Why were unions so racist, historically? And how/why did they become not racist?
Why were unions so racist, historically? And how/why did they become not racist?
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Because non white labor was seen as a way for bosses to depress wages. They turned non racist as they lost effectiveness as unions to become small scale political parties.
>unions to become small scale political parties.
You mean when unions became branches of the Democratic party.
The people trying to get money for the working class didn’t know as well as the capitalists trying to unite the working class
socialism is closely related to national socialism
mob rule (which is what these people want, they don't have some higher moral goal) is inherently primitive and tribalistic
>inherently primitive and tribalistic
Not an argument.
hard work is white supremacy
It actually kinda is (in the sense that's a white ideology, not that it's a tool for oppression of poor dejected niggers). The idea of industriosity being a virtue is pretty much a positivist innovation, the ancients pretty much despised any sort of productive endeavour as below them. The only activities fit for men being warfare, politics, and philosophy. Even farming, essential as it was, pretty much rated as a half exception: it was meant to be nobilitating in theory, but in practice being more than a land-owner employing labourers and slaves wasn't genteel.
Because ethnics were often relatively desperate and would work for lower wages than the majority population.
>And how/why did they become not racist?
They never did. You didn't think it was a coincidence they supported Sanders and Trump so much in the 2016 American elections, did you?
>group predicated on economic self-interest for it's members doesn't like outgroups and those which threaten the economic interests of the group in particular
Doesn't take rocket appliances
>supporting the old Jewish man over the protestant white woman makes you a racist
wew lad
When will you realize that race-mixing and desegregation serves the capitalist class and only the capitalist class? Among the proles it creates only conflict.
As expected it was a potato nig behind this
Agreed, but the same holds true for women in the workforce. That was a scheme by capitalists to get rid of the single-income household to raise mortgage rates and prices to force both spouses to join the labor force to survive.
>workers of the world unite!
>but discriminate against workers because muh race
geeeez, I wonder why socialism is an international movement
It's always an Irishman behind the curtain.
>“When the Chinese question is settled, we can discuss whether it would be better to hang, shoot, or cut the capitalists to pieces. In six months we will have 50,000 men ready to go out. . . and if ‘John’ [the Chinese] don’t leave here, we will drive him and his aborts [sic] into the sea… We are ready to do it… If the ballot fails, we are ready to use the bullet.”[27]
>Kearney was born in Oakmount, County Cork, Ireland. In Census and voter registration records his birth year is listed as either 1846,[4] 1847[5] or 1848.[6] The second of seven sons, he left home after his father died when he was just 11 years old.[7] He became a cabin boy on the clipper ship ‘’Shooting Star,’’ and by his own account he “circumnavigated the globe.”,[3] In 1868 he arrived in the United States and married an Irish woman named Mary Ann Leary.[8]
>never heard of national socialism
Based Gregor Strasser. National Socialism died on the Night of the Long Knives.
>fringe ideology that got cucked by hitler and his corporate overlords
now why would anyone have heard of national socialism?
You're confusing Hitler with Hjalmar Schacht really. When Hitler sided with the industrialists, he was mostly following Schacht who was essentially a Keynesian interventionist but still a capitalist, much like FDR in the USA. After Schacht got dismissed as a Reichsbank president in January 1939, Germany implemented a socialist command economy.
You do know that IWW welcomed blacks and clashed with KKK right?
IWW was fringe even at its peak, and did more harm than good to organized labor (IWW "organizers" did more damage to the Western Federation of Miners than the mine owners).
Bitch, IWW was peak unionism and its decline signaled the decline of trade unionism in America
>Why were unions so racist, historically?
Because the whole point of a union is to protect those within it, and outside groups threaten union jobs.
>IWW was peak unionism
By peak I mean the purest example/expression of trade unionism. Just to point out to OP that unions are not racist by nature
If you were Irish and only somewhat recently did your people get the time of day you'd do anything to keep it and that includes shitting on those below you.
