Whenever i jerk off i find myself feeling really guilty afterwards because i feel like im letting God down. I try to quit a lot but i keep on reverting back to masturbating a couple days later. Any religious tips anyone could get me to stop?
Religion and Masturbation
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God doesn't exist you retarded wanker
read some St. Augstine
same feeling comes after orgasm during sex
it's not some magic it's chemistry
or maybe your deity doesn't want you to procreate because you're so damaged
>it's not some magic it's chemistry
Thanks for saying the obvious. Just because i believe in God doesnt mean i dont believe in science.
a) Beats being a slut and also b) my organism needs these hormones for me to not be a hysteric wreck. So I masturbate.
Just try to think disgusting thoughts, like jabba the hut, or apply cold water to face and/or affected area.
Try masturbating to God.
find a better god
>expect at least one insightful comment and advice
>full of shitposting
I don't know what I expected.
Do you do any form of daily religious practice?
Try Veeky Forums for a nofap
They post cool facebook motivational pictures with greek statues
Change religion. There are a plenty without retarded rulesets.
Masturbation isn’t that big a deal as long as you don’t have a masturbation or porn addiction (I’m kind of struggling with a masturbation addiction myself right now).
Nofap is retarded as well. It’s unhealthy to go months without masturbating, throws off your hormones just as badly as masturbating too often does. It’s probably best to masturbate once or twice a week.
Also, explain this:
>Onan needs to fuck his dead bro's wife and give her a child
>He pulls out instead.
>God is pissed
>Christcucks go apeshit on masturbation
>Even start calling it Onanism
>Where's the fucking logic?
I think it's because of Paul other than the passage you quoted
Because the sin involved in either case is the spilling of seed
why should i listen to anyone who thought the earth was 6000 years old
I have but his writings were too informed by his own context to be relatable to me.
You can't stop. It's ok, accept it and when you accept it, you will not be as stressed and thus you won't need to jerk off so much to relieve stress.
Masturbation is essentially lust, so at it's root, it is a sin. If you make room for it, all you are doing is giving sin a foothold in your life. Nowadays it seems, that is especially hard to avoid giving to lust, but it is in no ways impossible.
Just not true. If you look at it in terms of lust, then you are essentially saying that too much or too little lust is bad, and you should thus find the perfect balance of lust in your life...
Where else in the Bible is masturbation called a sin? Because it sounds more like he was being punished for not doing what God said.
it is not a rational action, and therefore unethical
Augustine said he was willing to accept that the earth was older than 6,000 years old. He said it might be 600,000 years old, because that's what most scholars believed at the time.
He says it somewhere in City of God
"If your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life maimed or crippled than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire." Matthew 18:8
Cut off your dick, user.
>They are deceived, too, by those highly mendacious documents which profess to give the history of many thousand years, though, reckoning by the sacred writings, we find that not 6000 years have yet passed
No. I'm looking in a pdf right now, and in that section he's arguing against those who believe the world didn't have a beginning and that the human race had always existed.
It actually does
if you don't injaculate or eat your own cum then masturbation is a waste of life force
stop caring about religion
>Any religious tips anyone could get me to stop?
I'm not sure if there's any good religious tips for this, but there are many practical things you could do. Taking cold shoulders helps some people. Keeping yourself from having too much free time helps. Also, find something to expend your extra energy. Make sure you're working out. You'll need something to use up the extra energy saved from not masturbating. Also, don't check out women as much when you're in public, that never helps.
The only thing that has so far helped me is having all my free time taken. Whenever I get extra day or two in front of computer I fall for the same trap.
So it's 2deep4u?
Literally everyone has realized these post are false flags by by now.
The catholic church's stance seems to be a collection of ideals to surmise that masturbation must be sinful. They don't really point to a specific verse or anything like that.
Read literature.
If you want to go the extra mile read religious philosophy like Kierkegaard to put yourself in the pious and holy mood.
Stop feeling guilty. Although you should reduce frequency for nonreligious reasons.
>Taking cold showers
Is absolutely the wrong way to do this, will cause the blood to rush to your dick and make you more aroused.
Nigger just stop whacking off so often, religion has nothing to do with it.
>But God-
Probably doesn't care. You could be doing much, MUCH worse things.
tried that disgusting thoughts stuff, doesnt work
actually ill try this
i pray in the morning and at night and sometimes a little in between
im good. i like Christianity
not true. people have stopped
thats a good philosophical way to put it
no it doesnt
good tips thanks
just because i could be doing worse things doesnt make masturbating right. thats like a robber saying that stealing is alright because, after all, he could be murdering somebody.
>Whenever i jerk off i find myself feeling really guilty afterwards because i feel like im letting God down. I try to quit a lot but i keep on reverting back to masturbating a couple days later.
God doesn't care if you masturbate. The church might care - but only because it helps encourage you to blackmail you into devil worship.
>be me
>don't like religion
>still respect the fact that sometimes religion can teach people self-discipline
>mfw I realize that's bullshit, and that the only difference is that religious people cry when they masturbate
I dont cry i just realize its degenerate
Here we all cry when we masterbate
If people didn’t lust, people wouldn’t exist.
I never feel quite as close to god as when I'm spanking it to something truly perverse.
>Whenever i jerk off i find myself feeling really guilty afterwards because i feel like im letting God down
y tho