Why did slavs move out of their homeland? I have several theories which combine several different reason why i want Veeky Forums's view on this.
Why did slavs move out of their homeland...
they feared the Hunnic African warrior
OP here:
some reasons they moved out..
>climate cooling leading to shitty harvests leading to famine leading to migration
>climate cooling in general
>turkic migrations
>slavic mercenaries working for the huns saw how central europe was greener pasture in contrast to their swamp
>overpopulation due to new agricultural methods reaching that part of the world
they feared the Black Hunnic warrior from Egypt
also i believe that modern I2 balkan slavs actually originated from around the area of moldova and southern ukraine and either migrated with slavs into europe for much the same reasons or the goths enslaved them and took them on their journeys, except for the Visigoths since Spain and France have low i2 scores.
well slavs ruined central europe and the balkans.
I think it's a mixture of 2,4&5 but remember the Slavs didn't really become Slavic until after the migrations. They were comprised of several tribes that all moved out of that shitty swamp and decided to head west and south, all while sharing semi common language in fact, the language didn't really start to form in the south until they settled behind theodesians wall:
I can't find the link so maybe another user can share the book that's from.
They feared the horse warrior.
Um, what? Last I checked, that region is still full of Slavs, as well as home to the first major Slavic nation (the Kievan Rus).
Are you denying a Slavic migration west/south?
Huns and Germanics did a lot of killing all around the Slavic homeland(but not within it) which facilitated their expansion
They expanded towards Germanics and were often paid by the Huns to follow them on raids against Rome.
I havent seen any mention of slavics attacking rome
Once again thread is full of idiots that know nothing about Slavs yet pretend to be experts.
Typical bias.
Tell us all about how Slavs were Suevi from Germany and expanded east, Igorzski.
I have no desire to educate such an imbecile like you Fingoloid /int/ yellow fetisitsh cuckold.
Seems like you really love Finns Igorszki
Nah, you're a fucking moron that's in every thread begging for attention to discuss your irrlevant Fingoloid ancestors. Seima Turbino, more like Autist Fingolino lmao. I don't care about this shit and I won't waste my time on it. Enjoy your yellow man on white woman fantasies, keep stroking that small Finnic dick, that's all you're good at(besides shitting up every possible thread)
Ps. Finns are irrelevant mongoloid monkeys, always were and always will be. No amount of screeching from your asshole will change that.
Keep choking on the Fingolian dick that you love so much Igorszki
>Why did slavs move out of their homeland?
to fuck your mom
It wasn’t any better before the Slavs came mate.
> well slavs ruined central europe and the balkans.
Do you like your electricity?
>inb4 muh east Germany/west Poland homeland theory
No. The Slavic homeland is in the region between the Bug, Middle Dnieper and Dniester rivers. This is an archaeologically, linguistically and historically attested fact.
Pigeonfucker guy didn't invent electricity
Well yea. No one invented electricity.
It's a theory at best and a shit one at that.
No man. Don’t. You don’t want to start that here.