Sanders' campaign was steeped in standard nativist and xenophobic rhetoric. It's why he railed so much against trade and immigration.
>(IWW "organizers" did more damage to the Western Federation of Miners than the mine owners
Exactly this! These communist faggots were unironically ATTACKING unions that weren't demanding a violent communist revolution, which caused the government to treat unions as terrorist groups that need to be eradicated rather than partners in negotiations. IWW is the reason why unions are now seen as a joke.
>Marxists are now advocating (((free trade)))
This is why everyone knows you don't actually give a shit about the workers. You're just useful idiots for the liberals, and it's been that way for the past 60 years at the very least.
>which caused the government to treat unions as terrorist groups that need to be eradicated rather than partners in negotiations
I am sure the First Red Scare had nothing to do with it, considering socialists and the trade unionist were intertwined back then. Also IWW is syndicalist.
If SJW bullshit is the purest expression of trade unionism then I'll stick with the "fake" unions that deal with the bread and butter issues that the actual membership gives a fuck about like wages, hours, workplace safety, and benefits.
>First Red Scare
Reaction to IWW's niggery. If you encourage the workers to say "we're here to kill you, not to make an agreement", don't expect when they treat you like a criminal.
>not being racist is SJW bullshit
this is what /pol/ does to you
>not being racist = opening your borders to everyone and flooding the labor market with desperate workers from third world nations
You're talking to middle class college students who LARP as industrial workers on the internet. In the end they always show their true colors and the fact (((racial integration))) and (((open borders))) are more important to them than workers earning a decent wage.
>Assuming one event to supersede decades long trends
Even with IWW neutered, the decline of trade unionism was still ongoing. Plus the First Red Scare was due to other non-IWW related stuff like the Haymarket bombings. Even your screencap didn't directly implicate the IWW.
>implying you can't welcome blacks and do all those things too
>using IWW as an example to debate means you are LARPing
What a brainlet post
Black workers are fine, since they are native workers and Americans too. Opening the floodgates to everyone else was disastrous.
FACT: Unions were central to the immigration restrictions imposed in the Immigration Act of 1924 and which lasted until 1965
FACT: Unionization reached is peak between the 1930s and 1960s, as immigration nearly ceased and the labor supply became smaller
FACT: in the 1960s and 1970s Ceaser Chavez and his UFW had pickets on the border to stop illegal immigrants from crossing the border and becoming migrant farm laborers. They viewed illegal immigrants as scabs undermining their attempts to organize native born farm laborers
The only people who want immigrant laborers are the capitalist class and their political cronies. This has always been the case, the only difference now is that they somehow convinced useful idiot liberals that opposing free trade and free movement of labor across borders is racist.
Stay mad socialist/fascist cuckboi.
t. neoliberal
This. "Mexican immigrants only want the jobs white people refuse to do" is capitalist speak for "Native workers refuse to get exploited and work for pennies so we're gonna import scabs from Tacostan"
>he needs the government to intervene in order to save his worthless job because he lacks the marketable skills to do anything illiterate third worlders can't do for cheaper
pretty pathetic desu, man I love having a six-figure salary and a degree in finance.
Sure ... I don't disagree or never implied that I didn't. Why are you replying to me?
>A literal I AM SILLY pic
Not an argument senpai
Pre-depression America was more racist than the Nazi germany, it has nothing to do with unions
Fuck off Schlomo
Did I strike a nerve, Cletus? Jealous of my superior Catholic intellect?
I'm a Catholic. You're a smelly heeb.
>I'm a Catholic
Obviously not, or you'd be making something of your life instead of whining for the government to increase your gibs and intervene against competition.
What good is a government if not to safeguard the interests of its own citizens and place their well-being first?
It's really fascinating how most union workers are staunch Republicans who don't want to import shitskins who degrade wages while the union leaders are blatant liberals who want to erase whites.
>implying Catholics are against government invervention
You're just making shit up as you go don't you
>implying Catholics don't have a good work ethic and need the (((government))) to bail them out of everything
Keep digging yourself deeper Billy Bob.
