Were there any Polish politicians/generals that wanted to support Czechoslovakia in 1938?
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Well, if Jozef Pilsudski was still alive then, he would probably act differently during the Munich crisis. In 1933 he wanted Polish-Czech-British-French alliance to force Hitler to stop rearming and respect the Versailles treaty, but Rench and Brits didn't care, and president of Czechoslovakia, Masaryk, prevented creation of any Polish-Czech defensive pact, beacuse "muh strong Bohemia need no allies", and even supported Germany in demands of Polish land.
>Masaryk, prevented creation of any Polish-Czech defensive pact, beacuse "muh strong Bohemia need no allies", and even supported Germany in demands of Polish land.
Iam not his big fan since he was a Pseudo-democrat, but this simply wasnt ture.
Why did Pilsudski ordered Latinik to hold the ground and not to withdraw during the Seven-day war? Iam sure that he knew that that region is literally the same thing for Czechoslovakia as was Danzig corridor for Poland.
t makes me sad that Czechs and Poles fought each other instead of destroying Krauts together.
What are your sources about Masaryk?
ironically Šnajdárek got memed as a war criminial and children-eater by Poles even when he said that Seved-days War was the greatest mistake in Czechoslovak history and he called Latinik funny guy when he sent armored cars to kill him after the negotiations.
Edward Beneš, Ignacy Mosćicki and Rydz Smigly were imbeciles. God, I wish to be born in the timeline where Czechs and Poles worked together.
In december 1918 Pilsudski actually sent an official letter to Masaryk asking for negotiations over the region, but Czechs used the occasion that Poles where busy fighting Germans in Greater Poland, Ukrainians in Galicia and invaded Spis and Orawa, letting Pilsudski know that they want to sort it with violence. Later Czechs supported Bolsheviks during their invasion of Poland.
>(Masaryk) not only considered conquest of Warsaw by Bolshevik army as undoubtedly sure, but warned us to not organise military help for Polish cause
"The eighteenth decisive battle of the world: Warsaw, 1920" Edgar Vincent D’Abernon 1920
"Tomasz G. Masaryk" Janusz Gruchała
Also, if you can consider it reliable, Polish wikipedia page gives a lot of info on his relations with II Commonwealth
>Later Czechs supported Bolsheviks during their invasion of Poland.
Dude there were dozens of thousands of Czechoslovak soldiers on Siberia fighting the Bolsheviks by the time Battle of Warsaw was happening.
>In december 1918 Pilsudski actually sent an official letter to Masaryk asking for negotiations over the region
That may be true, but if Pilsudski´s offer did not included giving Czechoslovakia the entire railway, it was simply unacceptable, as i meantioned earlier, it was for Czechoslovakia what was Danzig corridor for Poland, it was the only connection between the Eastern Slovakia and Czech parts of Czechoslovakia.
>The chief importance of Cieszyn Silesia was the rich coal basin around Karviná and the valuable Košice-Bohumín Railway line which linked the Czech lands with Slovakia. Furthermore, in north-western Cieszyn Silesia the railroad junction of Bohumín served as a crossroad for international transport and communications.[5][6]
It's understandable why the Czechs didn't want to give it up.
I forgot to mention that Hungary was the state that wanted to help Poland, but Hungary was the same country that literally invaded Czechoslovkia less than a year ago.
>there were dozens of thousands of Czechoslovak soldiers on Siberia fighting the Bolsheviks
Actually Czechoslovak Legion was originally supposed to evacuate from Vladivostok after Czech-Bolshevik agreement, but everything changed after Chelyabinsk incident. And even after that Czechs sold off Admiral Kolchak and loyalist gold to Reds, and sabotaged retreat of Polish 5th Siberian rifle division in the rear guard, causing many of its members get killed.
>Pilsudski´s offer did not included giving Czechoslovakia the entire railway, it was simply unacceptable
Czechs could'd point out the importance of the railway for them during proposed negotiations, yet they decided to go easy way and violate temporary border division.
