Is this real? Were Nazi germany black?
Is this real? Were Nazi germany black?
Other urls found in this thread:
>how hitler really looked
>gas the wangz
They were the last Black Empire which is why all the whitebois took them down.
Das rite
Yes, also Hitler is a lie fabricated by the Zionists after the war was over
If ancient Indo-Europeans were Nordic then Nazis were black
It is cringey as fuck when people try to speak German without actually speaking it. I know, retraded Anglo humor and all that, but still. It makes you look entartet, please euthanize yourself.
>no fun allowed
fuck off hans
>that moment you realise your teachers lied
>history eduction is absolutely shit so instead of getting a full understanding of the Nazis increadibly complex and autistic racial policies, they get a boiled down version so teachers who don't care can attempt to give the basic gist to pupils who don't care even more
>this is proof of a massive conspiracy to hide the 10 random indian/Arab guys in a parade
Was Obama black?
Nordic actually
>indo-nordid president
>elite class of powerful empire
>indo-aryan caucasoid features
>indo-european language
He is nordic germanic Masterrace
Why did you post that picture of a war criminal coward surrendering himself off to a certain death or imprisonment
He was clearly Irish
Technically, he is half black
The looks on their faces illustrate my feelings towards anglo kind of "humor".
The picture is from Italian-occupied Ethiopia
What is this image supposed to entail?
Not him but do you really think, as a G*rman, that you can get away with remotely mentioning humour?
Barak Hussein Osama was an Indonesian muslim and also the twin brother of the current Indonesian president. They falsified his birth record to hide the fact they were born on the same day.
Abyssinia is whiteeeeee!!!
I can look down on your propaganda fueled stereotypes and find that funny. That's good enough for me.
Meant to quote but that works too
Thanks for proving my point
This is what Obama actually looked like. He was not, as your African-American studies teachers would have you believe, a black man. Obama was actually 100% Nordic, descended from the vikings of old.
Remember gentlemen, we were kings. Don't let them take that away from you.
One day, science will find an answer to G*rman autism
Reminder that most US presidents were black
Das reich
>Not equating wuz with wuren
you failed your german test user
uh oh, as a German this brings me great shame. I will hunt down my German teachers and kill them all and then myself.
I've been trying to find this picture for a couple years, anyone have info on this?
What makes G*rman humour so grossly incoherent?
It's not automatically incoherent just because you cannot comprehend it.
Yes it is
What makes yours so grossly incoherent?
>Ching xoyi chong zhi homen rang riu bing chin bong ji yu han chong wu tang ring rong?
>wow, I didn't understand that at all, so Chinese have no humour.
>literally american logic
Speak to me in fluent German and then we'll continue this conversation, amerilard.
Ah yes, the famed german autism, never gets old
Du hast Autismus
He was an Egyptian time traveler along with Michelle so yes.
German wit, everyone!
original of this? without flying soucers
Don't prod him too hard lads, or he might destroy Europe again.
Not sure why they would take a picture before painting the saucer on there.
>that moment when you realize that ethiopians are nordic
If your first impression when you learn a new thing you didn't know about history is, "Is this for real?"
Then you're probably fairly delusion-tending.
This thread is some quality shitposting
Where's that copypasta fag that depicted the KKK or some Confederate soldiers capturing a black SS soldier just as he was about to rape Anne Frank only to have his nads snipped off with a hot bowie knife and thus Anne Frank is saved by fellow Confederate resistance fighters fighting Nazi occupation of America.