>that time the USA, North Korea, China, and Iran allied each other against the USSR, France and the UK
That time the USA, North Korea, China, and Iran allied each other against the USSR, France and the UK
Other urls found in this thread:
>CIA vs US government
Kek I love how the US just plays both sides.
>US and China are allied to Iran who's fighting Iraq who's allied with US and China
May I ask for a context or explanation to why US and China are on both sides
Belligerents thread?
"""""""""""allied together"""""""""""""
When will the naive amerimutts go to sleep
>plays both sides
USA is the one that's got played by Iran. It was forced to support them secretly.
All the more reasons why Kim should hurry up the nuclear program and fire nukes at the US.
They provided weapons for both sides before the conflict started.
what 4D chess was the US playing here
Why is it weird?
This was already way fucking past the Sino-Soviet Split. Chinks were fond of the idea of fucking up USSR interests abroad.
Choose the same side that China is allying with and hope for the best
>record scratch freeze frame
Yep that's me
We're the rhodies and the noses friends? I've heard from different sources that say the noses helped screw the rhodies and others say the Israelis were one of the rhodies few friends
Pariah states stick together. See Israel and South Africa
China sold weapons to both sides while America officially supported Iraq but illegally sold weapons to Iran to secure the release of the embassy hostages
Paper tiger.
Iraq din't even deserve it. What a fucking sham
>paper tiger
This isn't even my final form.
It's better to be Iraq than America's little bitch under "coalition forces" section
I suppose you want to live here then.
Using a current conflict is cheating
>that time merchants, vikings and crusaders allied each other
Yes. Let's see:
>Chink air force is unproven
>Doesn't even have a fucking blue water navy
Will always be stuck as only a regional power, you stupid mongoloid.
>Every single side has a radical faction either as support or a primary player
Whoever wins the Middle East loses.
I'm honestly more surprised by Almoravids allied with Fatimids.
>diaries of an amerimutt
Planner as early as 1996, hence why Israel was not involved
>A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (commonly known as the "Clean Break" report) is a policy document that was prepared in 1996 by a study group led by Richard Perle for Benjamin Netanyahu, the then Prime Minister of Israel.[1] The report explained a new approach to solving Israel's security problems in the Middle East with an emphasis on "Western values." It has since been criticized for advocating an aggressive new policy including the removal of Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and the containment of Syria by engaging in proxy warfare and highlighting its possession of "weapons of mass destruction".
>Richard Norman Perle (born September 16, 1941) is an American political advisor, consultant, and lobbyist who began his career in government as a senior staff member to Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson on the Senate Armed Services Committee in the 1970s.[2] Later he was heavily involved with the Reagan administration and served as an assistant Secretary of Defense and also worked on the Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee from 1987 to 2004. He was Chairman of the Board in 2001 under the Bush Administration but eventually resigned in 2003 due to """"""conflict of interests"""""".
It hurts the /pol/tard’s brain to think about Israel supporting Rhodesia, apartheid-era South Africa, Biafra, and Portugal during their wars with their colonies, so they don’t even acknowledge it. Same thing with Allende hating Jews and Pinochet being a big supporter of Israel.
Israel's support of Israel was nominal and only due to shared nuclear weapons development.
Rhodesia was due to a large number of Jews being in Rhodesia and the agricultural goods they recieved from it.
Biafra was a break-away republic and a possible source of oil for Israel, none of these are evidence of the point you're attempting to make corellating white nationalism or nationalism in general with Israel.
Likewise the Jews in South Africa are exactly what killed it's white powerbase and turned it into the increasingly black dominated nation.
>Lazar Sidelsky, the South African-born son of refugees from Lithuania, grew up in the Transvaal highlands and paid his way through Wits by playing violin in a jazz band called Skoenie and his Connecticut Yankees. By the early 1940s, he was partner in one of Johannesburg’s biggest law firms, where he ran a program helping black South Africans get mortgages. One day in 1942, an ANC member named Walter Sisulu brought in Nelson Mandela, then 24, whom Sidelsky hired as an articled clerk, enabling Mandela to qualify as an attorney—a radical move for an established firm at the time. “It was a Jewish firm,” Mandela later wrote in his memoir, Long Walk to Freedom, “and in my experience I have found Jews to be more broad-minded than most whites on issues of race and politics, perhaps because they themselves have historically been victims of prejudice.” Mandela worked at Sidelsky’s firm while earning a B.A. by mail order and later while studying law at Wits. In 1952, Sidelsky loaned Mandela seed money to start South Africa’s first black law practice
*Israel's support of South Africa
>Nat Bregman, a cousin of Lazar Sidelsky, became a clerk at Sidelsky’s firm the year before Mandela joined. The building had segregated elevators, but Bregman, a member of the Communist Party, rode with Mandela on the one reserved for blacks. In his memoir, Mandela describes Bregman—“Natie”—as his first white friend. Bregman schlepped his skeptical friend to Communist get-togethers in the early years of their friendship—gatherings populated almost entirely by blacks and Jews—but while Mandela was impressed by the “lively and gregarious group of people who did not seem to pay attention to color at all,” he later wrote that he was put off by the Party’s “antipathy to religion” and emphasis on class rather than race.