>Hungary was the state that wanted to help Poland, but Hungary was the same country that literally invaded Czechoslovkia less than a year ago
So what? You written before that Czechs fought Bolsheviks too, snd yet they gave them their blessing on spreading communism to central Europe.
After they annexed zaolzie during the pol-rus war and the sneaky way they did it there was little sympathy for them.
>After they annexed zaolzie during the pol-rus war
Why do Poles have such a trouble checking chronology of these events?
>Actually Czechoslovak Legion was originally supposed to evacuate from Vladivostok after Czech-Bolshevik agreement, but everything changed after Chelyabinsk incident.
This is true, but not wanting to do thing that looks liek a suicide mission is obvious solution.
>And even after that Czechs sold off Admiral Kolchak and loyalist gold to Reds
Esers werent Reds and Kolchak was weak dictator that got controlled by his corrupt officers.
>and sabotaged retreat of Polish 5th Siberian rifle division in the rear guard, causing many of its members get killed.
That wasnt nice, but i doupt it would have happened without Seven-days war.
>Czechs could'd point out the importance of the railway for them during proposed negotiations, yet they decided to go easy way and violate temporary border division.
Yes, they did because it was the only railway that connected Eastern Slovakia with rest of Czechoslovkia.
>So what? You written before that Czechs fought Bolsheviks too, snd yet they gave them their blessing on spreading communism to central Europe.
Hungarians invaded Czechoslovakia while they were Bolsheviks as well, i dont know how about you, but i wont realy allow guy that attacked my country several months ago in the name of Hungarian nationalism and Bolshevism to enter my country just because he abandoned the Bolshevik part.
>Esers werent Reds
"Socialist Revolutionary Party" sounds pretty reddish
>Kolchak was weak dictator that got controlled by his corrupt officers.
So handing him out to leftists was a movement supporting the Whites cause?
>That wasnt nice, but i doupt it would have happened without Seven-days war.
Dude! Let's make soldiers who are protecting our retreat freeze to death, get executed by Bolsheviks, die out of overwork in Red gulags, and make rest that with a miracle escape through China make valid arguments for 1938 intervention! And all of that just because our two countries are arguing for a strip of railway thousands of miles further, lmao!
>Yes, they did because it was the only railway that connected Eastern Slovakia with rest of Czechoslovakia.
The side that raises weapon first is usually the one in the wrong, but my point is that Pilsudski wanted to talk out a solution that would satisfy both sides. Czechs didn't reckon with opinions of anyone
>i wont realy allow guy that attacked my country
Apologies if I'm mistaken, because I'm not an expert on Czech-Hungarian relations, but didn't it all started when Czechoslovaks joined the Trianon aggression on Hungary?
And it's not like Czechs stopped only Hungarian soldiers. They refused to let through Hungarian weapon supplies and Franco-British military mission.
>So handing him out to leftists was a movement supporting the Whites cause?
It would be if he was taken out before he got to power.
>Let's make soldiers who are protecting our retreat freeze to death
They didn't meant to, the weather-control device was just in experimental phase. Memes aside, what are you talking about?
>Pilsudski wanted to talk out a solution that would satisfy both sides
Both sides of his assholes? I don't see any compromise from him, only disrespect of the established treaty.
>Czechoslovaks joined the Trianon aggression on Hungary?
"Trianon aggression"? Don't make me laugh.
>And it's not like Czechs stopped only Hungarian soldiers.
Well, yeah it is. Whole Corps actually. Military equipment alone got to Poland.
>Franco-British military mission.
Why would Franco-British mission need access through Czrchoslovakia?
>"Socialist Revolutionary Party" sounds pretty reddish
This is a new level of a horseshoe theory, the most popular anti-bolshevik party in Russia was actualy pro-bolshevik
>So handing him out to leftists was a movement supporting the Whites cause?
Yes, because that leftist movement had popular support by not razing entire villages to ground and murdering its entire population.
