>first written language Semites >first democracy South Europeans >first circumnavigation of the globe South Europeans >first to settle all continents South Europeans >first man in space Eastern Europeans >first woman in space Eastern Europeans >largest empire Asians >eradication of smallpox Eastern Europeans >largest population in one country Asians >largest proportion of humanity in one country Semites >first world currency South Europeans
Why do West and North Europeans get the praise again?
Face it. Meds and Slavs are the most powerful races in the world.
Also, both Slavs and Meds are hated by Germanic cucks for being nonwhite.
Pic rel, Classical phenotype often found on Roman and Greek marble. Nothing to do with "Nordics"
Jackson Brown
because West/North Europeans perfected the use of financial instruments to make more money from money you can thank them for high capitalism, modern banking, stock trading, etc.
Nicholas Anderson
Brits are as Nordic as French or Polacks.
Nicholas Taylor
Why is everyone on this website a racist retard? Go outside and talk to real people and you'll realize how skewed your perspective is.
Benjamin Rivera
t. Nordicist retard
Andrew Jones
oh yea???? well guess what. YOU are a C*CK! haha! AND you're a SOYBOY! BOOM! you just got served! delete your account and go back to....reddit! oh and I almost forgot...the JEWS!
Adam Hall
(((Western Europeans))) Finance capitalism is literally economic judaism.
Charles Miller
>first written language >Semites You're forgetting Sumerian. >first democracy >South Europeans Depends what you mean by democracy. Modern democracy is largely derived from Anglos. >largest empire >Asians Maybe if you consider the British to be a lost tribe of Israel or something. >eradication of smallpox >Eastern Europeans Edward Jenner was an Anglo. >largest proportion of humanity in one country >Semites ?
Charles Stewart
How is he a N*rdicist? I'm southern European but all white people I know never call me anything other than white. They just see me as tanned and never discuss racial autism. He's absolutely right, /pol/ isn't the real world and neither is wewuzing about Rome and Greece or LARPing as Vikangz. Everyone just assumes that I look just like my ancestors. Only retarded Amerimutt shits wewuz about their 1/165th Cherokee and slit dicks or their ancient Egyptian black population that moved directly from egypt to america.
Owen Gutierrez
>Modern democracy is largely derived from Anglos. Poland-Lithuania likes to speak with you.
Brandon Jones
>replying to autistic *nglo
Robert Hughes
">largest empire Asians"
Hold the fuck up.
David Nguyen
Most modern, successful democracies are a direct product of the British tradition.
Cameron Allen
>firsts matter for things today The real reason to shit on NW euros is how gay they are.
Landon Cox
Will you stfu and pay your tv license already?
Landon Green
Christian King
This thread is fucking bollock lies Sumerians were Polish Ancient Chinese were Polish Jesus was Polish.
Juan Jackson
Samuel Taylor
What am I looking at
Leo Reed
Adam and Ewa were Polish, the snake was German.
Jose Davis
hit the weighs, take a shower, get a clue
Sebastian Hill
But... I already do? Why does my post indicate that I needed this? I was merely stating that the autism going on about identifying race and history isn't parallel to reality. I don't need to wewuz to be accepted in public.
Jason Foster
what did he mean by this
Bentley Barnes
>Also, both Slavs and Meds are hated by Germanic cucks for being nonwhite. White as a general category is an amerigoblin invention.
Andrew Bell
Juliusz Cezary and Aleksanski Wielki were proud Poles.
Aaron Bailey
it was literally invented by euros in the world you tard
Adrian Ward
new world**
Liam Baker
No it fucking wasn't. It was invented by amerisharts to distinguish their hopelessly indistinguishable mutt race for crime statistics they can post on fox news.
Mason Ramirez
Checked and lmao.
Adrian Lopez
they literally think that they are supperior because they look like a tall blonde Jews
Luis Butler
Amerishtarts are offspring of West Euros. Anglos and Germans.
Anthony Johnson
Levi Peterson
>muh ancestors Americ*nts have devolved into their own alien race.
Adrian Green
>Meds and Slavs are the most powerful races in the world. >Slavs Post the D&C m*Doid shill trying to divide the NORDIC race once more so that they wouldn't genocide impostor m*Doids stealing Indo-European civilizations from their rightful heirs >>first democracy created by NORDIC Indo-Europeans >>first to settle all continents accomplished by a civilization founded by NORDICS >>first man in space Eastern Europeans are genetically predominantly Indo-European, therefore NORDIC >>largest empire NORDIC Englishmen >>eradication of smallpox NORDIC Indo-Europeans >>first world currency NORDIC Indo-Europeans
Jacob Lewis
>Post *spot
Benjamin Watson
Shut the fuck up you imbecile. You didn't respond to me in the previous thread.
