Why was nazi Art so shitty and boring to Look at?
Apart from masterfully created movies like triumph of Will and olympia nazi Art seems to be really uninspired and devoid of "artistic will"
Why was nazi Art so shitty and boring to Look at?
Italian art deco and Leni Riefenstahl is pretty much the only fascist art worth mentioning. Not unusual, totalitarian regimens tend to suck at liberal arts.
Metropolis is better than either of those films on a technical level anyway
Same reason Communist art sucks.
It has no free will and it's only purpose is to invoke patriotism.
>why did a totalitarian state that intentionally restricted freedom and liberal thoughts have shit art
Gee it's a mystery
Because Nazis were subhuman larpers
>Hugo Boss
>Arno Breker
wtf are you talking about dude
>hate Slavs with passion
>use Slavic wewuzzing theories
What the fuck was their problem.
Also, wasnt Rosenberg partially Balto-Slavic?
Wait, you think Volkswagens look good?
Is this shit real, lol?
I like how when analyzing art, the pompous idiots of the world boistorously pretend they have an opinion.
Uses a naked man with a sword as an example
>devoid of artistic will
Artistic will does not automatically mean that will has to be disagreeable or raucous. It could just be serene and beatiful.
>>use Slavic wewuzzing theories
Do you mean Blavatska? Can you tell me more about her theories?
>Also, wasnt Rosenberg partially Balto-Slavic?
His father was Latvian Jew and his mother French Jew
>a naked guy with a sword and a silly looking helmet
It's the ultimate larp. It looks fucking awful.
>Do you mean Blavatska? Can you tell me more about her theories?
This will pretty much cover it better than I would.
Germanics were merely aping their betters.
Pretty much ancient aliens nonsense.
Scheibe and Breker were both talented men, whose works have an absolutely distinct look to them. Whether it fits contemporary aesthetic tastes is a different matter, but they most definitely created art that shaped the impression of an era.
I don’t think that’s right, Communist music is unironically the best. For example, here’s the traditional Deutschlandlied:
And here’s the chad Auferstanden aus Ruinen:
>Not the ultra-Chad Rance version of Auferstanden aus Ruinen
The organ adds a lot
That doesn't even make any sense.
lmao why the fuck is Auferstanden aus Ruinen banned in Czechia
What exactly is confusing you so much about Evola?
Evola hated the Italian fascists
It's why he joined the SD
He liked the third Reich much more
race traitor
Maybe, but it shows the graphic is BS
The third Reich got shit done. They got their revenge for the last 20 years.
Italy just died
He didn't like the Third Reich in particular, he liked GERMANS. In fact he mostly loved the intellectuals of Konservative Revolution who were marginalized by nazis. Read "Notes on the Third Reich" which documents his stay in Germany.
>Hugo boss is art
>it's not art because I find it silly
It was a real expression of meaning and what they saw.
>b-but modern art, gotcha bigot
Actually modern art is devoid of meaning
Nazis were obsessed roman larpers who saw themselves as "Germanic version of Roman empire"
They took most of roman symbolism/art and combined it with germanic autism.
They even renamed their capital to "Germania" so their nation would be named after their capital, just like Rome for Imperium Romanum.
Slavs were to be their version of celts who will be "germanized" just like celts were romanized and rest of europe to be their client states.
Little did nazis knew that, you Germanics are genetic failures and are unable to create anything great.
Ach nein!
Artistic will is jewish user!!
that's widely thought to have been a design ripped off from the czechs.
"Germanic" is also literally the most barbaric "autonym" (actualy its more likely exonym until medieval), since it means loud. All tribes name themselves in way like "we" or "people" but Germs rather adopt synonyme to primitive.
At least they had betters worth aping to.
The Germans invented this amazing machine, one of my favourite automobiles and an engineering marvel.
>Arno Breker
tastelet detected. arno breker is absolute trash. the only good nazi artist is wolfgang willrich.
the regime lasted less than 20 years, how was anything particularly stunning going to come out of that? also they had some decent stuff
Why is a scorpion biting that bulls nads
Doesnt he haev enough troubles with the smurf?
>not available
>in Germany
Lmao what is this country
If you take Wagner to represent Nazi music, it was pretty good too.
I think the other user meant totalitarian regimes are generally poor at painting and sculpting.
Both nazis and communists mostly settled for uninspired realism. And while they clearly wanted to add some classical flair to their movements, most human figures they portrayed tended to have a stiff look to them, rather than the natural, organic feel that the old masters created.
The Weimar era was a golden era for German culture and science, an era in which they were at the forefront of the artistic movements of the era. The NSDAP, being fucking cunts, banned a shitload of stuff and most intellectuals and artists left or didn't do shit during those years because who the fuck wants to explain what you meant by x to a brainlet party censor or worse, be persecuted for your works.
hugo boss designing nazi uniforms is a myth that has been debunked on here countless times. stop spreading fake shit
>muh concrete stage
Can you give us some names of the best artists that were persecuted by the Nazis?
>admired secretly
also there were sovjet futurists. mainly poets tho if i don't missremember
Yea but Italians quickly turned on Musso while even non germans fought for the Führer until the very end.
Jose Antonio Primo is the best Fascist writer, while Hitler was its best leader.
As he said "he Italian movement is above all classical; it tends to the classical. It operates subject to a way of thinking, to a framework of the mind. A brain is at work and the result is projected onto a people.
The German case is entirely opposite. It starts from a Romantic faith, from a race's capacity for divination. Hence it is fair to affirm that Hitlerism is a mystical movement, very much tuned to the German psyche. Moreover Germany is not, as believe those fond of broad generalizations, the country of discipline, despite appearing to be so outwardly. The Germans are a very special people. They sing very well together in choral groups, they march to the same martial step; but every movement of indiscipline, of rebellion in the world, reminiscent of Spartacus, originated in Germany"
>bunch of old Prussian gasbags and edgy reactionaries
>make shit art
Who'd've guessed it?