What are some cool world maps? I want to hang a better one on my wall.
Pic related: my gf
What are some cool world maps? I want to hang a better one on my wall.
Pic related: my gf
why dont you just google it faggot
because i don't want to
If you post a picture of thots like that enjoy attracting 12 year old answers.
Those tits are ugly as shit and you probably are too
Weird arse looking disc tits.
If you think this is hot you're probably a down syndrome retard.
Hello, ladies.
Geography guy here. it depends on what kind of map you want. World map sure but do you want a political map, some kind of physical map, some kind of theme map, a nautical map/site travel map, just a reference map? Pick a time frame also. I love maps that include Europe during the middle ages as well as any map that has the ussr on it. Also look into various projections. There are some really weird looking ones that are pretty interesting. Currently I have just a national geographic world map, real basic, and a map of the US right before the Civil War.
here you go OP
this one is also pretty nteresting
Asia =/= the Far East. I have a feeling you're one of the people who need to be told this.
I was going to put
but I know they eat doggers in other SEA countries, and I've heard things about India
Butt Earth
t. envious roasted with her best days behind her back
Forgot pic
Hahahahah. roastie, stop being a samefag
Thanks. I was vague because I'm not sure what I want. Most likely political. I have one of Captain Cook's journey around the world with all the routes outlined and it's alright but not as aesthetic as I'd like.
but you linked map with boobs vs butts
Why did mods remove OP image? Is this a Muslim board?
I've always thought of Japan as being more of a Cat country and America being more of a dog country.
I think OP removed it because he was embarrassed about his gf
Here is the thumbnail
>Pic related: my gf
My gf