Why did the Brits never tried to conquer land in Europe? Did they fear the European warrior?
Why did the Brits never tried to conquer land in Europe? Did they fear the European warrior?
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Romans came from Greece and spent their time murdering the fuck out of the niggerish italian tribes who are shit to this day.
they did
>Romans came from Greece and spent their time murdering the fuck out of the niggerish italian tribes who are shit to this day.
Are we in the same universe?
Getting NORMANED convinced the Anglo to stay put in the isles and focus on conquering weaker kingdoms.
>implying that wasn't a French civil war
Englishmen love being cucked by the continental warrior
Why would they need to? Retarded continentals could squabble away and mere square kilometres of land, while the Anglo could push new boundaries for their overseas colonies.
Because they were scared pussies who would only defeat tribal idiots(Amerindians) or subhumans(africans)
because they were smart. europe is a small shithole compared to the profit you could get colonizing land held by primitive people. and look what it got them. the worlds largest empire at the time and racking in cash and having a relativly stable government structure. the UK is/was the greatest country on the planet. and im not even anglo
because ships cant take over land?
>implying it wasn't an English civil war
>implying the "english" nobility wasn't going to cuck the english people if they won
Be glad you lost the hundred years war
If you had won we'd all be speaking french right now
You see the Englishman see's things differently to that of his continental counterparts, Whilst Germans and French view conquest as a matter of glory and other abstract notions, the Englishman sees conquest as a way to make profit. Naturally then once an Englishman has done a cross benefit analysis of invasion would he choose a land that is heavily protected by equally armed nations with little exotic resources, or a land defended by plebs armed with spears and filled with Ivory and gold and gems?
Every time continentals invade Europe they end up getting fucked by it but the one time they follow Britain Europe enters its most prosperous time ever in the form of Pax Brittanica.
Truly Europe is better under the leadership of the UK rather than France and Germany, its just a shame the UK wants no part of Europe.
>Ancient Rome
Are you retarded "they wuz french n shiet", they literally rebelled against France and set up Kingdom in England. The Hundred year's war only made clear that the kings identified as English. It's like saying that the American revolution was an English civil war. Normandy was not France.
they realized europe was a mess of petty irredentism and decided not to bother
And Indians, and Russians, and the Spanish and French and the Chinese, and ...
I swear to god people who push the "Britain only ever fought stone age spear chuckers!" meme have never cracked a history book in their lives.
Actually, France itself was in a civil war the last two decades or so, when the English (aka the french Plantagenet dynasty) intervened and conquered all that clay.
Oh, we've cracked plenty of history books, lad. That's how we know the bongs are militarily incompetent and get BTFO and sent home whenever they war against a proper enemy. Stay mad, bro.
i have.
and i do.
>what is the aeniad?
by bribing them
by letting the turks and french fight them
by letting the russians and germans fight them
by drugging them
face it nigel, your army was nothing special but it was very effectively used by the government as a form of policy.
>Indians and Chinese
In the 19th century, when they were africa-tier military wise. Truely impressive.
The French won the Crimean War
Almost exclusively naval or naval-based campaigns and noone denies that the RN was GOAT
The only land war they fought, the War of Spanish Succession they lost hard.
Got conquered by them, lost the 100YW, lost the Italian Wars, and since then only fought against them as part of continental-wide coalitions
>both sides lead by Franco-Norman dynasts competing for the French throne
>fight other Europeans for thousands of years achieving nothing and benefiting your people in no way
>create colonies all over the world, btfo other European countries and take their colonies, now whites, Anglos especially, are spread all over the world and are powerful allies with each other
you: I'll take the first option
This. European wars are the most destructive in history, that's why our American cousins just wanted to stay out of it and look how successful they are.
>w-we didn't want it anyway!
Not an argument
yet we fought in practically every major European war
you've lost this argument, enjoy your dying language
>hundred years war cemented the kings as english
Thats why you should be glad you lost
Had you won, and taken the throne of france, the english people would cease to exitst in a couple hundred years
In a couple hundred years why would i care? It's like me complaining about the Anglo-Saxon invasions
>yet we tagged along in every major European war while others were doing all the work
>while others were doing all the work
citation pls
Won through inheritage and lost again shortly after when losing every war against based Philip August
you mean, siding with Henry's sons such as Richard
"One of his most effective tools was to befriend all of Henry's sons and use them to foment rebellion against their father"
>not Europe
subduing micks is like beating up a toddler with a hammer
still beats quarrelling over Alsace-Lorraine for decades
Italy =/= Rome
Why? Genetically they are the same and culturally still extremely close
>genetically they are the same
hes a pol/tard obsessed with race
Not quite, plague and barbarians did change genetics quite a bit.
But still, they are probably a bit more "roman" than other parts of the former empire.
By that logic, half of mediterranean is partially roman, which is kinda true, especially around adriatic and south france, or some parts of spain.
Ships only work on water
Soooo.... pretty fun is what you mean?
Can't wait for a genetic study on ancient Roman genomes to come out to BTFO snownigger we wuzers for good. We already have one on ancient Greece.
Whoever is the biggest gobshite tacks their gay name onto -Norman to feel like big men.
'Wah English butthurt!'
Naw, they do the exact same thing you are doing now. 'Anglo-Normans', they call them.
>Romans disappeared and today's Italians are totally different people from God knows where nvm the fact that we have a consistent linear history of Italy from the fall of Rome to today
May Veeky Forums never become the cancer that is pol
This board already is cancer. At least as many redditors as on /pol/.
Besides that, you all don't know half as much as you all think you do, your memes are painfully unfunny and you use /pol/ as a scapegoat whenever someone says something ignorant.
Its a more conceited version of Veeky Forums, but about half as articulate.
>world wide web
This pic is Anjou (a French county) taking over England
Not the contrary
They technically conquered Gibraltar
Didnt they take Aquitaine or was that also inherited?
Their tactic is much more subtle and sophisticated than other empire of the old days. You don’t need to physically conquere other countries if you could remotely take control over them though media, politics, and bank.