Not an argument. You Polacks were German slaves for centuries, not even considered human, let alone white and now you suck their dick, trying to prove all civilizations were made by Germans.
Exactly and they still use that term, as if all Indo-Europeans in Europe were speaking a Germanic dialect.
That's just sick. But that's your brain on Nordicism.
I will copy that for you, so you can suck German dick even more, you patethic Polshit nigger.
I don't have anything against Polacks, but you're simply the worst trash of them, the same as sits in UK.
Brody Edwards
>first use of mud huts Africans
Michael Brooks
Not once did I say the original Indo-Europeans were German, m*Doid.
Jacob Lopez
>mfw indo-european rape babies claim to be the inheritors of Europe >mfw I will remind them of the Basque today
Evan Morris
MUH NORDIK MASTERRACE >invents a cheese slicer Good job, you cretin.
Levi Barnes
>>first written language Sumerians weren't Semitic though
David Thomas
Not an argument, m*Doid Archaeogenetics have proven that the original Indo-Europeans were in fact NORDIC
Jaxon Jenkins
>Archaeogenetics have proven that the original Indo-Europeans were in fact NORDIC In your dreams, you dumb German dick-sucking nigger.
Romans were Meds, Corded Ware were Slavs. Deal with it, rapebaby.
Nathan Stewart
>m*Doid Even this you stole from KARA BOĞA. Prepare your wife for me, wh*Te dog.
Landon Bell
g*d I want to destroy n*Rdoid subhumans with my Medoid brothers
day of reckoning soon, my southern brothers
Jordan Wood
>Romans were Meds Wrong, they were Indo-European and therefore NORDIC >Corded Ware were Slavs They were Indo-European NORDICS
Oliver Fisher
I don't give a shit about your fantasies, you german dick-sucking cuckoloid.
Connor Cruz
Reminder that even the Turkic founding population consisted of NORDIC Indo-Europeans Ashina clan was NORDIC R1a1a1 Xiongnu elite was R1a1a1 Ottoman dynasty was R1a1a1
Not an argument, m*Doid Slavs too are part of the NORDIC Indo-European race, some more so than others Pic related, a Corded Nordid Russian descended from Indo-Europeans
Tyler Reyes
That's a Slav and Corded Ware were archBaltoSlavs. Nothing Nordic about it you snownigger. Stop stealing Slavic history.
Nicholas Fisher
Not an argument wh*Toid submutt dog. Now stop stealing Blacktürk memes and ULAN to KARA BOĞA.
David Hall
>That's a Slav Read my post again carefully, m*Doid Genetic evidence supports my claims, NORDIC Indo-Europeans created Xiongnu and were a founding component among Göktürks and Xiongnu
Luis Fisher
I would fucking punch holes in subhumanoid wh*Te n*Rdoid brains
how dare they steal balto-slavic and med. civilizations
you deserve nothing but absolute destruction, subhumans
slavs aren't n*Rdoid you motherfucker, Slavs are glorious Slavs that raped the shit out of proto Norwegians, proto sw*Doids and Danish subhumans
we're Slava steppe warriors and we're coming for you n*Rdoid
Jonathan Thomas
>democracy >achievement
Jose Gomez
>Corded Ware >Slavic Poor bait but I'll bite, the founding Slavic population was a mix of R1a and I2a (unlike CW) and so its phenotypic components also stemmed from these founder populations, prior to mixing with the huntergatherer population that gave Slavs their I2 they looked somewhat like this
Liam Adams
Not an argument wh*Toid submutt cumskin dog. You better pray to KARA BOĞA if you want to be safe from BLACK BULL TÖRKMEN OTTOBLACKS that will steamroll your wh*Te piggypussy from AFRICA
Josiah Cox
>muh l2 XDDD Not evn Slavic or Baltic
don't speak to me you n*Rdoid subhuman, I will cave your fucking skull in
Corded Ware were glorious Satem speakers of Proto Balto-Slavic language and no amount of g*Rmanoid shilling will change that
accept your faith, you n*Rdic subhuman and kneel before you R1a master
Kevin Robinson
also you dumb cr*cka motherfucker
pre-IE Poland was mostly l1, so your argument is once again wrong
mfw I will slaugther fucking n*Rdoid cuckold scum
Thomas Anderson
