Why did that far right Mormon fundamentalist imperialist Don Bluth...

Why did that far right Mormon fundamentalist imperialist Don Bluth, burgoeise human scum direct that disgusting anti-communist film Anastasia? This film insulted the revolution and he released this film during the 90s when that traitor Yeltsin was busy raping Russia. Disgusting burgoeise film.

Have a (you).

Friendly reminder that Don Bluth's most famous movie prior to Anastasia is degenerate Judeo-Bolshevik propaganda that literally promotes defiling America with the Foreign Hordes. Irish harps who do a job for a nickel what a nigger does for a dime and a white man used to get a quarter for. What have they done? Name one thing they've contributed.

Votes? Votes, you say? They vote how the archbishop tells them, and who tells the archbishop? Their king in the pointy hat what sits on his throne in Rome.


Bolshevik swine

Capitalist swine. You continue to defend this disgusting Bourgeois film which came out in 1997 just says the Russians were still continuing to being exploited plundered and raped by that disgusting traitor Yeltsin. Just this disgusting Don Bluth siding with that treasonous capitalist rat Yeltsin. This far right film needs to be banned. I wish Putin had the balls to ban that film or I wish the Communists won in 1996 so they wouldn't have to deal with seeing a film that mocks the great October socialist Revolution, one of the greatest events for Humanity because it brought forth the Socialist revolution in the Socialist construction model thus glorifying the worker and elevating on high the red banner of revolution. Glory! Lenin lived, Lenin lives, Lennon will live!

this is the kind of post that makes me wish Veeky Forums had flags

Remember to sah-gei!

in the dark the night in the dark of the-

fucking nice song

They should have included the ultra-brutal murder of the royal family to trigger commies even more desu
Fun movie

They should've shown a multi-faceted complexity of the situation, and made a psychological thriller with Yurovsky as protagonist, faced with a tough situation and torn apart by critical environment, duty to the people and inhumane act.

And I'm not even joking, but it would, of course, only be possible 300 years from now in a Chinese dominated socialist world republic

>yurovsky faced with a tough situation
>implying he didn't enjoy bayonetting children

/in the dark the night in the dark the night in the dark the night/
/turu tuturu tutu

Never seen that trash, although I could've being the right age back then.

What's the idea of the plot? Communist Rasputin wanting to claim the little germslut for the BSC (big siberian cock) and some other prince saving her?

>yurovsky faced with a tough situation
He and his men disliked the whole thing and tried to outsource as much as they could to some really nasty and messy guys, then they tried to reign them in and salvage the situation somewhat.

>a movie about how it was the evil wizard Rasputin who killed the Romanovs

I didn't watch the original. The cartoon though: Rasputin is lich who came back through his own witchcraft because revenge, the pair is this poor young noble trying to hit it big and an amnesiac girl who seems like knows way too much found by him on the streets My Fair Lady style, he later thinks it's a nice idea try to jew her "grandmother" and she doesn't think a lot because air-headed. By the end she chose the dude over living with granny in Paris who finally recognizes her and both are written out of history because LOVE. Granny gave them a ton of jewels though in the form of imperial tiara. ze happy end

>people hate this great animated movie because it's not historically accurate

You actually think OP has even seen it and isn't just trolling?

reminder to report blatant shitposting

Come on.

I enjoyed it as far as plot and characters, but I think it's pretty messed up to teach children things like "Rasputin was an evil sorcerer who singlehandedly toppled the russian empire"

>Rasputin was an evil sorcerer who singlehandedly toppled the russian empire
It's quite historic if you go deep, in an abstract sort of way.

This is not bait and I am not shitposting. I have seen this garbage movie several times enough to do my own analysis of the film. It's a cheap anti-communist propaganda film meant to humiliate the Russian people, and the entire Soviet people during a time when Russia was being looted by oligarchs and traitors like Yeltsin.
It is outrageous that one of the greatest revolutionary thinkers and moral man of all time Comrade Vladimir Ilyich Lenin is not only mention, they have the audacity to imply that some reactionary crackpot was the one behind one of the greatest human achievements ever, the Great October Socialist Revolution, the first victorious socialist revolution in history, accomplished in 1917 by the Russian working class in alliance with the poor peasantry under the leadership of the Communist Party (formerly, the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party [Bolshevik]), headed by Lenin. The name “October” comes from the date October 25 (November 7, new style), when the Russian Provisional Government was overthrown and state power passed into the hands of the soviets of workers’ and soldiers’ Deputies. As a result of the October Revolution the power of the bourgeoisie and landlords in Russia was abolished, the dictatorship of the proletariat was established, and the Soviet socialist state was founded. The Great October Socialist Revolution represented the triumph of Marxism-Leninism and opened a new era in the history of humanity—that of the transition from capitalism to socialism and communism.
It is just outrageous and immoral that Russia was allowed to see this film circulate and brainwash the masses into believing that the Romanovs were just good people and that it was like a royal fairytale nonsense, when in reality, the Romanovs were pure reactionary trash that had to be taken care of in order for the revolutionary masses to move forward into the future free from the shackle of capitalist tyranny.

