Has there ever been a time in history when communists were not completely fucking retarded?
Has there ever been a time in history when communists were not completely fucking retarded?
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Has there ever been a time in history when you showed a high level of discourse ?
Let me think about it
My mind is drawing a blank here for some reason
I fail to understand why would anyone make such a post, and how retarded one must be.
Probably not, but certainly not now
*gets bought by China*
10,000BCE. When humans were mostly tribal
No. It's a stupid ideology, both because it simply doesn't work, as well as because it's immoral.
The closest thing to non-retarded communists are hippies in "communes," simply because they, at least, aren't immoral, in that only people who want to join them.
What's immoral about communism? For the most part it's purpose was to help working man have better conditions of living and political power then a small majority of ultra-rich elite.
Forcing others to give up their property is immoral.
Of course, all humans, including both the ultra-rich and ultra-poor, must be held to the same natural laws, but those laws include the rights of men to have private property. Just because someone has a lot of private property doesn't give anyone the right to take that private property away.
Which is why hippie communes aren't immoral, because only hippies who want to live communally live there.
>a thread died for this
Without communism, there wouldn't even be any free healthcare in our countries today. The capitalists had to do something to release the pressure and the welfare state was the result.
modern welfare state was introduced by G*rmans just to stop socialists from gaining influence on the working class, people really take it for granted how useful having the red giant in the east and unions in the west were of a boogeyman to force capitalists into giving workers more rights
Social welfare and security is a byproduct of modern democracies, not communism
No, and i don't think it's possible for the movement to ever be of worth, because of how it manifests.
I've been starting to think of this for a little while in the context of collective pathology and i think i'm onto a small thread of what the issue could be.
I think communism is a result of some sort of collective bipolar(/manic-depression) disorder.
On the one hand people are obviously depressed; money is worth less, wages are worth less, and the individual's temporal field of view is reduced to less than a single day in scope; people are so miserable they indulge in drink/drugs/overeating/entertainment binges/porn etc... Because when you're that miserable it's as impossible to think of the future as it is for a man on fire to consider what he's going to have for dinner later that night.
And then on the other, the mood swings calamitously in the other direction, because when you're that low and you DO manage to get a peak at the future, what little there is to shine bright in that darkness does so with that much more luminosity because of how dark things are; and that encompasses the mania portion of the manic depression; manic people almost oafishly blunder around trying to wring every drop of 'not depressed' out of their mania whilst it lasts.
So in the form of the collective (in this case, society), the depression takes the fairly obvious form of widespread substance abuse/obesity etc... But when it turns to mania and they regain sight of the future for a moment, this communist utopia dream pops into their collective heads - the idea that; with just a few compromises of moral integrity, that everlasting utopia could be right round the corner.
And even if it means piling up corpses of unbelievers into a mountain in order to snatch this star out of the sky, it's worth it in the eyes of the manic collective, because anything is better than slinking back into that depression.
Is it any wonder the pushers of modern communism are mostly depressed millenials?
The Cold War Era, really, worked like a unified system. The West outsourced some of its' own problems to the East, and vice versa. Of course, both sides served as an incredibly good stimulus to each other, and tied each others' hands.
No wonder that things went haywire when the USSR collapsed, in particular in social rights, wealth inequality, worker rights and so on department.
Honestly, the Cold War era was the best time in the history of humanity.
Every time since their inception. Capitalists and capitalist supporters (AKA cucks) should be slain and dumped in a gutter.
"Free" healthcare isn't free.
And it's not good, either.
The government needs to get out of healthcare entirely, especially with regards to regulations.
it's really fascinating how horrific yet useful the cold war was, scientific innovation reached it's peak when it was centralized under the Apollo project, pretty much most of modern technology was a product of the U.S and USSR's autistic space race (i'm not implying that we wouldn't have iphones if it wasn't for the cold war, but there is no denying it sped up the process)
it's working fine elsewhere in the world, but i'm sure that wealth is gonna trickle down sometime soon.
How's that debt, bucko?
We're certainly not great, but don't pretend you are.
We're taking on more debt everyday. Eventually, it will come crashing down.
>"Free" healthcare isn't free.
>And it's not good, either.
Really? Than why does America has both the shittiest and the most expensive per capita healthcare among developed nations?
There is a reason why free market is particulary bad for healthcare.
For it to work, you need to be qualified to make an informed descision. In healthcare department, a regular consumer, for all intents and purposes, cannot be qualified at at all.
>people dying from treatable diseases due to lack of healthcare but it's ok because national debt is under control
an economy is supposed to serve it's people, not the other way around user.
You won't be giving two shits about the national debt when you're living by paychecks
>how horrific
Also, it wasn't horrific. DEFCON and nuclear scare aside, both sides, at least, undertood that each others were fairly rational and played by the rules, and would prefer to not have a war if they could help it.
Amerifats deceted
>there is a famine and you need to make a choice now!