Except you got it all wrong, buddy. >>first written language >Semites Ecuadorians >>first democracy >South Europeans Ecuadorians >>first circumnavigation of the globe >South Europeans Ecuadorians >>first to settle all continents >South Europeans Ecuadorians >>first man in space >Eastern Europeans Ecuadorians >>first woman in space >Eastern Europeans Ecuadorians >>largest empire >Asians Ecuadorian Empire >>eradication of smallpox >Eastern Europeans Ecuadorians >>largest population in one country >Asians Ecuadorians >>largest proportion of humanity in one country >Semites Ecuadorians >>first world currency >South Europeans Ecuadorians
Fucking peruvian revisionist
Camden Williams
>Not even Slavic Every Slavic population has I2, usually to a very significant degree I1 was practically nonexistent in Europe prior to the Nordic Bronze Age, shush now m*Doid with your thinly veiled D&C tactics against the NORDIC Indo-European race
Tyler Wright
I1 is NW European
Gavin Miller
I already told you to not speak to me you n*Roid subhuman
Balts and Slavs are the most powerful race in the world, second only to based Meds
shut the fuck up or else i'll bas your fucking head in
Alexander Gray
>I1 is NW European
Nope it's I2 and they were slaughtered in France and Britain too
I1 in NW Europe is from later g*rm/n*rd immigration
Benjamin Martinez
I'm an I1 Finn and I don't want my haplogroup randomly associated with Poland and Poles. Don't spew lies and we're good.
Michael Brooks
You're a dumb motherfucker and it was always clear to me. l1 was the haplogroup of Globular Amphora. It has nothing to do with West Europe besides the fact that a l1 male dominated and bred a lot in Scandi countries.
Jacob Jackson
We Britons are not Nordic, thank you
Brandon Bell
You're a retarded motherfucker
David Taylor
>I1 in GAC
GAC was I2 like Slavs. Funny joke though.
Cooper Lewis
It had nothing to do with Slavs. GA was a lot different than Yamna. Stop posting lies you finnic mongoloid pale nigger.
Oliver Ortiz
>based Meds fuck off m*Doid Your subhuman kind will never be able to compete with the NORDIC Indo-European race You’ll pay for your appropriation of ancient NORDIC Indo-European civilizations
Joseph Davis
The ones who have predominantly Indo-European blood most definitely are NORDIC
Austin James
Oh fuck off already you fifth column ape.
Adrian Thomas
I know for a fact that GAC was I2. I don't give a fuck if Slavs I2 comes from them or not, just stop lying about I1 there.
Everyone from pastaniggers to polacks wants to claim I1 these days. Must be all the success breeding jealousy.
Aaron Walker
we don't though
Daniel Williams
Yes, you're right. I made a mistake. GAC was mostly l2. I meant that two the most "Polish" haplogroups were Vistulan l1.
Doesn't change the fact that GAC was different than Yamna and that this Nordicist retard has to be put down like a sick dog.
Jace Jones
This one Polish guy fighting his other personality
Austin Reed
You're even dumber that the polish autist
You've been corrected liked 1,000 times, the first written language was Sumerian which isn't Semitic.
Sebastian Jackson
That varies by area
Robert Young
t. polish autist
Gabriel Jackson
>fifth column m*Doids are the enemy, not my fellow Indo-European NORDICS
Dominic Rogers
Then tell that to all Poles that suffered at the hand of Germans and Swedes. Or maybe at Danish one that supported Teutonic Order.
You're a fucking retard that doesn't know history of his country. You suck dick of "people" like Kossinna to rob your own people even further.
Stupid fifth column monkey. You will hang one day.
Gavin Reed
Incas were superior to europeans though. Mono estúpido.
Anthony Robinson
>perro incaca
Evan Hernandez
>implying capitalism is any good
Matthew Edwards
dumb anime shit
Blake Howard
>largest empire >Asians
This triggered me everytime
Jacob Morris
t. """"""Anglo""""""-"""""""'Saxon"""""""
Chase Nguyen
Jesus christ so many literal autists like OP on this board. How fucking emberassing
This place needs to be deleted
Jacob Cruz
So many jews in this thread
Michael Scott
t. butthurt 1/64 german
Matthew Reyes
Leo White
that doesn't take count of the racial background of the people that discovered them
William Anderson
>not a single non-white country Why are Europeans so superior in every field?
Nathaniel Cooper
>Russia >Spain >Italy >Romania
Dylan Morris
Only Anglos are white.
Asher Barnes
Anglos are hapa. Exactly.
Caleb Fisher
What other races are there? I think there was one (1) lone Nip that discovered some element, but that's it.