And there it is, what ive been waiting up all night for, fuck didnt think it would dip much. luckily i stayed up and bought the last bit of link ill own... thats for me gents ill be waiting on the other side. peace out
it's over. pack it up, boys. we have fallen below ICO price.
Not low enough
I'm waiting for 0.00125ETH
Fucking retard. Lol
ive made that mistake before and missed it by like an hour.. not doing that again this time... i know it could go tad lower but im happy with 0.00135 eth. i think thats a cheap price at this point.
Take a look at the addresses, whales are moving in already
I bought this in hope it kills that piece of shit xrp
Nah, i think i'll be alright
This is gonna be an epic dump.
just picked up 3000 links at 0.00137 ETH. Feels good man
Probably, lol but im scared i to miss it. feel much better now that i got back in... was getting nervous id miss the turn. i increased my holding a shit load already anyway
I really hope so i need to buy more.
yeh i got 0.00135 just before it went up to 0.00137 that bottom wick was me haha then the buyers got a bit aggressive after that
I think you got no more than 02c to go bud, it will hit 40c as support careful
nice one.
the normies don't know the whales are just fucking with them to get more profit out of the coin. they aren't stupid, they know it's a long term play and shit will inevitably break $1. just want to make more profit doing what whales do
Actually looks like a good time to buy now.
Caught it at 10k sat
Yeh this will be the last dip before the conference.. from tomorrow the anticipation will build a bit more i think... then probably mid week we will break ath again, maybe once more after that and then its the weekend!
nice going buddy... i feel for anyone that sells low and misses it... fucken painful as hell i was depressed for a few days after missing the last dip.. this makes up for it lol...
big guys are shaking out the final limp wristed pajeets before sibos, very good.
how do you know ?
why don't they just crash it to 20 cents ?
serious question, I believe you but don't understand how they set their goals
also isn't it risky that they just crash the coin and have their million link at 25% the price ?
because they wont chance the gains this week... most whales i know are happy with even 10% which with the next ath will be an entry point at about now.
too much damage...if the dip is too big your're going to destroy the whole market cap.
This. Too much damage. These cycles have to occur in legs otherwise they risk confidence and it ends up costing them too much to pump it back up.
you think by just a wave of a hand they can bring the price down? i dont think you ever looked at an order book and understood what you were seeing. its a lot more technical than just "crashing it". market manipulatiom has to be organized to prevent massive loss
are you speculating they're doing it now and guess their new ath goal or did you read them talk about it ?
there are so many weak hands in the coin it could also just be regular people selling no ?
yeh they are not stupid and wouldnt want to destroy the potential. id say im half way there and i definitly wouldnt want to fuck the market up
Look at the top holders. Notice how they only have transactions that say "IN"?
delete this
I hate this chart
Over 90% of presales went to whales. They can do whatever they please. For example, if weak handed idiots start panicking and selling all it takes is a fat buy wall to stop the retards etc...
yes regular people selling now as we speak and whales are buying right now in small chunks.. they wont buy a fuck load at once that will drive the price up... so they are buying while the panic sell is going... if they buy a ton, the price rises the panic stop and the cheap prices are gone like that. thats why they buy quietly. its going on right now. most of those buys are a few people
lol yeh they are fat fuckers lol
when you see a fat buy you know the sale is over because that is the whales last buy and its a fat one... then the people chase like fomo sheep
Seems like an alright thread so I'm going to educate. I work for a financial institution (not high up but at a reasonable level with access to info) the four big banks in our country trialed ripple in 2016 however decided not to continue partnering with them (due to loyalty with SWIFT and ripple were never great at explaining how they were going to achieve what they claimed). Recently the institution I work for finished testing phase 2 of the SWIFT proof of concept implementation, results were successful and showed at 295% gain in efficiency compared to traditional methods. Over 80 banks internationally have been part of the trial with SWIFT.
Take this information how you will. DYOR GLAH.
anyone else get at 0.00135?
This isn't a shakedown this is full on unloading by whales, about a million coins have been dumped this past few hours, maybe there is something behind that stellar shill post.
I'm not selling bit this is really bad. If it was just a shakedown they would not have took it below 10k.
think you the only one here who caught the bottom.
i also work in finance... are you talking about the big 4 starting with.... c... n.... w.... a ?????
I'd rather not say. Results of SWIFTS trial will be presented at SIBOS.
i think so lol.. it could have another slight dip i wont lie, but im happy with this... my heart was pumping while i watch it fill ... relief. because i made back my previous miss...
this is relatable to "my dads dogs nephew works at a big bank and with 120% certainty they are going to use link"
SHould I buy another $100 worth? I’m already holding 2k LINK. What’s the bottom of this dip? 40 cents?
I smell bullshit right from this post
cheers champ.. yeh knowing banks how anal they are and conservative with tech... i dont see them going with ripple.
dont let your emotions get the best of you relax user
If a whale wants cheap price why isn't he buying the 140 eth sell order
also this thread looks like some big larping
haha I guess in a sense. The documents I sighted had no mention of Chainlink or Only SWIFT's global innovative initiative which talked about Proof of Concept and bank to bank messaging/reconciliations etc
Hell yes
What are you worried about with a 100 anyway, unless it crashes you won't get much more
They would take it to 0 if it didn't trigger a buying response.
i dont know i pinned it on 40c and planned to buy just above that to be safe. looking at the context of the previous run and the time we left to conference... i feel safe with this
transparent fud. or youre incredibly amatuer,
Pre-ico plus 9200 from last dip here, 50k links, am I going to make it ?
yeh relax buddy you'll be fine
The "normies" are here now. Please begin looking for another safe place ASAP.