>Dude! Let's make soldiers who are protecting our retreat freeze to death, get executed by Bolsheviks, die out of overwork in Red gulags, and make rest that with a miracle escape through China make valid arguments for 1938 intervention! And all of that just because our two countries are arguing for a strip of railway thousands of miles further, lmao!
reason why did a conflict started is irrelevant, those countries were at war, and i said it wasnt a good thing.
>The side that raises weapon first is usually the one in the wrong, but my point is that Pilsudski wanted to talk out a solution that would satisfy both sides. Czechs didn't reckon with opinions of anyone
There was no other option except for taking the entire railway, Poles were against this all the time.
>but didn't it all started when Czechoslovaks joined the Trianon aggression on Hungary?
No, at the beggining of the war, Hungarians controlled about half of the Slovakia, including huge territory without any Hungarian population.
>They refused to let through Hungarian weapon supplies and Franco-British military mission.
If it realy happened, it was a bad thing.
>It would be if he was taken out before he got to power.
If - but by then Czechs had no reason to betray their commander besides getting a free pass from esers.
>Memes aside, what are you talking about?
Polish 5th division had been ordered to cover Whites retreat, including the Czechoslovak legion. Czechs destroyed railways behind their trains to make Polish evacuation harder, and it indeed made Polish divison get surrounded by Bolsheviks.
>I don't see any compromise from him, only disrespect of the established treaty.
It's not him who gathered forces to take whole Tesin Silesia. He clearly sent a letter to Masaryk to let him know that he is ready to listen to his demands, because he has no time for his bullshit.
>"Trianon aggression"? Don't make me laugh.
Partition of an innocent country by other powers is kind of aggressive. Unless you think Munich treaty was a peaceful event.
>Military equipment alone got to Poland.
Through Romania. In 1920 Masaryk preached how Poland will fail to defend Europe from Bolshevism and how we should all start licking Lenin's nuts. Too bad he was ready to try proving his claim.
>Why would Franco-British mission need access through Czrchoslovakia?
They didn't,just thought Czechs would show more interest in preventing central Europe to fall to communism.
>This is a new level of a horseshoe theory, the most popular anti-bolshevik party in Russia was actualy pro-bolshevik
By "reddish" I meant "close in ideology to Bolsheviks", not "Bolshevik" or "Allied to Bolsheviks".
>Yes, because that leftist movement had popular support by not razing entire villages to ground and murdering its entire population.
Kolchak wasn't capable of doing such things in december 1920. He resigned, and was on his way out of Russia. The reasons why Czechs betrayed him I told above.
>those countries were at war
On Siberia? Both Polish and Czech soldiers there represented Alllied/White cause.
>central/eastern European countries fighting in a bunch of petty wars instead of cooperating and falling to Russo-German imperialism and Anglo-French perfidiousity by 1940
posting this here instead of one of those shitty 'events in history you take personal offense to even though you have little real stake in their decades-old outcome'
They formalised the annexation by blackmail - blocking ammo transports from reaching the war effort. Same way germans behaved during that time.
>their commander
Their commander was Geidl, Kolchak was a corpse, highly disliked one on top of that.
>Czechs destroyed railways behind their trains to make Polish evacuation harder
> He clearly sent a letter to Masaryk to let him know that he is ready to listen to his demands
Too bad these were only words, meanwhile deed-wise he started recruiting soldiers from neutral areas. A clear breech of agreement.
>Partition of an innocent country by other powers is kind of aggressive.
Hungarian Soviet Republic was hardly an "innocent country", neither it had rights to Slovakia.
>poles want Russia destroyed
>poles support the white army
I guess I know which army was on Russia's side during the Russian civil war.
>By "reddish" I meant "close in ideology to Bolsheviks", not "Bolshevik" or "Allied to Bolsheviks".
So if there are lets say communists and social democrats fighting or something in 1920´s, you support communists by siding with socdems?