Nova Roma:
>LARPing as a religion
Horribly embarrassing LARPers with an unworkable and incomplete 'religion'.
While the Hellenic faith has the most surviving theological/cosmological material of the traditional European faiths.
It still has far to much missing information to reconstruct a worthwhile religion out of.
If anyone in 'Nova Roma' actually cared about having a workable religion, they would have gone down the route of syncretism and reform.
The fact that they wear roman costumes at their 'ceremonies' should tell you everything right there - they care more about playing pretend then acturally presenting themselves in a manner that would allow people to take their faith seriously (and possibly even consider joining).
I honestly hate them more then the insufferable /pol/-fags that pretend to be Vikings.
I bet they don't even do animal sacrifices.
I'd love to fuck that slut in sandals. Imagine pulling up that "toga" to fuck her in the ass.
Are you a fag?
>Christianity is fading away
>Classic Paganism is returning
What a time to be alive!
is that your pickup line?
What's up with the sudden rise in pagan beliefs?
Edgy atheists larping and kinky sex parties
what is the point of that guy with the armor being there other than to telegram "WE ROMAN NOW"
People are realizing atheism is almost as cancerous as Abrahamic beliefs.
Why does a little bit of dress up like this always result in some neckbeard fedora spewing invectives like this?
take a chill pill bro you are incensed for no reason
so they resurrect ancient cancer for the sake of contrarianism?
t. Kangz
did they really wear those outfits, how many sources is it based on
Nigga what sources lmao WE
He's right though, you're just playing dress up in ancient costume. Actual religions don't have a dress code beyond "dress nicely" and some aren't even that selective.
You're just a bunch of retards taking your fantasy pretend time too seriously
You do realize that most things like this are excuses to have sexual debauchery in masse without treading over state laws regarding indecent exposure or the local cops looking for an easy case to pad their quota?
Scientology is an excuse for upper leadership to get their dick wet while their beta underlings suck the balls of their bullshit.
The phenomenon itself is just having what little personality you actually have that isn't just corporate consumerism you've been fed since birth hidden behind 323,543,665 layers of irony. Actually enjoying anything or daring to do something out of the what you're told to do invokes mockery and derision. How dare they be different!
He's absolutely right when it comes to Nova Roma, however. Nova Roma is literally LARP, and I don't mean that in the edgy fedora tipping EPIC and BASED Eastern Orthodox Crusading Monk DEUS VULT XDDDDD sense, I mean they are completely and utterly engaged in Live Action Role-Play. They're trying to resurrect (Or role-play as) Rome and have a government structure and elect priests and government officials and such, but none of them actually engage in the religious aspects in any serious way. That is to say, they do not believe Jupiter is listening in any way when they pray to him anymore than someone believes Orcus is listening when they pray to him while at a DnD LARP.
It's not, it's always been like this. Asatru has been a popular topic on Veeky Forums for years (since at least 2010). Christianity is dying and Protestantism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Catholicism are just speeding its demise; Islam is laughable garbage; you're not allowed to be a Jew unless you are a Jew; atheism is fine and dandy but empty. It's understandable for people to try and find something else.
If some group actually started to cater to a Hellenic Neopagan revival (Which Nova Roma does not) and took it seriously (Which Nova Roma does not) I could see it taking off like wildfire. It'd be LITERARILY HITLER because ITS THE CURRENT YEAR and White people aren't allowed to have an ethnoreligion but who gives a shit what the media thinks, if you're going to sacrifice chickens to Zeus some nasty harridan on CNN calling you a metaphysical fascism isn't going to phase you.
fuck off idiot
you're just angry europeans are doing something with their time besides watching netflix and doing drugs
you're probably a kike too gas yourself only a kike would spew such vitriol against european people daring to venture outside of the materialist jewish prison you built for them
i hate kikes so god damn much
What do you think the average "Christian" on Veeky Forums have been doing for years?
greeks and romans weren't white
>greeks and romans weren't white
Are you fucking retarded?
>You do realize that most things like this are excuses to have sexual debauchery in masse without treading over state laws regarding indecent exposure or the local cops looking for an easy case to pad their quota?
then they could organize a swinger's party in the privacy of their own homes and get all the fun without any of the pretension or legal dubiousness.
>Scientology is an excuse for upper leadership to get their dick wet while their beta underlings suck the balls of their bullshit.
Scientology is a slush fund selling aspiring young actors and contrarians false hope in order to pad the wallets of management.
brainlet the post
>Why does a little bit of dress up
Because the practitioners of actual religions seldom dress up in such a manner.
Christians for example are more then capable of being Christians without feeling the need to all dress up in Judean clothing from the time of Jesus.