>expecting a Catholic to have a Protestant work ethic
lol whut?
>its own citizens
Some citizens are worthless, the job of the government isn't to make everyone pay more for shit so some uneducated idiots from states that are net drains on the general economy can keep their outdated jobs.
You're an idiot and probably a beaner on top of that. That fucking thing you have in Mexico can hardly be called catholicism, I'm surprised you haven't reintroduced Aztec sacrifice yet.
>You're an idiot and probably a beaner on top of that
Nope, Italian/Portuguese American.
>Some citizens are worthless
Yes, like the Jews. Entire race surviving solely on parasitism.
You know how I know you couldn't pass a high school level economics course? You probably believe in the lump of labor fallacy too.
Either way you're not a Catholic, try reading Rerum Novarum before you open your mouth next time.
>but my outdated and low skilled job is not parasitic
Actual work is not parasitic. Sitting on your ass and collecting interest however makes you the human equivalent of a tapeworm.
>the jews are parasitic
>but also the government needs to give me money and make the rest of the country pay for my non-profitable job
Nowhere in the Rerum does it state "thou shalt be a lazy parasite and blame the Jews for it", Bubba.
Jews always LARP as Catholic for whichever reason. That Jew faggot Milo also LARPs as one despite being a secular Jew """married""" to a fellow sodomite
>lazy parasite
Projecting, rabbi?
Don't forget the other half of the con. "convince the nation that socialism and liberalism and anything left of Reagan is anti-Nativist and always open borders".
It's the perfect plan, make both parties a combination of assorted hot issues that trap single issue voters voting against their own interests while also dictating what each other can and cannot be using group think and party loyalty to define the other. While parties are neo-liberal and pro-big business.Yeah, blame the jews while voting in Trump, that'll work swell.
>random Jenny, because why not?
My job can't be easily replaced by a fourth grade Nicaraguan with a week of training being paid minimum wage. Most of you can't say the same.
>It's really fascinating how most union workers are staunch Republicans who don't want to import shitskins who degrade wages while the union leaders are blatant liberals who want to erase whites.
Because most union leaders now are lawyers, or other white-collar managerial types that haven't worked a day in the occupation they are ostensibly representing - and unsurprisingly have much more in common with their managerial kin in the corporation they are ostensibly meant to oppose on behalf of the actual workers.
I'm pretty sure Catholic doctrine on the value of labour isn't "every man for himself, employers are obligated to cut corners and maximise profits (Saint Augustine said so!)"
>"Some citizens are worthless, the job of the government isn't to make everyone pay more for shit so some uneducated idiots from states that are net drains on the general economy can keep their outdated jobs" - Pope Pius XII
Nor is it "you should bitch and whine and make everyone else pay for laziness, while also trying to keep down people more hardworking and deserving than you."
In fact the Pope officially came out in favor of open borders (because Catholics share a common brotherhood and should all get equal chances), which caused quite a shitstorm on /pol/.
You're probably a descendant of those 3rd world Nicaraguans yourself and you're shaking in your boots because nobody wants you here.
>Don't forget the other half of the con. "convince the nation that socialism and liberalism and anything left of Reagan is anti-Nativist and always open borders".
Except as we both know socialists inevitably end up acting as useful idiots for the capitalists with their cries that actually Jose is your ally (surely if he undermines the value of the labor simply by offering to work for cents on the dollar, he's obviously going to be interested in unionising)
>It's really fascinating how most union workers are staunch Republicans
No. They voted for trump but that was particular to that race. Union workers go democrat almost always because republicans put themselves up as and sell themselves as the anti-union party.
>Nor is it "you should bitch and whine and make everyone else pay for laziness, while also trying to keep down people more hardworking and deserving than you."
t. lolbertarian that hasn't attended a Mass since his mom dragged his ass to one when he was a tubby teenager
Yeah, I'm absolutely shaking in my four bedroom house 20 minutes from the beach. It might even cause me to spill my $300 wine. Are you shaking behind the McDonalds counter? Or am I mistaken in assuming you have a job at all?
