Is arabs being bad at war really a meme?
Is arabs being bad at war really a meme?
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Modern Arabs are shit at war. Literally every Arab involved conflict in the 20th and 21st centuries has been a shitshow for them.
>be iraq
>be backed by literally every world power inlcuding the US and the USSR
>invade iran immediately after its chaotic revolution
>fuck up so badly the war lasts 8 years and ends in a stalemate despite every conceivable advantage
>every conceivable advantage
except the blessings of Allah, the prayers of the 25 prophets,the call of adzan from the 4 corners converting to Tehran,blessings of the 8 imams and the hidden helping from the mahdi
This is true, at least in the modern world. Of course historically the yahud got BTFO when they were trying to assassinate Muhammad.
I mean you also have to keep in mind that pretty much all of the richest western countries are backing Israel. The Arabs are doing what they can with what they have got.
>Implying $6 billion dollars a year in free American cash and weapons isnt why Israel always won conventional wars
>implying that the fact that they are so soft and weak is not why they always perform so poorly in urban combat
>shillls STILL talking about 1967 when Israel has been forced to withdraw from Arab lands twice (South Lebanon in 2000, Gaza in 2005) as well as failing to conquer even a few neighborhoods in Lebanon in 2006 and failed to take a few neighborhoods in besieged impoverished Gaza from Hamas (who are literally a single step above antifa-tier with crude homemade rockets) in 2014
Go on, keep thinking that 1967 and the couple of conventional wars against the shit-tier poorly-armed secular Arab armies translates into Israel being badass. They literally havent scored a single clear-cut victory in 50 years, all their wars since 1967 have been stalemates or outright defeats
>>be backed by literally every world power inlcuding the US and the USSR
>what is the Iran-Contra affair
>Is arabs being bad at war really a meme?
It really isn't. I say this every time this subject comes up, but check out Kenneth Pollack's "Arabs At War." It's fairly exhaustive and pretty funny. It doesn't just focus on the Israeli-Arab Wars but also cites the Chadian-Libyan War, the Iran-Iraq War, the Gulf War, and others.
>>Implying $6 billion dollars a year in free American cash and weapons isnt why Israel always won conventional wars
The Arabs have literally always had conventional superiority, the Israelis weren't even being backed by the Americans until 1973 and the aid the Americans sent never compared to what the Soviets sent. Which included outright sending Soviet troops to perform noncombat roles. It didn't help. Give it up, Ahmed.
How did they do it?
Arabs are bad at war unless they're fighting for the caliphate, in which case they turn into nearly unstoppable supermen.
They never should've given up the bow.
You mean
>If they're fighting against exhausted empires that spent years arming and training them as mercenaries while draining their own manpower and put up almost no fight, then crumble at the first sign of real resistance
>the romans were exhausted for 1000 years of war
counterpoint, look at the Iraqi-Iranian war.
Iraq wasted its resource and structural superiority at the beginning of the war when it had the advantage over the disorganized, ill prepared (due to the Islamic purges) Iran.
Iraq lost the initiative and ended up with an almost static front lines (despite things like tanks and modern tech) in which inept commanders would send men in suicide missions.
I heard they lost most of their advantage because they were doing bullshit like the invasion moved at a snail's pace because the Iraqis preferred to halt and use massive amounts of firepower whenever any resistance was encountered. Iraqi mechanized forces never used their mobility to outflank or encircle the enemy.
I was talking about ISIS simultaneously steamrolling the IDF, SAA, YPG, FSA and Peshmerga.
ISIS never fought the IDF, you meant to say ISF.
They were following US army doctrine, which only works if you have the sort of technological advantage that the US has. Iran adopted something more suitable to the conditions.
Iraq also slowed itself down by besieging two cities, severely straining resources that were being drained by air attacks. Iraq also never considered the ability for Iran to reorganize quickly and mobilize the necessary troops.
I can't stress enough how badly the sieges fucked up the Iraqi's. They lost precious time trying to take cities that became fortresses for defending forces. Only time you try to wrap up a siege is when you have more than enough men and time to spare (ect; front line is 3-400km away and the enemy is outnumbered there 10-1) Otherwise wait them out and keep moving forward.
>They were following US army doctrine
No they weren't.
You're right. That's embarrassing.
more like, they were using early ww2 era tactics and strategy. The indo pak wars had the same problems where tanks were used in set piece battles instead of armoured spearheads
>which only works if you have the sort of technological advantage that the US has.
You mean overwhelming air superiority? Literally no one but the US has that.
Tell me something Arabs are at good besides fucking camels and killing each other.
They're too tribalistic to get anything done.
Making really good falafels?
Bad at modern war. Historically, they weren't doing bad.
they got explosive personalities
Seems like once guns and greater mobility came into the picture with europe, the middle east just lost its edge.
A timeless classic
>by Norvell B. De Atkine
>Middle East Quarterly
>December 1999
Joining the IDF soon, I can hardly wait. 10th is my draft date I'm so pumped!
>When you want to cruse with matoz eaters so bad but your govermment will ban you from ever coming back to your native land.
Why does everything have to be so hard.
Where you from?
Arabs keep telling themselves that to keep face despite the fact that thought history they where heavily supplied by the USSR and kept fighting wars with Israel in which they grossly outnumbered them with well supplied armies.
Watch this video
Don't get too pumped kid, once you finish basic training your service becomes pretty monotonous and boring unless you get more cool training or unless you get some real action.
top kek
Have you not been paying attention to current events?
