Were Roman emperors really this handsome?
Were Roman emperors really this handsome?
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more or less
up until constantine yes.
on what scale is that considered handsome?
Latin yes. Greek no.
Diet and excrescence does wonders to the appearance. People look so fat and ugly today because they aren't living correctly.
Tbh he kinda looks like a modern day hobo
He looks like a southern redneck
Nonsense, he looks like a well-groomed older man with soulful eyes.
It is a modern perception because the homeless are about the only ones thin and grizzly.
chubby + grizzly = redneck
thin + groomed = metrosexual
Yes, this is because of their Nordic racial type.
Classical phenotype has nothing to do with Nordic phenotype.
>Tfw no pure Iberian phenotype
Ah yes, the theapricity sure showed me.
Did you mean "Pliny, Malalas and Suetonius?
Romans had different word for blonde, In that case it means brown. Then again, some shit-eating Germanics will gasp at any straws to prove their godly heritage, just look at Himmler.
Brown hair is still caused by genes for blond hair :) So the Romans were NORDIC, or at least admixed.
His son was handsomer
Yeah yeah. Keep sucking that germanic dick, dumb slav(e)shit.
Not an argument. You Polacks were German slaves for centuries, not even considered human, let alone white and now you suck their dick, trying to prove all civilizations were made by Germans.
This handsome? Not really, they were kind of idealized in their busts because propaganda
Handsome? Probably yes, at least most of them
Exactly and they still use that term, as if all Indo-Europeans in Europe were speaking a Germanic dialect.
That's just sick. But that's your brain on Nordicism.
Rich and powerful men often manage to find more good looking women, making their offspring also more attractive. Although when they comit endogamy it will make them ugly.
Just because you are ugly doesn't mean other people must be ugly too.
Elite Romans usually didn't choose their wives by looks. They chose them politically.
Nah some of them were ugly
fuck germs