Now that's a quality LARP.

This is not LARPing. This is a universal truth about the Revolution and the triumphant of Marxism-Leninism which has achieved numerous feats in the national construction of the socialist system that was the USSR. Not only did this film barely mention communism, they imply that Rasputin, a dangerous man and utterly morally depraved one as well, was the one who was behind the Revolution, when it was Comrade Lenin and the Russian working class who brought forth the revolutionary change, destroying the Russian state and handing power back to the workers and to the Soviets. Truly universal truth and glory was achieved in 1917 (or for those who follow the Juche Idea, Juche 6.) Oh and speaking of the DPRK, despite Juche being hostile to Marxism-Leninism, the DPRK and the Juche Idea under President Kim Il Sung, Leader Kim Jong Il and now under Respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, has actually manage to ironically enough carry forth the revolutionary achievements of Marxism-Leninism and the Revolution despite all the slanders by the imperialists. (But that's a side note.)
There is nothing innocent about this film and there is nothing innocent about the Romanovs, reactionary royalist filth who wined and dined by the masses suffered under their boot of oppression. In fact why the hell was this "Anastasia" (who was rightfully brought to revolutionary justice by the ever vigilant working class), why was she dancing and singing at the Winter Palace in "Saint-Petersburg", (by 1926, it should have been called Leningrad, despite far-right fundamentalist Bluth.), when she wanted to redeem herself, she would be showing her gratitude towards the Revolution and work to achieve a better tomorrow?

Don't try to out bait OP, let him have his moment

Can we just get pregnant Anastasia porn please?

Yurovsky isn't the one who stabbed them, that was Yermakov. Yurovsky mercy-killed Alexei with a shot to the head because Yermakov was brutally stabbing him in the chest and stomach over and over, with not much success because of the jewel-laden clothing.

I said it last time, I still mean it: seek therapy.

>Can we just get pregnant Alexei porn please?
Fixed this for you.

That's literally biologically impossible.

>They should've shown a multi-faceted complexity of the situation, and made a psychological thriller with Yurovsky as protagonist, faced with a tough situation and torn apart by critical environment, duty to the people and inhumane act.

So kind of what the Broadway adaptation did (minus using Yurovsky, it's an original character)?

Not the user you'r talking to, but the same user you said that too the first time. If you said seek therapy to the Anne Frank lovers then I'm not mad at you. If you're saying that because I and this user want to see pregnant Anastasia porn need to seek therapy and you don't say that to the Anne Frank lovers, then you're a hypocrite and nobody fucking likes hypocrites. I want to see a happy pregnant Anastasia that's wishes to see her kids happy and is grateful for being out of communist controlled Russia.

I don't venture into the Anne Frank threads, but if I was talking about the Holocaust and someone came in with that I'd encourage them as well. Please get help for yourself.

[GLEB, spoken]
Stop playing this game, Anya!
I beg you

[ANYA, spoken]
We both know it’s not a game Gleb

[GLEB, spoken]
If you really are Anastasia
Do you think history wants you to have lived?

[ANYA, spoken]
Why don’t you?

[GLEB, spoken]
The Romanovs were given everything
And they gave back nothing
Until the Russian people rose up and destroyed them

[ANYA, spoken]
All but one
Finish it
I am my father’s daughter

[GLEB, spoken]
And I am my father’s son!
(gun clicks)
Finish it I must

My father shook his head and told me not to ask
My mother said he died of shame

[ANYA, spoken]
In me you see them
Look at their faces in mine
Here their screams
Imagine their terrors
See their blood

But I believe he did proud and vital task
And in my father's name

[ANYA, spoken]
Do it
Do it and I will be with my parents and my brother and sisters
In that cellar in Yekaterinburg all over again

The children
Their voices
A man makes painful choices
He does what’s necessary, Anya

For Russia, my beauty
What choice but simple duty
We have a past to bury, Anya

And the Neva flows, a new wind blows

And soon it will be spring
The leaves unfold, the Tsar lies cold

[GLEB, spoken]
For the last time, who are you?