>adopts fucking lysenkoism
the fact that they managed to starve on a fucking island surrounded by fish is beyond me, what the fuck is wrong with the irish
Cold war was extremely heated and cutthroat - but entirely peaceful competition in economy, science and technology. Politicians knew that if they fucked up, they'd be fucked. Now - who gives a shit. Just steal, embezzle, fuck around like there's no tomorrow.
You are implaying that the communists wanted to.help the working class but I have come to the conclusion that the communists just hated the rich, the elite that they themselfes were part of. Resentment and hate are much stronger emotions than empathie and altruism. It's much lesa naiv to assume evil intentions especially with the communists...
>literally politics
I think you are right. In some sense you are describing what Nietzsche meant when he said that after the death of god, people wll ultimately ponder between nihilism(depression) and totalitarianism(utopian ideologies)
But we don't have a free market, you retard. We are full of shitty regulations that make it more expensive.
Also, you pay for your healthcare with your high taxes.
>>people dying from treatable diseases due to lack of healthcare but it's ok because national debt is under control
Democracy is a cancer. A company doesn't let its consumers elect its leaders.
>you pay for your healthcare with your high taxes.
Everyone pays for the healthcare of everyone else. Those who have more income pay a bit more, those with less income pay less. Most of us don't view it as an exchange of resources for personal services, we see it as a neccessary component of a society that cares about each other. A community, you know what that is you psycho fuck?
>What is bread and circus
Gtfo mate. This shit was thing since Roman days to keep populous under control
Hey you are the psycho fuck for giving a corrupt government that is not accountable to the people but to a money elite the power of redistributing wealth. Yeah sure we have to redistribute wealth to make sure that less productive humans don't just die of starvation and deseas but the exchange of wealth should be base on voluntary admission not on the unauthoriced force of a corruot government. Look up individualism and make up your mind if humans are evil or good enough to care for each other without the brute force of a way to powerful and corrupt government
Lets pretend that all the nuances are the same and that these two incidents werent apart by 100 years. The more technologically advanced a nation is, the easier it is to avoid a famine.
Anarchist Catalonia and Aragon
If its consumers are all stockholders, yes it does.
*murders priests and rapes nuns*
heh nothing personel amigo
>those with more pay a bit more
How about if your making more than 77k your in the top 20% and pay 90% of the income tax in this country. Listen to the other user, we have 9x the amour of cat scans per capita than Canada, and the time it takes to get seen in an ER room is hours shorter
You compare you government to a policy meant to create starvation? This doesn't make you good
Nuke Americans. They're beyond saving.
>And it's not good, either.
t. American
It was a genocide.
Yep. He was right...
If we don't sort this shit out, the instability will shake this place to pieces.
If stable unity isn't achieved over the next 40 years, the west will evaporate.
Nigga just cuz we're fat pieces of shit doesn't mean our healthcare system sucks
but is right
capitalism needed to adopt certain rights for the common people to prevent a revolution/major uprising
>communist arent guilty of genoci-
>modern welfare state was introduced by G*rmans just to stop socialists from gaining influence on the working class
Lol this is fucking pathetic. Communist actually fought AGAINST these reforms and even labelled them as fascist/capitalist and evil and now that communist has ended in failure and blood shed, you all have to move the goal post and claim this as somehow your achievement.
>free healthcare
This a hundred times over.
>free healthcare ain't free
Lol someone add this to an ameribear meme
>europoors think healthcare is magic and comes out of no where
>Amerimongrels keep spouting their mantra, despite the cold hard data that shows they spend most on healthcare per capita, while their healthcare ranks below 30th place
You deserve to suffer.
>moving the goalpost because you realize how fucking retarded you are
Theres no such thing as free healthcare dumbass, its just different ways of paying for it. You cant hide your idiocy behind memes you stupid cuck
>retard thinking we don't realize free healthcare isn't literally "free"
You argue like a 4 year old
user, you do realize there is more than purist commies on the left?
or is everyone on the right an ancap
I envision there to be something akin to a purge period. In this period the infrastructure (electicity, gas, internet, water) break down because of the destruction of major governments and extreme drought caused by climate change. This results in a internal power struggle betweem the most powerful group. Some may actively seek out confrontation with people to establish that they are the boss around your neighborhood now but others might just try to survive or even network with other communitys for everyonrs benefit.
In this purge period after the flood came upon us the ideas that ripped our culture apart will fight about who is going to come out on top. And it's by no chance obvious which idea will win.
Thats why I think.everyone shit get their ahit together now so we can be prepared then.
t. Temporarily embarrassed millionaire
Most of those don't count as genocide.
Why would you put such a low cap on it?
Just a marginal increase of taxes of persons earning over 150-200k a year would give a similar result, without further fucking over the middle class.
It's not a genocide when they're potatoes. It's a stew.
Just a fair amount of you can't afford it.
>mfw 90% of notable philosophers and intellectuals in the 20th century are leftists or even communists
By definition, being a communist is also being a retard.
America has by far and away the best healthcare system in the world, it's just expensive as fuck.