>Arthur Goldreich was born in 1929 to a family proud to belong to the Anglo-Jewish elite. At the school he attended in the northern Transvaal province, a German-language instructor once passed out Hitler Youth magazines, prompting young Arthur to write to Prime Minister Jan Smuts asking permission to be taught Hebrew instead—a wish Smuts granted. Goldreich began studying architecture, but in May 1948—the same month the National Party won parliamentary elections, commencing the era of official apartheid in South Africa—he sailed to Israel on a small boat to join the Palmach (shock troops of the Haganah known for their brutality). In 1954, he returned to South Africa...Goldreich’s Gatsby-like persona allowed him to travel the world raising money for the ANC and provided the perfect cover for purchasing a farm outside Johannesburg from which the ANC’s militia wing, the Umkhonto we Sizwe—translated as “Spear of the Nation”—could plan and execute a campaign of violence against the state. Mandela moved to the farm, called Liliesleaf, in 1961, disguising himself as a gardener.
based sweden
And Taiwan. It's probably the least likely trio you'd expect.
>I am literally a retarded sub-human third worlder who thinks my opinion is worth anything
I’m not trying to claim that Israel or the Jews are white nationalist. I’m pointing out that Israel supported African regimes that had a white or Christian government, in opposition to most of the white, Christian world.
What I find unusual is that you are trying to make some point about the foreign policy of the state of Israel by pointing out the actions of a few individual Jews as though they represent all Jews.
Republican Guard ""tanker"" spotted
>even czechoslovkia, who was having identity issues and was going to split up soon got in on the fun
>I’m pointing out that Israel supported African regimes that had a white or Christian government, in opposition to most of the white, Christian world.
No, you're trying to correlate Israel and White nationalism when your examples of "support" were merely nominal and only due to mutual benefit.
I find it unusual that you vehemently defend Israel and are trying to cultivate this false image despite the obvious falseness of it.
>Fire nukes at the US
Why in the everloving fuck would he do that? I get that you don't like us but Kim's not retarded. He wants the nukes to prevent an intervention, keep his regime stable, and gain a bargaining chip in international negotiations. Launching a nuke at us would be paramount to signing his own death sentence.
>examples of "support" were merely nominal and only due to mutual benefit.
>Israel assists SA with their nuclear weapons program
Also, since when were Rhodesia and Portugal white nationalist?
Rhodesia was most certainly a white nationalist state.
Yes, nominal and only for mutual benefit my jewish friend.
1,000,000 million Iraqis have died during and post the invasion.
I'm going to give you two guesses on which invasion this was user.
You don't realise I'm being ironic? Obviously every amerimutt and their mother are convinced that kim is out to nuke them someday but any person with 30+ IQ realises that's a scenario that will never, ever happen
>I was only PRETENDING to be retarded
Quality post
ameriga dindu nuffin saddam had wmds
isis is a good thing stop shitting on my international policy reddit /pol/ is based they know im in the right
Bigger the whole reason we invaded was because they attacked Kuwait. Are you retarded? Oh wait, thats redundant.
ISIS is a good thing because its killing europe :^)
>you were my brother germany, i loved you
How can you even tell, the 2003 invasion was just the same.
Yeah man, totally the same as the UN coalition from the first gulf war.
>Obviously every amerimutt
Well obviously not this guy, and everyone who doesn't buy into the mass-fear hype going around.
>Was just the same
And we're the retarded ones?
wtf I hate Ethiopia now?
