Ywn get to stab Ceasar on the senate floor

>ywn get to stab Ceasar on the senate floor
>ywn get to guillotine Louis XVI
>ywn get to dipose of Maximilian I
>ywn get to kill the Nicholas II by firing squad

>ywn get to slice Frogposters alive

Um.. What the fuck is going on in that image?

Speak for yourself, OP

>ywn get to force alexei to wear womens clothing and then gangrape him in front of nicky, his wife and his daughters while they look om in horror
>ywn take pictures of the event and use it as propaganda against the whites
>ywn force alexei to drink lots of soy products and keep him around as a sex slave to be enjoyed by the proletariots, and as a symbol of your victory over the czars

Seek mental health

Chinky chinks doing a ritual

death by 1000 slices, carried out by 1000 slices

go absolutely fuck yourself you lazy piece of shit, I'm convinced you're either extremely spoiled or someone poor who doesn't even try to get out of poverty. des fucking picable, that's what you are.
pic fucking related.

>ywn raise a militia and kill every registered communist in a hundred mile radius with machetes, and then be feared by literally everyone from then on

But you'll watch Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama go to jail

They deserved it.

I sure hope so

Too bad that hemophiliac boy would die after a single rape.

Wait I thought Maximilian I died in office? Was he deposed by his son or something?

got executed by the mexican government

Oooohh I thought you were talking about HRE Maximilian I


You take that back, mister.

Why didn't George save him?

>be me
>be Russian
>be a naval officer in the RussoJaponese War.
>have put my All in the hands of the Fatherland and the Crown.
>we are new sailors
>on old equipment
>we know the world is changing
>ordered to take entire fleet into battle against the Japanese
>undertake a 18000 mile journey with dwindling food and supplies in filthy conditions
>may as well be a siberian exile camp floating through the seas
>delirious and hungry, one night we think we see some Japanese torpedo ships and we are ordered open fire
>British fishing trawlers
>To humiliate us we are locked out of international neutral ports
>coal almost gone
>barely eating
>water is now scarce
>we enter Tushimia Straits
>While we were starving, the Japs were training
>Every day, while we were shoveling coal
>It was an utter slaughter
>Watch my friends get blown to flinders around me
>Watch as steel and flesh plunge into the deep
>Torpedo rips through the hull of my ship as we're trying to put out a fire
>The entire right half of my upper body is torn to bloody shreds
>Get sucked out of the hole
>In the water I see the enemy closing in on what remains of our fleet, they will be mowed down too
>Everything is peaceful for a second as explosions rip through the air
>Water churns a bloody foam as bits of my former crew slosh against my open wounds
>I can see a shark starting to attack one of my best friends
>And as water starts to suck into the puncture in my lungs, I know that my death will ONLY serve to chum the waters, and no more

>18000 miles away some faggy fufu men, the architects of the slaughter, are playing a game of tennis
>A telegraph is handed to Nicholas II detailing the news and the destruction of the entire Russian navy
>stuffs it in his pocket carelessly and continues working on his topspin

No, absolutely positively FUCK you and your edgy adulation of one of the most incompetent royals in all of world history.

Lots of current leaders for you to assassinate.

t. doesn't get the reference

I hate communism but after the shit some of the royals pulled i dont blame them for losing their shit.

>got a kickass statue for free after a fun romp around the world

Wow, are you really complaing

>stuffs it in his pocket carelessly and continues working on his topspin
Yeah, that totally happened. Idiot.

>[The Russian Empire] was ruled from the top by a sovereign who had but one idea of government—to preserve intact the absolute monarchy bequeathed to him by his father—and who, lacking the intellect, energy or training for his job, fell back on personal favorites, whim, simple mulishness, and other devices of the empty-headed autocrat. His father, Alexander III, who deliberately intended to keep his son uneducated in statecraft until the age of thirty, unfortunately miscalculated his own life expectancy, and died when Nicholas was twenty-six. The new Tsar had learned nothing in the interval, and the impression of imperturbability he conveyed was in reality apathy—the indifference of a mind so shallow as to be all surface. When a telegram was brought to him announcing the annihilation of the Russian fleet at Tsushima, he read it, stuffed it in his pocket, and went on playing tennis.[130]

t. Barbara Tuchman

monarcucks BTFO

Good one, user

>ywn get to shoot Lincoln

>ywn get stabbed by John Wilkes Booth after he caps Lincoln
>ywn be driven insane by your failure to save the president
>ywn murder your wife in a fit of madness
>ywn be committed
>ywn die old and alone in a German asylum