'Pagan' LARPers however seem utterly incapable of restricting themselves to appropriate modern dress.
This is due to them not actually having any sincere belief, the religious aspect is just an accessory to their costumes.
> fedora
I could not imagine an atheist getting so upset over this.
My anger comes from me actually giving a damn about groups like Nova Roma that like to incorporate a pantomime of religious belief into their LARPing.
>White people aren't allowed to have an ethnoreligion
Please do back to /pol/.
By the imperial period, the Hellenic faith was well and truly a universal one.
It was practised in such decidedly non-European places like Nubia, the Levant, Mesopotamia and even far off Parthia and India.
It should also be mentioned that any religious movement in the modern world would have to also be universal in order to enjoy much in the way of success.
Nova Roma is a literal LARPing group.
I fail to see how anything in my post was wrong.
he isnt and they werent
you germanics faggots just want to claim their history but why?
your ancestor raped and destroyed them
Europeans aren't amerimutts, if they are pagans, they are just following the way of their ancestors.
A German, an Anglo, or an American following Nova Roma is LARPIng tho.
>then they could organize a swinger's party in the privacy of their own homes and get all the fun without any of the pretension or legal dubiousness.
In their defense, sex with roleplay can be far more lustful and primal than plain sex. Sex as the free children of the gods or as ritual and custom has a certain appeal (I guess).
>Scientology is a slush fund selling aspiring young actors and contrarians false hope in order to pad the wallets of management.
That's a better summary than mine. Especially when we don't know how many homosexuals might be in upper leadership. Money works equally well for all sorts of orientations.
>It was practised in such decidedly non-European places like Nubia, the Levant, Mesopotamia and even far off Parthia
in the levant was just greeks
but do you have source for nubia, mesopotamia and parthia?
>they are just following the way of their ancestors
but germanics and slavs werent hellenic, they should follow germanic/slavic religion
its funny because they would consider ancient greeks and macedonians sandniggers
What's wrong with dressing differently? Are you that conformist?
Putting on dress costumes for your ritual is the very definition of conformity itself. The fact that you have call someone a conformist just proves that this is nothing more than contrarian, ritualized LARPing.
> if they are pagans
They are not 'pagans', /pol/-tard.
They are literal live action role players that use Hellenic religion as an accessory to their costume time.
Not a single bloody one of them has any degree of sincere belief.
>they are just following the way of their ancestors
Firstly, that is a stretch.
There are plenty of Europeans whose ancestors worshipped phallic wooden statues in the middle of some marsh.
Secondly, any religion worth a shit is a universal one.
What ever the hell their ancestors believed is rather irrelevant as their is not a single traditional European religion that we know enough about to be able to reconstruct with any degree of accuracy.
Like imagine instead of banging a hot chick, she's spread on a stone bed waiting for you to reenact the rape of Persephone while you're cloaked in robes, wearing a crown, and feeling like some dark king about to defile the sweetest creature of light.
As I said, you'd be surprised how more intense sex feels when you have a roleplay you like.
You "Converted" to Eastern Orthodoxy after reading about it on Wikipedia, you're hardly an authority on what is and is not sincere. In fact, given that you don't actually attend church you are quite literally more of a LARPer than the Nova Roma morons.
Pretty pathetic tbqh.
He's referring to Greeks and Romans practicing their ethnoreligion in Mesopotamia and the Levant.
What you be ok with it if they were wearing suits and sunday dresses doing pagan rituals?
>You "Converted" to Eastern Orthodoxy after reading about it on Wikipedia, you're hardly an authority on what is and is not sincere
The fucking hell are you going on about?
I have not been a Galilean my entire adult life, certainly never an Orthodox one to boot.
>He's referring to Greeks and Romans
No, I'm talking about the people of those regions actively practising the Hellenic religion in full or part.
By the imperial period, the Hellenic religion was not tied to ethnicity /pol/-tard.
Hell, fucking emperors like Elagabalus or Philip the Arab were both not ethnic Latins or Greeks, yet they were active participants in the Hellenic faith.
It would certainly be an indication that they take their religion seriously and want to attract new members.
Normies do not convert to religions that feature autistics playing legionary dress up.
>They are literal live action role players that use Hellenic religion as an accessory to their costume time.
Again, Nova Roma isn't Ellenismos
>Not a single bloody one of them has any degree of sincere belief.
Unlike cuckstianity and shitslam paganism requires no faith, paganism is about following your ancestral traditions and ensuring your material wellbeing by pleasing the Gods.
>Secondly, any religion worth a shit is a universal one.