I miss when we had balls to stand upp against the eternal Burger
>fight proxy war on America/Arab's behalf
>take on massive loans to finance war, while also bankrupting your country
>war's finished, economy in ruins, Arabs breathing down your throat
>ask for some loan forgiveness, or at least delayed payments
>Int'l community tells you to fuck off
>find Kuwait slant drilling into your oil fields, complain to Int'l community, who tells you to fuck off again
Its a pity Saddam didn't have WMDs in 2003, he should have gone full Clark in B5.
Reported for being underaged (having a reaction to that, not knowing about it for years). I know announcing reports is against the rules but people won't realize you're underaged.
wtf is the deal with Bulgaria?
>The Italians later attributed most of the relative success achieved by the Ethiopians to foreigners or ferenghi
trust no one-not-even-yourself.jpg
Good goyim
Based Chinks and muricans, Always looking out for their profit
If US is fucked then you're next Kraut
when the fuck was this?
we literally sold them tanks and BMP's right up to the 1st Gulf War and we sure as fuck didn't participate in that one
accurate representation
>The Nayirah testimony was a false testimony given before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus on October 10, 1990 by a 15-year-old girl who provided only her first name, Nayirah. The testimony was widely publicized, and was cited numerous times by United States senators and President George H. W. Bush in their rationale to back Kuwait in the Gulf War. In 1992, it was revealed that Nayirah's last name was al-Ṣabaḥ (Arabic: نيره الصباح) and that she was the daughter of Saud Al-Sabah, the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States. Furthermore, it was revealed that her testimony was organized as part of the Citizens for a Free Kuwait public relations campaign which was run by an American public relations firm Hill & Knowlton for the Kuwaiti government. Following this, al-Sabah's testimony has come to be regarded as a classic example of modern atrocity propaganda.[1][2]
>In her emotional testimony, Nayirah stated that after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait she had witnessed Iraqi soldiers take babies out of incubators in a Kuwaiti hospital, take the incubators, and leave the babies to die.
>Her story was initially corroborated by Amnesty International[3] and testimony from evacuees. Following the liberation of Kuwait, reporters were given access to the country. An ABC report found that "patients, including premature babies, did die, when many of Kuwait's nurses and doctors... fled" but Iraqi troops "almost certainly had not stolen hospital incubators and left hundreds of Kuwaiti babies to die."[4][5] Amnesty International reacted by issuing a correction, with executive director John Healey subsequently accusing the Bush administration of "opportunistic manipulation of the international human rights movement".
Where aer you?
>iraqi holocaust at Kuwait
>iraqis have WMDs
>bashar's holocaust
>kim jong will nuke us
Why are ameritards literal toys?
One of my favorites
My brain just exploded.
Wtf Hitler
amerilard genocide fucking when
>hundreds of thousands of Americans die every year due to easily preventable causes
Already happening bro.
>Free Syrian army is outed as radicals so we're expected to ignore the period of time they were the "moderate opposition" we were giving "non military aid" to
Fuck Obama and his memory hole bullshit
>Italy betrayed the Austrofascists to side with retarded Nazis
It hurts every day
what a cluster fuck
Literally all of those are Jewish lies that America buys.
I like how you cropped out the rest.
Jews were always deeply involved in British imperialism in Africa. Who the hell do you think owns all those diamond mines?
Every vile thing Britain has ever done, those chicken pricks have been right there with us, giggling away like the little shits they are, taking none of the blame because everyone is so blinded by Holocaust fairies that they forget the UK was Europe's least antisemitic state in the 19th century - at least if you had cash, which in any case was the sort of antisemitism Jews to this day practice among themselves.
You invent a straw Nazi and then bat at it with your vestigial little arms.
Italy = Mutt state founded on Jacobinism
Ethiopia = Amharic master race herds retrad subhumongs
>Ansar al Islam allied with Baathist Iraq
Based Saddam!
>Jews were always deeply involved in British imperialism in Africa.
And the Middle East
>How do you do fellow Englishmen, we should totally take a massive loan from Lord Rothschild and build a canal near the Holy L, er north of Egypt and expand the empire there.
Nothing will be as grand as the League of Cambrai
Switching sides is the nature of Italians seemingly
>spain just falls out of the war for a while before coming back on the opposite side
This is amazing.
but the french built that canal, the english just stole it (like they do with everything)
And the French bitched and bitched and bitched about it. Like you do with everything.
>jewish lies that "amerca" buys
america created most of those lies (with the help of israel, ofcourse). they're only flying because amerilard people are retarded and low-IQ enough to buy them.