans racially discriminate (which is true), but our conscious thinking mind has the final say in how we choose to behave.

It is not bad to racially discriminate/profile between ethnicity when doing medical research, since different diseases have varying prevalence in different races. It is not bad to racially discriminate when seeking a compatible life partner. I would even go as far to say it's not bad to racially discriminate when seeking a teacher, a doctor, or a role model for your children. Any form of racial discrimination that only affects yourself and those you are legal guardians of EXCLUSIVELY should be fine.



The term racism should be reserved for instances where people are treated UNFAIRLY or NEGATIVELY by a collective (company/institution) due to racial discrimination, or for instances of racial discrimination where your personal rights give way to the public domain and general society.

So even though you are allowed to racially discriminate when seeking your own personal doctor, teacher or role model for yourself and your children, you should have absolutely NO power to force a change in the hiring practices of hospitals, schools, government, or any other institution/business BASED ON RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, because that is where your rights are encroaching on the rights of others.

Also, when your daughter attains legal age, it is no longer in your power to racially discriminate in her place with respect to her choice of life partner, teacher, doctor or role model because at that point your rights would be encroaching upon hers as a separate individual.

It's an extremely nuanced distinction to make and I understand why people would just prefer to say 'racism = bad' and be done with it.
But yea being treated badly because of your race (among a billion other things like status, height, wealth, age) feels like shit.
I'm Asian and I remember when this middle aged, probably eastern European woman (based on her accent - see how I racially discriminated there?) made a remark regarding whether I could afford the condo rent payment just because I missed it for the first time by a day. It was blatantly obvious the remark was motivated by my race. I hope she drowns in Asians.

>pseudo psychology of racism
You really have no idea just how subtle our perception is when it comes to identifying foreign folk. That "black person smell" isnt just them not showering. People of different folk can get along just fine - only if they admit that they are different folk and ought to accept it, otherwise ignoring the underlying differences leads to cultural degradation and tensions that slowly boil over. Black people commit more crime than white people regardless of mean income or education level. On a collective level they are different from whites. Profiling people on modal differences is not due to irrational fear, its due to rational analysis of what actually is different.

Doesn't mean you have to hate them either, its just a part of understanding them.

It’s a fucking vague meme that needs to be narrowed by a priest class

t. chink who wants to rice a white woman

>Black people commit more crime than white people regardless of mean income or education level.
Depends on what you mean by this. Upper class people commit more crimes than middle class people, regardless of color, giving you funny statistics where rich black guys commit more crimes than poor white guys, just as rich white guys commit more crimes than poor black guys.

>I'm 15 and I think this is deep: the post
Regarding your fellow countrymen as a different "tribe" because of their skin color is totally arbitrary.

You are probably right OP.

>Regarding your fellow countrymen as a different "tribe" because of their skin color is totally arbitrary.
If it's an instinct, then it doesn't matter whether it's arbitrary or not, because it's not a decision of reason.

Humans instinctively prefer others who share their physical appearance over those who don't.