Only low iq subhumans follow cuckstianity or shitslam
>What ever the hell their ancestors believed is rather irrelevant as their is not a single traditional European religion that we know enough about to be able to reconstruct with any degree of accuracy.
t. never read The Archaic Roman Religion by Georges Dumezil
So if join Nova Roma.
Can i own a slave? I want a north germanic blond loli to serve me.
Im very rich so i can be a patrician and laughs at plebs who still don't own a blond loli slave.
>In their defense, sex with roleplay can be far more lustful and primal than plain sex. Sex as the free children of the gods or as ritual and custom has a certain appeal (I guess).
That's all well and good, but the whole point of roleplaying is that you are role"playing" i.e. not trying to pass it off as anything but fancy fucking
>That's a better summary than mine. Especially when we don't know how many homosexuals might be in upper leadership. Money works equally well for all sorts of orientations.
Their religion was literally invented by a hack scribbler who realized that just writing sci fi was never going to make him disgustingly wealthy so he invented a cult based around medical contrarianism and managed to get it a bunch of notoriety by using his ""church""'s money to pamper and recruit celebrities
Romans aka Latins were white you negroid imbecile. Just like modern Italians.
but romans didnt do, they hated germanics pigs
sorry but you wouldnt consider them white
you just want to claim their history
fuck off
I don't give a shit you retard. That dumb nigger dominicunt is trying to steal Italian history.
Romans weren't niggers, they were like Italians, duh.
anyone can paint something you piece of shit germanic
>That dumb nigger dominicunt is trying to steal Italian history.
i think you need to work on your reading comprehesion, germanic.
im just saying they werent pigskinned subhumans with light features, you just want to claim their history because yours is shit
you're a fucking idiot
Kill yourself you obsessed subhuman. Romans = Italians. Italians = Romans.
Now shut your nigger mouth and go back to picking cotton, you dominican subhuman.
germanics painted
you are so mad, you just cant accept that you are a germanic and not latin
Shut the fuck up you absolute fucking retard.
grow up, go back to the north, your subhumans ancestors should have stayed in the north
i wish you get exterminated
I wish you stop being a retarded nigger subhuman, but here we fucking are.
Once again, I'm telling you you useless nigger piece of shit.
Italians = Romans
Romans = Italians
Deal with it, 70IQ monkey.
lol learn to english
i want to dress like a late roman soldier :(
>learn to english
Says a fucking monkey that isn't even able to write on sentence without throwing a fucking tantrum about "MUH GERMANICS".
Get a fucking job you lazy nigger.
but i already have a job, pigskin
pic related, more blonde haired, light eyed romans
>pic related, more blonde haired, light eyed romans
Where the fuck did I say that, you subhuman piece of utter trash?
I simply said that Italians are Romans and no amount of your negroid screeching will change that.
Now shut the fuck up you fucking idiotic piece of garbage.
these are egyptians
lol brainlet, first pic is placidia, she was roman emperor and second pic may be greek or roman
>Where the fuck did I say that, you subhuman piece of utter trash?
there are many italians that have blonde, brown hair with light eyes and pale skin
those are germanic or mixed with germanics, latins were people with dark hair and dark eyes and not pale skin
I wish you got permabanned you nigger fuck
what rules am i breaking?
You're a retarded wewuzzing fuck. Romans weren't black. And you mulatto inbred aren't Latin.
light eyes and pale skin is a trait native to all western to northwestern europeans, including italians.
Germanics get their phenotypes from mixing of bell beaker and corded ware peoples, there is no way of typing "germanic blood" because we europeans are so similar to each other (see PCA plotting of europeans, british, germans, french are all very similar)
Roman era italians would have looked like western indo-euros (bell beakers) mixed with early neolithic hunter gatherer (which is where the mediterreanean phenotype comes from, as it is just a symptom of having a lot of ENF in your genotype.) So they would have looked similar, but there wouldnt be much if any MENA admixture in italy at that time
i want to know, where am i saying that romans were black or mulatto?
im just saying they were dark haire, dark eyed, not pigskin caucasians
>light eyes and pale skin is a trait native to all western to northwestern europeans, including italians.
it isnt, pre germanic iberia and italy didnt have light eyed people
>(see PCA plotting of europeans, british, germans, french are all very similar)
because they are all germanic or in case of france, it has germanic and mixed germanic
there isnt any mosaic like in this one that show blonde haired or light eyed people so that means it didnt exist
No, this is false, europe didnt have light eyes and pale skin prior to the bell beaker/corded ware migration. Germanics are one specific culture which arrised out of intermingling of corded ware, bell beaker, and pre-IE peoples. French, irish, iberian people are unrelated to Germanics.
Here, I will post pictures of light haired romans such as in pic related. The Romans were not an ethnicity, the italic peoples at that time had a wide range of varying phenotypes
Is this enough for you?