I know lol, even combat is mostly boring. I'm mostly pumped for basic and also I'm doing a 3 month ulpan so soon I'll be speaking fluently and I'm pumped for a new life in Israel
Memri TV
thanks for the share
Are you an ashkenazi american?
Has everybody already red this, or why hasn't it been posted yet?
talk about this
I remember reading some paper years ago that explained Arab incompetence. Basically the jist of it was that Arab states were mostly lead by corrupt authoritarian strongmen who were constantly fearful of coups so that they filled their military with sycophants. A smart ambitious general was seen as a threat so they were often removed. Explains why there militaries were fucking terrible.
Which brings us full circle to Arab armies sucking
turks were doing most of the soldiering in the middle-east for the last thousand years whilst arabs were busy getting stoned and talking about which particular hadith was more real.
>The Arabs have literally always had conventional superiority
literally nothing youve written is true. I wont even dignify you with arguing with you. The fact that you ignored Israel's undisputed air supremacy since 1956 onwards is enough proof that youre a brainlet not worthj arguing with
Its not a meme. The only relevant Arab military forces pre-21st century were the Egyptians who decided to stop getting preemptively struck by Israelis. Conflating Arab achievements in the mid 600s to 900s doesn't change the fact they have more or less been on a fairly nose-diving track record at sucking at wars or the fact they were more or less under the control of foreign powers divesting them of their military power, political control, and economic influence for the next 1000 years by the middle of the Abbasid's reign; Samanids, Buyids, Seljuks, Mongols, Ottomans, French, Brits, etc...b
No ancestors is American and Iraqi kind of. Born in Israel but when I was a little kiddo they moved me to America. I've come back to do my service. Visited often anyways but now I'm actually living here
Iraqi Jew?
Grandpa was exiled from Iraq so I have blood. I have no connection to Iraq really but my point was I'm not Ashkanaz
Had the egyptian army not intervened during the Morsi regime after the Arab Spring, egypt would have become another Syria or Libya.
>have literal Soviet Pilots and top of the line Soviet equipment.
>Still complain that the poor Arabs were just doing the best they could.
I was talking about their smart withdrawal from the later Arab-Israeli Wars though, just for context here to be clear.
Egypt was pretty okay in war
Selling you 90% of your daily energy consumption, John.
Who let them out of the oven?
But Memri TV is run by Israelis.
>Of course historically the yahud got BTFO
arabs where lying sons of bitches, they literally backstabbed everyone.
Autism thread
Bad at modern war*
Basically their social structure and political structure and leadership are basically all completely the opposite of what are required for success in modern war to the point that they get btfo by numerically inferior africans in toyotas leading to dank memes, i dont have it but someone who knows what im talking about plz post it
ISIS only lost because they were simultaneously fighting two state armies, SDF, Hezbollah, Peshmerga, FSA and various other militias while being constantly bombarded from the sky by the Russians, the Americans and their coalition partners. ISIS was still able to launch successful offensives (Ramadi, Palmyra) during that period.
You mean when they were helped by the massive advantage of 90% of the Iraqi army in 2013 deserting due to poor morale and believing the Americans and Kurds should do all the fighting?
Just because we were backing Iran doesn't mean we weren't supporting Iraq also. That's like Cold Warring 101.
what is not ?
Did they fear the _ ?
Nazi Germany dindu nuffin ?
>ISIS conquered and held the largest part of Syria for two years because the Iraqi army deserted
>Exhausted Empire meme
Stop repeating it, it got boring
if by boring you mean it's boring that brainlets like you won't accept historical fact, then yes it's boring
user that's every military. There's a reason war is described as long stretches of boredom punctuated by brief moments of sheer terror.
>shit-tier poorly-armed secular Arab armies
Yom Kippur War saw the Egyptians and Syrians actually get their shit somewhat together and try for once, and they saw some damn good initial results.
America gets most of its oil from itself and Canada.
It's Europe that's reliant on the Gulf.
*record scratch freeze frame*
You might be wondering how i got into this situation...
>inb4 lebanese are phunician meme
The nature of war has changed over time and thus the traits that make a culture good at war have changed over time. When war left the medieval way of fighting behind the Arabs became rather bad at war.
The Ottomans crushed any Arab army set against them, barring the Ottomans going way to deep into the desert a few times. Same with the Persians, and the Spanish. Any time the Arab parts of the Ottoman army fought against Europeans they did really bad when compared with the Turkic or Greek part of the Ottoman army.
What about arab insurgents? They seem to have successes?
Iraq looks aesthetic with kuwait
Iraq would look more aesthetic with most of the arab peninsula tbqh
Based Chad. Berbers BTFO.
| > It takes its name from the Toyota pickup trucks used, primarily the Toyota Hilux and the Toyota Land Cruiser, to provide mobility for the Chadian troops as they fought against the Libyans.
>The 1987 war resulted in a heavy defeat for Libya, which, according to American sources, lost one tenth of its army, with 7,500 men killed and US$1.5 billion worth of military equipment destroyed or captured.
>Chadian losses were 1,000 men killed.
ISIS did only shit while the Assad regime was already locked in a war with both Kurd paramilitary forces, the Syrian rebels, and benefiting from the Iraqi army not doing shit for two years in Iraq, yes. Funny how that works.
The AE scaling this late in the game is ridiculous. One tiny province and half the world joins a coalition against you.
Yeah, and then Israel called up Nixon and threatened to start a nuclear war if he didn't start air-dropping supplies.
I think the syrian army is going to be one of the best armies in the middle east after the civil war due to the good leadership and experience the army has
Yes. Chemical weapons build great leaders. Germany and Iraq can tell you about it.