After WW2, why did the allies allow Germany to become the dominant force on the continent again?
After WW2, why did the allies allow Germany to become the dominant force on the continent again?
Since this time they did not have a proper army and an autistic stashed Austrian leading them.
Plus this pic doesn't show us that Poland was bad at being a country. It shows us that Communism was cancer and Poland was it's victim.
If Germany and Poland went to war today that shit would be hilarious.
Why did you feel the need to post this?
War is hell, user.
Pretty humorous if you think about it
Because it undermined Soviet authority in East Germany, it was basically a shitpost
why are Germans so obsessed with Poles?
Unlike Germans, Poles are white.
>this kills the kraut
This is why East Germany is still a shithole today too, post soviet states got fucking wrecked.
because we uhhm oh wrong word, they are literally übermenschen
Germany is incredibly overrated.
They have basically no hard-power
And China, UK, USA, and Russia all have more soft-power than them
Eastern Germany is white.
>dominant force
>germans actually think this
>that picture
>implying it proves anything other than communism being shit
East Germans aren't peoople.
I would think it has something to do with a history of industry and a highly educated workforce, alongside the american wish for their to be a strong Germany to resist the USSR and prove capitalism to be successful.
Capitalism is degenerate.
>Anything I don't like is degenerated
Kindly shut the fuck up.
>the irony in his post
Self-aware much?
Neither are western and southern Germans, swiss and austrian too
This. I don't get why everyone has such a hardon for all topics involving Germany. Or why half the topics here involve Germany.
german autism is too OP in a post industrial world
so is posting on a rice famer's childrens cartoon forum's history subsection
Americans thought they tought them how to be civilized people for once, but it seems like we were mistaken and we wont make the same mistake after WW3
They domesticated now.
Dear Lardbucket, even you are a person. No matter how dehumanized the silly excuse for the Empire you happened to be born in is.
People helped with post war repairs to wring out of Germany even more, then cold war happened
Bismarck contained Moltke at all times.
stop being autistic and petty
They kept Germany deindustrialised for like 2 years after the war but they found that the European economy was not recovering without them and they were scared communism might spread so they decided to let German industry rebuild
Don't say "we" when in fact you are completely irrelevant. The misdoings of your Empire aren't your fault. Its successes don't rub off on you either though. No matter how hard all of you BMI-overachievers rub one off on them.
the negative foundation myth of the modern western civilization requires this as a way to guilt germans
you cannot have the modern western civilization as is without that negative foundation myth we created after ww2
it gives all context to our era
this is why not being an AIDs loving progressive is taboo in today's world
That and the common understanding seems to be that everyone being hard on germany post WWI was one of the main reasons WWII got the way it did. If you put pressure on a populace and show them an external figure it's easy to make them rally against it.
Nah, Bavarians and Austrians are people. The rest are just orc-like beings.
It was purposely orchestrated as a hedge against the Soviets and communism. Hell, even the French got on board.
Germans are the most bullied group on Veeky Forums.
>literal puppet state propped by the allies to stand against a possible soviet invasion