Just read about the Romanov execution and what do you say what do you know it was perpetrated by Jews.
How come the Jews were so into bolshevicism and into bayonetting babies, Veeky Forums?
Just read about the Romanov execution and what do you say what do you know it was perpetrated by Jews
Youre trying to get a rise out of me arent you?
inb4 some mongoloid says "but he converted to atheism, so he was no longer a jew" or some other type of bullshit.
Why, does stating facts hurt your feelings?
>was it jews?
there were jews, but there were more estonians, georgians, amerianians, poles, etc.
>why are teh jews mean to non-commies?
the jews love war. And sow and spread it throughout the world. Death of 'innocent' life is just a stepping stone to then next war.
Which Romanov babies were bayonetted?
Reminder that under Nicky, pogroms against Russian Jews were not uncommon.
>treat ethnic/religious minority like shit
>act surprised when they take part in the revolution against you
Ordered by a Jew - Sverdlov
Perpetrated by the Jew - Yurovsky
Lithuanians/Latvians were specially brought by Yurovsky's order to guard Romanovs since they couldn't speak Russian. And they refused to take part in the act.
Pogroms were justified.
Well this just might be it then.
>(((mere coincidence)))
Not clear but most of them. But even that didn't work since they had diamonds sewn into their clothes, so they head shotted them instead
I've literally never heard anything about jews when reading about the Romanov execution.
What are you reading?
Did you mind to check the butcher's bioghraphy, genius?
And mind the link, even Putin's onto it
Most Romanov babies were bayonetted?
There is nothing about Putin being into it.
How is killing women and children justified? Was shooting Romanovs also justified then?
>While waiting for the smoke to abate, the killers could hear moans and whimpers inside the room.[97] As it cleared, it became evident that although several of the family's retainers had been killed, all of the Imperial children were not only alive but none of them had even been injured in the botched proceedings.[94][98]
The noise of the guns had been heard by households all around, and had awakened many people. The executioners were ordered to proceed with their bayonets, a technique which proved ineffective and meant that the children had to be dispatched by still more gunshots, this time aimed more precisely at their heads. The Tsarevich was the first of the children to be executed. Yurovsky watched in disbelief as Nikulin spent an entire magazine from his Browning gun on Alexei, who was still seated transfixed in his chair; he also had jewels sewn into his undergarment and forage cap.[99] Ermakov shot and stabbed him, and when he failed, Yurovsky shoved him aside and killed the boy with a gunshot to the head.[95] The last to die were Tatiana, Anastasia, and Maria, who were carrying a few pounds (over 1.3 kilograms) of diamonds sewn into their clothing, which had given them a degree of protection from the firing.[100] However, they were speared with bayonets as well. Olga sustained a gunshot wound to the head. Maria and Anastasia were said to have crouched up against a wall covering their heads in terror until they were shot down. Yurovsky himself killed Tatiana and Alexei. Tatiana died from a single bullet through the back of her head.[101] Alexei received two bullets to the head, right behind the ear.
>How is killing women and children justified?
Are you saying killing men aged 18+ in progroms was justified though with a dumb question like that? Lmao
>Russia investigates if the Romanovs were killed in a Jewish murder ritual
>Russia investigates
Ye sounds like Putin alright
No, but according to retarded anti-Semites all Jewish men were probably communists, so it was justified.
It's just some crazy priest.
Jewish women are much worse than Jewish men.
You do know 'children' isn't the same as 'infants'?
Alexei: 13
Tatiana: 21
Anastasia: 17
Maria: 19
Nah, but all men behind Romanov murders were tho, and that's that we're discuissing
Oh so good ol jews just bayonetted some most likely spoiled teenagers and NOT infants? Awh its okay then, mods you archive my thread now
snatched right out of her crib the monsters.
All executioners were Jews?
Don't cry because your blatant attempt at emotional propaganda got uncovered by basic knowledge of the event.
Cry more. They were deamgouges. Ol Nickey got his head beat in with a tire iron.
>slaughtering young women is okay as long as they'e not literal toddlers
Fuck off, Schlomo
Plenty of people think europeans and americans "deserve" to be invaded by immigrants as payment for colonialism, and that it's time for white people to be "replaced" with mixed babies.
So what's supposed to happen? What kind of cuck says "that's okay, I deserve this" when his family gets pogrommed for ethnic justice?
