How would the geopolitical landscape of both North and South America look like had the First Mexican Empire survived...

How would the geopolitical landscape of both North and South America look like had the First Mexican Empire survived and flourish?

Not that different. Mexico would be less of a shithole (assuming it didn't fragment in the age of nationalism), but the coal and iron is still in the USA, as is most of the best farmland, so they would still be the hegemonic state.

The norther mexican lands would still be lost to america, literally no way to stop that
But if Max got everything he wanted to get it would less of a shit hole

But who would be the richer of the two?

Mexico and the US? The US. Mexico would be a resource exporter like Canada, much better off than it is but not a serious rival for the US.

Take your shit thread to

That place is like 1000 times better than this shithole though

looks they wouldn't get any of the US agricultural heartlands though
so would they have any major natural resources?

US fucking their northern colonies in the ass is almost impossible to stop
The most they could keep is californa and the desert
So they have some gold

>but the coal and iron is still in the USA
Really good point.On the other hand this version of Mexico would have a shit tone of oil which might lead to a later industrial boom.
>most of the best farmland
Doesn't California alone produce like a quarter of all the US agricultural production? Mexico proper also has really good soil in some areas

>so would they have any major natural resources?
Oil,silver and gold

Nothing major

>Nothing major
>What is the California gold rush
>What is fracking

>Nothing major
>oil not major
How is it not major? The US would lose most of its oil reserves while Mexico would become the number 1 producer of oil in the world

Thereā€™d definitely be a lot more human sacrifice.


But they're not the incas

>Not cucking yanks even further

Didn't the United States warn they would start a war for that piece of land?

*Tips fedora*

Mexico could have an alliance with the British Empire

Better question is how Second Mexican Empire under Emperor Maximilian of Mexico would have turned out in the end.

Even if they did i dont see them winning against the US in the war

American can dominate North America, Brazil can have South America, while Mexico can have Central America

What did Mexico have to offer that couldn't be matched and exceeded by the US?

I'mma need you to hold the fuck up


that just reminded me that columbia and the US might have took more land if mexico was viewed as more threatening

How bad was his reign?

America would be BTFO

Not threatening British (naval) supremacy

They could also curtail America hegemony