What most non-Americans don't realize though, is if you have a halfway decent job, healthcare is included.
Uh huh, where has decades of Democrat rule gotten Detroit again?
Shows how badly their ideals translate to real life practice.
Makes it very easy to disregard their philosophy desu.
So you pay fucking tonnes and some peopel still dont have hsalthcare?
Also like, doesmt the type of insurance you have limit your treatment options?
Their ideas already got translated to real life practice? Gee, I must have missed that.
Yeah, we know.
Communism is the most bourgeois ideology in existence. Only college kids who grow out of it in a few years and middle class ivory tower cunts think it's a good idea.
Thankfully, the working class isn't dumb enough to fall for it any more, but it really speaks volumes about how shit our education system has become that Marxist filth has been allowed to spread their cancer for ao long. Here's to a second red purge.
Yes. Communism is a failure.
Anyone that thinks it's worth trying again is a retard, and thay makes me think less of them as a person and shows me their way of looking at life is wrong. A literal red flag.
Yeah, I'm not saying it's a good set up.
But the healthcare you can recieve (if you have the money/job) in the US is better than anywhere else in the world, for sure
>intellectuals and people who actually study in college can't be right even if they backup their claims with arguments and data
>the working class holds the key to truth
No self-respecting economist considers themselves a Marxist in this day and age. Marxism at this point is the climate change denial of economics.
The people that do nothing but sit around in university all day and think of ways they can better stroke their own miserable egos should stick to what they know, not try and give their retarded opinions on something they clearly know nothing about because they think it's edgy.
It wasnt just pure commies who were against Bismark though, it was all the other meme leftist as well.
>Communist actually fought AGAINST these reforms and even labelled them as fascist
Were they time travelers?
>The Social Democratic, National Liberal and Centre Parties were all involved in the beginnings of social legislation, but it was Bismarck who established the first practical aspects of this program. The program of the Social Democrats included all of the programs that Bismarck eventually implemented, but also included programs designed to preempt the programs championed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Bismarck's idea was to implement the minimum aspects of these programs that were acceptable to the German government without any of the overtly socialistic aspects.
Lol yeah dude we could save 20 million a year if it weren't for those pesky regulations about reusing needles.
You do know the Empire of Russia required, under penalty of death, all those Russians to become Communists circa 1861, right? It is not so much that Imperialists are retarded as suffering from a mental illness, called, surprisingly enough, Imperialism. It is very similar symptomatically to Militarism.
According to a consensus the communists helped form, by standards they helped set.
How convenient for them.
>The government needs to get out of healthcare entirely, especially with regards to regulations.
Ah yes, the good ol' days when people were drinking radioactive water and using opium to put crying babies to sleep.
>Trusting a dipshit field that completely ignores the rest of sociology because sociology shows that the behavioural axioms economics are based on are a load of shit and economics completely ignores even aspects of it's own field like behavioural economics or the fact numerous studies at this point show that marginal price formulation is a load of horseshit and doesn't occur in practice in the real world.
Also funny how every single Marxist economist was able to predict 2008 while Porkie economists didn't predict shit. What about the time when Greenspan just said "Oh yeah, everything we believed for the past 30 years was wrong oops" after the economy imploded. Fucking great field.
Fact is, economists have vested interests in keeping neoliberalism going because if they admit they're wrong they lose the ear of policy makers.
Also if they admit error the system may collapse before it can be replaced.
>private property
Fuck off with this spook.
>natural laws
No such things exist.
>natural laws
>those laws include the rights of men to have private property
Ah yes, Newton's fourth law of thermodynamics, that a rich man's property cannot be taken from him no matter what
>Just because someone has a lot of private property doesn't give anyone the right to take that private property away.
In man's state of nature, might makes right. No 'rights' can protect you, its entirely up to violence. Civilization is a cure to man's state of nature, inhibiting violent force and protecting the current order. This is to say, government and society respect property rights, 'natural law' does not. A justice system and tort law discourage theft, punish it, and recoup losses. The only reason anyone recognizes your property as belonging to you is government force. Without it, the mark of ownership is a gun.
In other words, the consent of the masses is a precondition for property to even exist in a democratic country. Those things only belong to you because your countrymen agree. When the multitudes are scrounging for scraps and you're eating veal, remember that.
You seem to be upset, filthy red.
There was a high ranking general or something in Mao's government who said quite explicitly "just because we're socialists doesn't mean we can ignore basic economics", and was one of the few high ranking officials to publicly shittalk Mao's leadership. It didn't go well. Bukharin, for a while, was quite explicit in his disdain for earlier bolshevik economic polices and wanted to make NEP work. It didn't go well.
Y'know, glimmers of hope among pretty shit situations.
still capitalist and neoliberal
Capitalists and communists both deserve the gas chamber.
le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le XDDDDD!!!!!!!
There's a quite healthy study of marxist economics in Japan that is quite devoid of politics, it's pure capitalist management, like every other school. It's great stuff.