The fact is, nobody stops fighting when it's "fair".
Americans certainly do. Why Europeans though?
>Plenty of people
The same "people" who were getting pogrom'd back then. Really makes you think
>claim they're literally toddlers
>cry when someone points out they're actually grown women
Fuck off, Cletus.
>playing moral highground
I'm not that guy, and I'm not about to defend bayoneting children for political reasons, but it's obvious you're full of shit, user.
I know for a fact you participate in Rohingya massacre threads, egging on the Buddhists.
she was a murderer who lead thousands to their deaths by being a part of the ruling family. They killed people for her too.
>uses the exact same reasoning for racial revenge as jews
>isn't jewish
If you're going to be white, do it right.
Sverdlov who ordered it was a Jew.
Yurovsky that was in charge of the execution was a Jew.
Only thing that you "uncovered" is that I should've put "why are jews so into bayonetting teenagers" instead of children in OP with your genius age post. Bravo
Neither of them deserve invasion. But the educated elite will tell you they do as payment for colonialism, as I already told you.
Those who participated in colonialism should indeed get wiped out.
t. assmad darkie
Oh please, you knew exactly what you were doing. If you knew enough about the execution of the Romanovs to know the ethnicity/religion of the guy in charge, you'd have at least a rough idea of the ages of the victims. None of which were babies.
Doesn't change the fact that people behind it were Jewish, which is the purpose of the thread, not the ages of the killed. Now fuck off.
Mexicans weren't getting pogrom'd asshole. Black queens weren't either.
Indeed Jews in universities are egging them on, but, reread my post
>What kind of cuck says "that's okay, I deserve this" when his family gets pogrommed
In other words, of course they are. That's why you:
1) Finish the job effectively or
2) Don't start it at all
Point to me (1) example of someone "finishing the job" in history, and being blessed with Utopian peace as a result.
You won't be able to. Because it's not a Jewish problem. Take responsibility for yourself.
lol no
go buy another bushel of two-dollar bananas on food stamps, leech
I'm European, just not from a colonialist shitheap.
Nigga calm down
More people participated in the execution.
You goof.
Any time countries enforce racial integration, it's under the pretense that guys like you don't *actually* want to replace whites.
Your post is evidence for the continuation of segregation and genocide. It's the mindset that proves it necessary. Some minorities can do it, but guys like you'll never get over colonialism and adapt to first-world society, so you need to be removed.
>You know how those stupid alt-righters always claim that the Jews were slaughtering babies?
>Well, get this: They weren't slaughtering babies but rather young women
>Hahaha, those stupid, problematic, fascist alt-right white male pigs can't get anything right
Fuck off, John Oliver
I'll bet you're too ashamed to post what non-shitheap country your from.
At least you're admitting you were wrong now.
>tells other people to fuck off instantly
>it's the other guy who isn't calm
You seem awfully upset that someone has called out that error. An error so obvious it must be deliberate...
Since you're fixating on them not being babies which isn't what we're discuissing here. And maybe I thought babies as in Nicki's babies? Hmm. And ye fuck off
>makes a blatant and obvious error on the history board of Veeky Forums
>is surprised someone is talking about it instead of the meme thread we've had a hundred times already
If you hear about those American babies the Germans shot and bayonetted at Malmedy?
>Romanov executions
>Georgians, Estonians, etc.
Reading comprehension my kneejerk reaction friend.
Really? I've never seen a thread as such and I've been around til day 1
Not sure if trying to make a joke or if you're using term babies figuatevely since talking about amerimutts. lel
do you think you can topple a dynasty with just jews? It took those groups to begin the operation to capture them which started with multiple insurrections and revolutions. Everyone was gunning for their throats.
Then clearly you haven't been paying attention.
Why not both. Babies can mean whatever you want it to mean apparently.
This ritual meme I keep seeing makes no sense
There was nothing ritualistic about it, it was an absolute bloodbath shit show because is was being down by -60 IQ peasants
Alright then you little baby you
Oi I thought jooz wuz high iq
The executioners. Executioners. Like this Jewish bitch who plotted it. The actual killers. Quit trying to divert attention elsewhere.
It was one event. The uprising was the same event as the murder. Like the French Revolution. In what world should the former dynasty NOT be killed?