[ANYA, spoken]
I am the Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanov

(aims his gun at her)
Be careful what a dream may bring!
A revolution is a simple thing!

What do you think of my new request?

to be fair a lot of kids don't even realize Anastasia was based on a real person

nigger :O

Never stopped any japanese artist.

I like you user. Shine on you crazy diamond. Shine on.

Cowardly scum all of you. None of you have responded to my critique and denunciation of this bourgeoisie anti-communist reactionary propaganda film under the disguise of an "innocent little kids" film. Bullshit, this an anti-Soviet agitation film meant to as I have been saying for a while now but you people are too ideologically driven into hating socialism and the achievements made by the Great October Socialist Revolution, that you wouldn't even care about what I have say, but I digress. As I was saying numerous times to you reactionary filth, this film was meant to demonize and demoralize the people of Russia into demonizing Comrade Lenin and attack the Revolution by depicting some crackpot reactionary fundamentalist type this Rasputin, a traitor to the people and a lackey for the old Romanov regime, as the person behind the Revolution when it was obvious Comrade Lenin and the Bolsheviks who brought revolutionary change to Russia and to the masses.

Did it even have commies in it? I thought their version of Anastasia was deposed by Rasputin and magic or something. Hard to treat the film as meaningfully anti-Soviet given the degree it downplays the whole communism thing.

Daily reminder that Rasputin tried to stop the war and did nothing wrong

>I wish the Communists won in 1996

KPRF are controlled opposition and Zyuganov is in reality a oligarch Putin-bot.

KPRF could have taken power in 1996, everyone knew they had won the election but it was rigged against them, but Zyuganov's job is to siphon the left vote and provide no challenge to United Russia.

Putin bot how rich swine. As an a Marxist-Leninist and a Maoist as well, I find your insults tiresome considering that I think that Putin is a dirty Russian imperialist working with the worst forces of capitalism in order to line his own filthy pockets. Also Zyuganov is a filthy revisionist and a traitor to the ideas of Lenin, Stalin and he's an enigma to Mao Zedong Thought and other forces who are opposed to imperialism and reaction.

We don't answer you, not because we're cowardly but the bait you put out into the sea is rotten and bland. You're pushing to hard and instead you look like an idiot. Have three more , because I know you're starving.

Porkies say what?



Clearly the superior animated story of Anastasia.

user wrote up the pitch for the alt-history TV show with a side-plot where pregnant Anne Frank gets saved by Shelby Foote here. I have one where Maria Romanov gets pregnant and is rescued by her guard-turned lover but it turns out to be part of a far-reaching government conspiracy if you want to take a look at it.


NBF truly has the best bantz of any namefag on this board

Anyone care to explain why Anastasia of the five children is the one who everyone thought survived? Why not Maria or Alexei? Why not Olga or Tatiana?

Is the play worth see at all?

Got back to >>>/leftypol/
Both you stormniggers and commieniggers are nothing but cancer.

>Anyone care to explain why Anastasia of the five children is the one who everyone thought survived? Why not Maria or Alexei? Why not Olga or Tatiana?

There was no "one" that everyone thought survived. All of the children were bandied about as potential survivors. There were some supposed "Alexeis" well into the 1980s. After the bodies were found in the 1990s, Alexei's body and one grand duchess were missing, so the Anastasia myth/legend continued. In 2007 the final two bodies were discovered. Although there is debate about whether the grand duchess buried with Alexei was Anastasia or Maria.

'Anna Anderson' originally claimed to be Tatiana until she was inspected by someone who knew the girls and said she was too short to be Tatiana. Then she changed her story and said she never technically claimed to be Tatiana, she only didn't deny that she was, before finally settling on being Anastasia.

The reason why Anastasia is the most well known "did she survive?" is because of Anna Anderson, which is a touch ironic in a way. Anna Anderson inspired books, movies, plays, TV programs, etc, so the idea of Anastasia surviving became the most prevalent in pop culture.