These are whores and sons of whores, not Romans.
>French, irish, iberian people are unrelated to Germanics.
not an ethinicty and they got germanic migration so they are fucking related, idiot
i read somewhere that those light people are samartian
No, a lot of these were Pompeii frescoes, and were found in areas not associated with brothels or other places like that. Pic related is what you might be referring to, as she is light haired.
It is also good to note that many of the deities and heroes in the illiad are described as having light hair. Like Golden-Haired Achilles.
Another thing to note is by the later years of the empire, hair dying and wigs became very popular. IIRC Caligula or another emperor was said to sprinkle gold dust in his hair to make it seem blonder. There was also a lot of wigs from hair shorn from Gallic, British, and Germanic slaves. So it was definitely not a thing with whores only.
No, the Seubic, Visigothic, Vandalic, Ostrogothic, and Anglo-Saxon migrations did not leave any sort of long term effect on the gene pools in those specific areas. Most of Germany for example we would consider "non-germanic" if we're talking purely blood
yeah, i remember i read something like that
It's also a good thing to note that many early Roman emperors were described by their own sources as having "sub-flavum" hair. (meaning below blonde) which would basically be dirty blonde / light brown to us. Augustus for example was described by his servants as having sub flavum and grey eyes.
Also, as you can see in pic related, a Roman fresco of Perseus holding up the head of Medua, he is blonde or sub-flavum. So blondism in the Roman empire did not have wholly negative connotations.
>No, the Seubic, Visigothic, Vandalic, Ostrogothic, and Anglo-Saxon migrations did not leave any sort of long term effect on the gene pools in those specific areas
what the fuck are you talking about?
do you think they were 1000-5000 people?
they were more than 20k, they raped, took sex slaves and also brought their germanic wives and children with them and you can see the result today
saying they didnt leave any blood is the most stupid thing ever
Roman fresco depicting Athena
20,000k is little enough to be assimilated into the gene pool
The goddess Hera (according to the description on the cup); tondo of an Attic white-ground kylix from Vulci, c. 470 BC
Stag hunt mosaic
Alexander the Great (left), wearing a kausia and fighting an Asiatic lion with his friend Craterus (detail); late 4th-century BC mosaic from Pella
i said they were more than 20k, took sex slaves and had their own germanic wives, they coqnuered and did everything they want
you people are so pathetic, you just want to believe europe is a race and all that shit
Roman mosaic depicting a feminine personification, from the Boathouse of Psyche in Daphne (suburb of Antioch), beginning of 3rd century AD, Louvre Museum
Well like in the case of Britain, there were 2 million celts and only 17,000~ anglo-saxons, and the british today are only 10 - 20% anglo-saxon
if alexander was blonde then why ancient greeks painted him with dark hair and brown eyes?
At last the beast reveals itself.
>20,000k is little enough to be assimilated into the gene pool
Yes, and besides that, the Germans had a habit of forming confederations with non-Germanics, so by the time they got down to Italy the genetically German part was somewhat diminished.
anglo and saxons werent the only the tribes that moved there
>confederations with non-Germanics
If you need proof
The so-called barbarian migrations that occurred on Italian soil following the fall of the Western Roman Empire have probably not significantly altered the gene pool of the Italian people.[1] These migrations generally consisted of relatively small groups of people that either did not remain on the peninsula or settled in densely populated areas of Italy, therefore becoming genetically diluted and assimilated into the predominant genetic population within a relatively short amount of time.[1] Despite the lengthy Goth and Lombard presence in Italy, the I1 haplogroup associated with the Norsemen is present only among 6-7% of mainland Italians,[24] peaking at 11% in the northeast (20% in Udine[25] and 30% in Stelvio[26]). An average frequency of 5% I1 has been detected in Sicily, 8% in the western part and 2% in the eastern.
This aswell, the Vandals were througly intermixed by the time they reached Africa, many having r1a and most resembling Proto-slavs genetically.
This is not an ancient greek fresco, it is a roman fresco from pompeii, made roughly 200 years after his death iirc. The fresco I posted is the only confirmed art of Alexander from his lifetime.
Someone should start replacing the American imagery in 56% memes and replace it with the Dominican flag and Roman imagery, to be deployed whenever this dumb asshole pollutes a thread about Romans, Greeks, or Ashkenazi Jews.
A Roman fresco depicting Bacchus with red hair, Boscoreale, c. 30 BC
Hades abducting Persephone, fresco in the small royal tomb at Vergina, Macedonia, Greece, c. 340 BC. As you can see, he has red hair.
>Like Golden-Haired Achilles
That's a greek god
>hair dying and wigs became very popular
Among whores (pic related)