ITT: Beta numale fags of history

ITT: Beta numale fags of history

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why didn't he just shot NKVD agents?


because he couldn't fight without chemical weapons supporting him


>Tukhachevsky was born at Alexandrovskoye, Safonovsky District (in the present-day Smolensk Oblast of Russia), into a family of impoverished hereditary nobles.[2] Legend states that his family descended from a Flemish count who ended up stranded in the East during the Crusades and took a Turkish wife before settling in Russia.
That explains his numaleness, he even looked like a depressed numale

>tfw Budyonny keeps leaving piles of horse manure in your armored cars

>too weak to serve in the army, gets rejected for being weak
>gastric problems
>inferiority complex
>has to be on shitton of drugs to even lead his country
>low energy without meth
>has to pump his soldiers and entire army full of meth to make them able to compete with Russians
>shots himself in the head when Ruskies are coming for him

I don't know why retards praise this little shit. Him and Wehrmacht were bunch of little bitches.

Vodka > meth

This reeks of propaganda.

It's not.

>be soviet
>come up with the doctrine that beats the german
>get shot
Cant make this shit up

Autist on Veeky Forums vs charismatic leader of Germany.

Being charismatic on meth doesn't count. He didn't even fuck Eva and she was a top-tier slut.

>be Soviet marshall
>be completely awful at your job, setting the Red Army's doctrine back by decades
>Stalin tries to arrest you
>pull a gun on the NKVD and call Stalin to tell him to fuck off
>he actually does it the absolute madman


That's probably because they were close friends and Budyonny was very popular in Russia. If Stalin purged him shit would go down.

>go to the trial of the man who's trying to modernize the red army
>call him a traitorous retard who thinks that armored vehicles could actually compete with the power of horses

>too weak to serve in the army, gets rejected for being weak
Why lie on the internet?

Hitler started doing meth back in German Workers' Party. It all makes sense now 20 years of meth abuse, he was a victim after all.

Say no to drugs kids or you might become the next fuhrer.

He was rejected at first. Too weak to serve was the reason.

This is actually a really good idea for an anti-drug commercial, its a wonder why nobody has used it yet.

>at first
And that's it. There's an assload of stuff about Hitler, even about his service during WW1, so why post about this?

One commie I like.

>"y-you killed my brother who tried to kill your father reeeeeeeee"
>starts reading edgy anti-capitalist utopian fanfics and thinks it can successfully happen in your unindustrialized country
>such a soyboy he needs german support to gain power in russia
>loses elections to socialist revolutionaries constantly
>peaces out to germans like a good lap dog and spits on graves of millions of russians who lost their lives fighting
>fails to unify all of russia so causes a civil war in his own country which wastes even more russian lives
>kills tsar's family in pure impotent rage even tho they already renounced all claims to throne like 2 years ago
>sells out to wall street banks even more whorishy then Kolchak
>starves people in Volga when they experience famine
>loses a chance of global revolution because he can't beat some stupid polacks
>becomes a potato from a stroke and lets his movements successor become tyrannical dictator even more worse then the last one
>die and your history needs to be rewritten to create cult of personality to hide the reality of your meekness
most overrated beta manlet who ever existed

The true beta numale fags of history are those who nobody remembers. You're next.

Tukhachevsky, the poster boy for having Stockholm syndrome when you're in front of the firing squad.

> mfw the whole Tuchashevsky-gate meme was arranged by this man to get rid of the most capable marshal in the USSR

>tfw we don't live in the timeline where Heydrich survived the assassination attempt, then escaped Germany when the war ended to become a mercenary

>be Stalin
>decide to purge the Judeo-Trotskist from the party and army
>kill all the incompetent marshals and generals that got their positions for licking Trotsky´s/Lenin´s ass
>purge Tuchachevsky because he is rash, bad at maintaining supply lines
>decide to adopt his mechanization plan
>Barbarossa happens
>thousands of vehicles, including tanks wasted
>cavalry saves USSR at Moscow
>people on Tibetan fairy tale board keep calling you best Soviet commander ever 70 years later

*calling Tuchachevsky

And yet he remained tenacious and finally served, earning numerous decorations for bravery and nearly dying during a gas attack. Mock Hitler, hate Hitler, but one thing he wasn't was weak or cowardly.

>cavalry saves USSR at Moscow

USSR was unable to create large motorized/mechanized units so cavalry was the only option

Virgin armored car vs. Chad horse

You forgot he cought syphilis from a prositute.

only for transport tho


you forgot that he was a vegetarian too and loved animals more than people

>wasn't cowardly
>let everyone to die and escaped to South America

>mechanizing theorist who could have helped prep the USSR for shit hitting the fan had to listen to Budyonny unironically expound upon the virtue of calvary and shittiness of armor
I would have replied this must be a fucking dream too
Kafka couldn't have come up with that shit

>implying the virgin Armour can ever compete with the Chad Horse of Socialist Labour

Tuchachevsky´s theories literally caused loss of about 20K tanks in Barbarossa


no they didn't

>Mock Hitler, hate Hitler, but one thing he wasn't was weak or cowardly.

>commits suicide instead of being strong and brave in the face Comrade Stalin's army of rapi- heroes of the Soviet Union.

>Mikhail Tuchachevsky

>can't beat polacks
You can blame Trotsky for that, not Lenin.

I don't understand people who call suicides cowards. You basically have to override the strongest biological instinct you have, self-preservation, in order to suicide. It takes a fuckton of guts to do that, which is why 90% of """suicide attempts""" result in a failure or are just a form of attention whoring.

Budyonny was literally powered by meme magic.

Committing suicide when you know going to die in a few days isn't bravery at all. Hitler was afraid about ending up like Mussolini so he took his own life so and had his body burned to be unidentifiable

Mussolini was hated by a significant portion of his own people, Hitler was not.