Any evidence that anyone besides Yakov Yurovsky was a Jew?
pyotr yermakov, vera figner
>Yevno Azef (Russian: Eвгeний Филиппoвич (Eвнo Фишeлeвич) Aзeф, also transliterated as Evno Azef, 1869–1918), was a Russian socialist revolutionary who was also a double agent and agent provocateur, working both as an organizer of assassinations for the Socialist-Revolutionary Party and a police spy for the Okhrana, the Imperial secret police. He rose in the ranks to become the leader of the party's terrorist branch, the SR Combat Organization, from 1904 to 1908.
>Born as Evno Fishelevich Azef in Lyskava (now Brest Region, Belarus) in 1869 to a poor Jewish family. He was the second of seven children.
>Pyotr Zakharovich Ermakov (Russian: Пётp Зaхapoвич Epмaкoв) (13 December [O.S. 1 December] 1884 – 22 May 1952) was a Russian Bolshevik revolutionary, notable as one several men responsible for the execution of the Romanov family, including the deposed Tsar Nicholas II, his wife, their children, and their retinue.
>Prior to the killings, the intoxicated Ermakov had promised his drunken Upper Isetsk companions that they will get to rape the women and kill the males, instructing them to wait in the forest with light carts for transporting the bodies.[3] But when Yurovsky's special detachment arrived, Ermakov's men were outraged to discover that they were already dead.[4] Yurovsky maintained control of the situation with great difficulty, eventually getting Ermakov's men to shift some of the bodies from the truck onto the carts.[5] While Yurovsky and his men were busy extricating the truck from the mud, Ermakov's men pawed the female bodies for valuables hidden in their undergarments, two of whom lifted up Alexandra's skirt and fingered her genitals.[4][5] Yurovsky ordered them at gunpoint to back off, dismissing the two who had groped the tsarina's corpse and any others he had caught looting. Nonetheless, one of the men sniggered that he could "die in peace",[5] having touched the "royal cunt".[4] With the exception of Ermakov, his men were not allowed to participate in the process of stripping, mutilating and disposing of the bodies; they were ordered back to the city as Yurovsky did not trust them and was displeased with their drunkenness.[6] He was also furious at Ermakov for bringing only one shovel for the disposal.[7]
The holocaust.
>if you say anything against jews even if its true you must be ze holocaust deniar!
Since when did his become even more brainlet then pol, wew
The plot thickens...
What exactly is true in your statements?
Of course, when someone asks for proof, you disappear like the german army in Stalingrad.
>7 minutes for ad hominem answer
>half an hour and still waiting for serious response
woah smart
Nikolaj II was a Germanophilic Jew that married a Hunnic women, he deserved the bullet.
What answer are you waiting for?
I not waiting for anything at this point, I made my point.
Let us put this meme to bed.
Woah you sure showed OP
not an argument
Is every response that destroys OP's point going to be "lol ummmm no honey"?
And in slaughter of the Romanovs they made closer to 80%, and that's what this thread is about, smdh.
Most of the squad were Russians though. Don't see why the leader of the squad is somehow significant, he didn't ordered any special brutality.
>Most of the squad were Russians though
Ermakov and Yuruvsky did the most killing and both were Jewish, Vera Figner who organized it was a Jewess and Sverdlov that gave the order aswell
People that were killed on Stalin´s order, Tomsky commited suicide before the trial, rest were shot and Miasnikian assasinated in place crash.
>Grigory P. Nikulin, Mikhail A. Medvedev, Peter Ermakov, Stepan Vaganov, Alexey G. Kabanov (former soldier in the tsar's Life Guards), Pavel Medvedev, V. N. Netrebin, and Y. M. Tselms
>Пётp Зaхápoвич Epмaкóв: pyccкий peвoлюциoнep, oдин из нeпocpeдcтвeнных yчacтникoв paccтpeлa Hикoлaя II и eгo ceмьи и зaхopoнeния yбитых.
>Oкoнчил цepкoвнo-пpихoдcкyю шкoлy, paбoтaл cлecapeм.
>Vera Figner
Russian-German noble and on top of that an esseress. I don't think she was related to the murder. You must be mistaken, because she planned assasination of Aleksandr II Nikolayevich.
>Sverdlov that gave the order aswell
Oh yes, let's just ignore Lenin and Dzerzhinsky, two totally irrelevant figures.
Sergy Kirov should have a question mark too desu
I want pol to leave.
>anything that puts bad light on Jews is /pol/ boogeyman!
I want brainlets to leave