Boys and girls come, and see a world so fucked up and weird that will make your ball shrink. Fat bitches with mustaches were considered the ideal standard of beauty.
19th century Iran!!!
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Royal Gaurd!!!
(f) ersians are white
Well look at world war 1 picture of the soldiers. They look as dark as them. Iranians were really poor. They never washed, and they were sun-burnt as fuck.
This little guy become Shah (king) at age 11.
what are they doing?
They are about to whip the palm of his foot. In a documentary I watched a guy who was tortured in all diiferent kind they said that was the most painfull.
Some say that when it is done too roughly it permanently ruins the structure of the muscle/sinew of the foot. This make walking normally feel like you tread on sharp stones. Quite a punishment huh?
Were the feminists right?
are our current standards of beauty just a byproduct of eurocentric influence brought upon from colonialism and capitalist hegemony?
Apparently, It is the most sensitive part of the body. A heroin addict told me when he injected the needle in his the palm of the foot was more painful when he injected his penis. I actually cut the palm of my foot and when i was getting an injection to numb it. it was the most painful thing i ever experienced.
Sometimes I think that myself, but I think it just a sign of abundance. Fat people were extremely rare back then.
Can anyone post 20th century Iran pictures? I heard they were pretty liberal before the Islamic takeover
Is that a girl (boy)?
That was not the standard of beauty. That was one shah's weird taste
I think its a girl, but come on that would be a really feminine boy. But back then in Iran fucking little boys, and dressing them like girl was not very un-common.
It was the standard of their beauty, I have seen a documentary on it. it was also standard of beauty in Afghanistan and parts of the Ottoman empire
They weren't liberal at all outside certain areas of Teheran. A popular revolution of that size does not just appear out of nowhere.
>it was the standard of their beauty
Gib primary source pls
dafuq, I thought they were playing some silly game...I mean, look at his face, he looks kinda smiley and relaxed...
It was times of famine, mass poorness and starvation. Being fat at that time was a luxury, meaning that you are rich, healthy, and able to gain and keep things,thus being competent in keeping a child. It actually was like that for the most part of human history.Things started to change only when hunger was not something that you'll die from anymore.
But even if that were the case it would only apply to men since women were only second class citizens, wealthy women weren't a common thing back then
You are forgetting one thing, a woman must give a birth to a child, and then raise him. Having strong body was crucial, so she can bring a healthy offspring and won't die during the process.
Wealthy women came from wealthy men's families, user.
>In Iran, the concept of beauty was not viewed as intrinsically feminine, in fact, beauty was not exclusive to either sex, both male and female could perpetuate aesthetic and desirable ‘beauty’.
However, Qajar society valued masculinity and the concept of beauty, amongst elite and upper class Iranians, was in consequence masculinized — women, most notably in the Shah’s harem, aimed to render their features more masculine by joining their eyebrows together and growing facial hair, they were considered so attractive that they were sometimes painted on or augmented with mascara, and young beardless men with slim waists and delicate features.
In 19th century portraits of lovers, the genders are barely distinguishable, identified only by their headgear.
It was only until the the 20th century that Iran, with the coming in power of the Pahlavy dynasty with Reza Shah, ardent modernist, began taking from Western ideologies and concepts of sexuality and gender — as well as the intrusion of the Farangi, i.e. the European/Western gaze, upon the intimate world of Iranian homosociality between both men and women, and the Western gaze perceived this homosociality as something to be condemned and as a symbol of “backwardness” — that the idea of beauty became solely attributed to femininity, to direct the Iranian male gaze towards the sexualized female, and heterosexuality was normalized as Iranian modernity and patriotism, whereas before the 20th century, bi-romanticism and bisexuality were not uncommon — in fact, the daughter of Nasser al-Din Shah Qajar, Taj Al-Saltaneh, wrote in her memoirs about an affair she had with a young seamstress she knew.
Before her, Sufi poetry also used implied or explicit reference to love and affection between men, normally of age difference, as a spiritual aspect of Sufism and recognition of the Divine, e.g. Rumi & Shams). The beauty standard also shifted to emulate the aesthetic of the European woman as the conventional image of what is desirable."
Most other areas of the body the nerves will essentially shut off when under repeated load, not so on the soles of the feet
Qajars were not Iranian.
Any legit sauces? I find this extremely hard to believe, it sounds way too conveniently leftist. I'm a centrist, not even a poltard but I'm always suspicious of shit that fits too cleanly with a narrative, this one being social constructionist views on beauty and gender etc..
This sounds like it was written by a modern gender studies professor.
maybe he's doing a "turn me over im done at this side" thing?
Qajars weren't Iranian. They were Turkic trash that pretended to be Iranian.
The purest Iranians are called Bakhtiari, a subgroup of Lurs. They speak the oldest dialect of Persian. They haven't had power in a long time.
But primitive jungle tribes go barefoot over rough stones and brambles. And our our species must have evolved to be able to go barefoot when hunter-gathering?
Is it that people who go barefoot all the time develop calluses on the feet that protect them?
thats his theatre
Wtf is going on here and who the fuck are these 'people'?
These were the Haram girls of a shah that liked women that reminded him of his mother.
>who the fuck are these 'people'
Qajars weren't Iranian. They were Turkic trash that pretended to be Iranian.
The purest Iranians are called Bakhtiari, a subgroup of Lurs. They speak the oldest dialect of Persian. They haven't had power in a long time.
Blacks in southern Iran. They live in former slave ports
Is that the tomb of Cyrus the Great?
Heh, midget.
Also, what's up with the seemingly back guy's eyes to the left of the fancy-man?
Why is he chained like that, is he a slave or some sort of prisoner?
Nah, that's complete bullshit. Beauty standards never change in a significant manner. Only humanities retards have issues understanding that.
Bump for interesting comfypost
My question was directed towards the absolute fucked up state of the people depicted.
The black guy and the japanese doll-man seem to have undergone some sort of headbinding and the latter, aswell as the guy in the far right, seem to have googly eyes instead of the real deal.
Post proof.
WTF is wrong with iranians
Qajars weren't Iranian. They were Turkic trash that pretended to be Iranian.
The purest Iranians are called Bakhtiari, a subgroup of Lurs. They speak the oldest dialect of Persian. They haven't had power in a long time.
this is wrong. You needed childbearing hips for sure but if you were a lardass (or as women now like to call it"plus size") you were not considered attractive
>purest Iranians
They aren't.
They are the purest descendants of people of Pars. They speak an older dialect, practice endogamy, and their folklore has mentioned them being descended from Achaemenids.
They do look white as fuck desu
interesting thread OP, thanks for sharing
>probably googled it and found cherrypicked pictures from stormfront
What the fuck is wrong you idiots. The lurs are fucking related to Kurds. Their language is extremely similar to Kurdish. The Safavids were also Turkish, and most Iranians think they were good. I am fairly right wing person myself, but there are places in North Africa where fat bitches are still the ideal standard of beauty. All of the Iranian kings from the Safavid time onward had fat bitches as their wives. This is not some SJW shit. It is common knowledge in Iran. Being fat was attractive because it was a sign of abundance. There are places to this day that have this standard.
They aren't.