Depends on where. Unionized (white) workers in the South are typically Republicans while those in the North are typically Democrats. This last election the North went Republican because the Democrats pretty much openly shit on the workers now, while Trump was at least pretending not to.
t. Pedro Martinez LARPing as a doctor while squatting in a double wide somewhere in shithole California
It's hilarious watching this Jew lolbertarian act like he's Catholic, as if autistically obsessing over how to minimize costs is one of the fundamental tenets of Catholicism
>has no argument
t. /pol/lack who photoshopped the Holy Father getting BLACKED after he insulted his favorite reality TV star
Well, they took the liberal notion that all the races and creeds in America are American and should work together and not hate each other, and applied that internationally. The racists played their part in cementing this attitude by being racists and I think the social liberals were reacting to that while economic liberals welcomed the labor.
So the right-wing, which always conflates those two types of liberals as the same (along with the socialists), basically created the problem they were previously imagining. They said it enough times it became true.
Tell us more about how the purpose of Catholicism is really just about getting cheap ethnic food, cheap labour, and cheap servants, user
The purpose of Catholicism pertains to the wellbeing of all Catholics, not just Catholics behind whatever arbitrary border men have drawn.
>Well, they took the liberal notion that all the races and creeds in America are American and should work together and not hate each other, and applied that internationally
Except it's extremely difficult to achieve the aforementioned in one country - let alone attempting to organise the working masses in every country on Earth, because Ahmed the goatherd probably doesn't have too much interest in Xao the rice farmer's problems on the other side of the world.
You KNOW that capitalists will exploit any potential opportunity in race relations to "divide the working class", yet you still shrug and insist that you must defend immigrants (and by extension current immigration practices) "because they're still your allies, even if they're apathetic to unionising because they're still earning twice as much as they would at home".
What interests do I share with people that view my country as basically a shopping mall - and will fuck off as soon as the benefits outweigh the costs?
>Well, they took the liberal notion that all the races and creeds in America are American
That's Teddy Roosevelt's radical assimilation policy and it basically meant "act like a white Anglo or fuck off". Try implementing that right now and you'll be called the next Hitler.
>The purpose of Catholicism pertains to the wellbeing of all Catholics, not just Catholics behind whatever arbitrary border men have drawn.
*sacrifices goat to Santa Muerte to ensure my drug-dealing son doesn't get caught by gringo cops*
Most unions weren't racist, many were on the front lines in the fight against racism - left-wing union organizers were almost the only whites fighting segregation between Redemption and WW2.
Only anticommunist unions in settler societies were racist, and even that was as much about migrants (both foreign and blacks from the southern US moving north) depressing wages as anything.
That's the thing, the neo-liberal agenda has taken over both the pro and anti social-liberal wings of the American public. Those asshole racists and hippy lefties are both supporting the same agenda because social issues have taken over the discourse.
Think about it, our choices for president was Trump and Hillery. And Trump was the dark-horse, it was probably going to be Hillery VS Jeb!
I've been wondering for years why the Church hasn't done anything about that crazy shit.
>What interests do I share with people that view my country as basically a shopping mall - and will fuck off as soon as the benefits outweigh the costs?
Because many many of them have stayed and have grandkids here.
Frank Little was probably actually lynched by union miners.
>segregated unions
How successful was this?
Because they're of the Left, and the Left is comprised of the most racist fucks on earth.
I just wish the Left would be honest and not pretend to be anti-racist while they advocate segregation, special benefits for certain groups, and supremacist beliefs. It would make things a lot easier for everyone to deal with.
Why would they lynch on of their own?
m8 back in the day racism was normal
this thread is enlightening, never trust a leftist
>this thread is enlightening, never trust a leftist
In what sense, the way union leftists acted historically, or the way modern leftists are arguing ITT?
can you even call those nativist blue collar workers leftist in the modern sense of the term?