Alright. I’ll pul the trigger on 40c too. Don’t see this thing dipping into the 30’s before SIBOS.
like i said that would fuck the accumulation up...
will be interesting to see when Palm Beach investment group put LINK in their paper. I would imagine they'd do it in Nov/Dec.
Too many people talking about it (and too big an opportunity I believe) for them not to have it in there.
dont fret if you sell now you will fuck up trust me
yeh i think that is a reasonable and good call.. beyond that is a gamble i think
wud be nice for xmas
are you gonna sell during sibos or hodl all the way
you're gonna trade the waves related to sibos or just hold for a long time ?
also I don't get how not one of them grab those 140 eth, 100k coins to accumulate is hard if there are so many buyers including normies
thisl guy gets it
Palm Beach Report OCT shuns Chain Link and calls for a massive sell off self.
".The Stellar team has been increasingly writing about regulatory-compliant ICOs. And behind the scenes, Stellar has created a SaaS (software-as-a-service) platform for easy token launches. Here’s why we’re buying it… Stellar is actively engaged with potential partners in Japan, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. We expect Stellar to make major new partnership announcements later this year. We think these partnerships will ignite massive buying in Stellar Lumens tokens. We’re looking for at least a double before the end of the year. Action to Take: Buy Stellar Lumens (XLM) Buy-up-to Price: $0.04. ...
ChainLink is significantly overbought and we are predicting a correction back to $0.32 by Oct 22nd 2017"
the link pump is official over
I have no idea if they will recommend LINK, but if they did it is than more likely they would send out an email alert like they did with XLM a couple of days ago and not wait for the newsletter to be published.
look at this guy ha ha cheapie fella trying to snatch a few more cheap ones
This is NOT TRUE. The October issue is NOT OUT YET! Somebody added that last sentence to the actual email. THEY NEVER RECOMMEND TO SELL SOMETHING THEY DIDN'T RECOMMEND IN THE FIRST PLACE!
this is the most retarded FUD i have seen. Yeah sure, the investment group just FUDs a coin in 1 sentence without giving rationale. Strong autism.
Yes possible. But I assume those guys are some smart dudes, so would have expected them to weigh in on LINK by now with their members.
lol this. whoever started this FUD should kys immediately.
i hope youre not falling for this
just be aware you really sound like some guy dumping a shitload of coins and trying to make people buy his coins
I don't really know why I trust you, maybe you just say what I want to hear.
Why did you make this thread and want to share your knowledge ?
Screenshot of your buy ?
Agreed, but I they haven't mentioned WTC either. They are very careful about what the recommend. They recommended ETH at $5.00, but only after meeting with Vitalik himself and learning about the project and potential firsthand.
where can i purchase link? i am a bitcoin holder cuck waiting for it to hit 500k/c but i am bored
I'm sure they buy everything before they recommend it.
ahahaha the irrationality prevails.. it happens every time. some bs fud and they panic like hypochondriacs and sell themselves broke
True. Maybe too early on in LINK's development. They usually like to mention more established coins with more proven success, a safe bet if you will.
You can buy at Binance (with BTC or ETH) or Etherdelta (with ETH).
believe me, i already sold when it was 0.0015 eth
They actually state that they and their staff must wait 24 hours after publication of information before buying in themselves. No way to know, though.
and bought back at 135 ?
Yes and no. They recommended ANS now NEO at something like two cents. That is why I believe them when they say to buy a penny coin like XLM now. They did not even wait until the October newsletter, they sent out a buy alert email.
Can you guys give me some advice. This is my first time daytrading alts. Yes the trades weren't done in the span of 3 days but I'm trying to detach emotionally from the coins and just buy and sell higher.
just look at the chart now for yourself, look at the moving averages.. you'll see they'll near consolidation. so from now till probably tomorrow late people will accumulate. thats what i think anyway, looks like a good point to accumulate for at least the next 12 hours
Sergey is always at conventions and such. He and Teeka probably have or will cross paths.
Anybody reading this new to the board: THIS IS NOT TRUE, THIS IS A LIE, LOW QUALITY FUD.
Jew Beach Report recommended buying XLM but does not breathe one breath about chain link. This dirty pajeet street shitting noLINK nigger hates us and is jealous of our gains.
My advice is that I have made ten times the money I made day trading by choosing the right project, reading everything everywhere, watching for new opportunities and forgetting that it tied to fiat in any way, except to take profits and "save" them in btc. You can also buy silver and gold with bitcoin if you prefer to preserve profits in that way. Always keep 20% of your original investment in a project after you take profits or invest in another project with proceeds, unless you are selling because it is truly a dog or there is reliable information to change your mind.about holding. Dont panic sell, but accept that you can't be right all of the time, so you will have to sell those at a loss and move on. Don't look back. Only forward. Always look for the next real opportunity. Don't follow advice on this board without doing research.
Is there a good source for the palm beach newsletter? Seems like good shit but I'm not paying for it...
thanks, i was doubting who is a shill and whos not
Then there is no good source. People who pay for it get their money's worth or they wouldn't spend all of that money.
The dip is over. Didn’t go low enough to buy more.
very good advice about saving them in btc and forgetting fiat ratios
I thought of it like buying a car because I can't get to work without one. Without ANS, I would still be lucky to have the $600 started with and would have day traded it away.
nah, you won't
i have 683 link now. did i do good biz?
see what i mean, look how fast that is...jesus. exactly the same thing last time when i missed it.