
Why isn't this man more revered for preventing MAD?

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Because the Russians started that bullshit to begin with

He looks like a twink, and the Sovs only liked chainsmoking vodka swilling acne scarred thick fingered crooked mouthed subhumans with bad haircuts.

Because the west always discredits Russian heroes especially the US. At least Britain and France had Yuri Gagarin awarded and let him tour

Regardless of who started the cold war, doesn't he deserve some sort of recognition for not pussying out in the face of what could have been actual American ICBMs?

You can look at him one of two ways:
He's either the hero who saved mankind from utter annihilation or a relatively low-level bureaucrat who made a smart technical decision when it came across his desk.

not true

USA started the Cold war, Stalin wanted to avoid it, see Stalin Note

>US started the cold war
How many layers of revisionism are you on right now my dude?

>US started the cold war
God you leftypol fucks are even more historically illiterate than regular pol

>Let me just form and international militaty alliance agaisnt you and what you stand for
>Hey muh stop puting tanks near the border here our tanks are you fucking commie warmmongers

>Russians started the cold war

>holl up, lemme just nuke japs to spook you and form NATO
>we dindu naffin

>Hurr Durr why wasn't the US friends with an ideology diametrically opposed to their entire way of life and economic system Stalin was a good boi he dindu nuffin
You guys are retarded. The US realized it fucked it because of Lend-lease giving those Russkie savages industrial capability and realized by at least the Yalta conference that Russia wasn't going to stop at the Iron curtain. Not to mention the (((Rosenbergs))) selling our secrets to them for some (((reason))) forced the US to massively expand its nuclear program. Also a large part of our missile development was initiated from false Intel given by Gehlen, former head of intelligence in the Ostfront. After the fall of the USSR (guess who wins in the end commie faggots) we found that a majority of Gehlen's Intel was filled with half truths and outright bullshit so if you're looking for a scapegoat that won't make you look like a retard go with him.

Tbh I'd always heard the responsibility was split between the Russians(who stole plans for and began producing nukes) and the US contractors in charge of building missiles(who overstated the threat of Soviet nuclear capabilities and got the US to start buying a fuckton more missiles).

source on the rosenberg shit?

He wasn't the final guy who, in good consciousness, refused to push the button, just a guy doing his job per instructions.
Go to "later developments"

>My late wife for 10 years knew nothing about it. 'So what did you do?' she asked me. 'Nothing. I did nothing.

But wasn't his job to report possible launches like that to his superiors?

>USA started the Cold war, Stalin wanted to avoid it

>hes still doesnt even realize the rosenbergs were guilty as shit

McCarthy also did nothing wrong user.

>handsome healthy young man

Seriously, what the FUCK happened to communism that they are all now morbidly obesses mentally retarded side show freaks?

History happens in two phases
First as tragedy, then as farce

West is degenerate.

they got americanized

>literally a bong
>blame it on america

Angl*s at it again

Fringe movements (no matter what they are) disproportionately attract freaks. Communism is alright in, say, Russia, while the liberals have a reputation of being deformed and mentally ill freaks
Social Democracy seems a more plausible choice for a rational and well-adjusted person in USA environment. All such people I personally know of are Democrats and Bernie crowd.

>All such people I personally know of are Democrats and Bernie crowd.

Are you impying that "le rick and morty" tier crowd of berniebros arent freaks? There is no legit communist type of group in America that isnt freak show tier, probably because the idea in general is incompatible with American thought and the reason only newly arrived immigrants who dont "get it" intellectual types who fundamentally hate america, and assorted losers with in our society like it. Its just sour grapes masked as a legit political group as opposed to Russian Communist today who are much more conservative and reactionary as opposed to losers on the outside trying to ruin the party

*liberates your girlfriend*

Germsluts gonna germslut. Whoring out for food and spreading legs for fun, than crying rape 40 years later. That's how I know the Syrian refugees did nothing wrong.

Because every major religion is vying for control of the nuclear arsenal so it can effectively hold the world hostage by claiming that it was the one who protected the world from Mutually Assured Destruction through nuclear weapons.