Who is in the wrong here?
Arab-Israeli conflict
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>Who is in the wrong here?
As always, it is the one who loses. Palestinians for the time being, but they have all the opportunity to bounce back
Palestine does not exist. The name "Palestine" was made up by R*mans after the third Jewish rebellion. Jews are just reclaiming their ancestral homeland.
The land between Euphrates and Nile also belongs to the Jews.
It's a complicated situation with no obvious victims except gullible western leftists who don't understand the conflict but still try to form naive but strong opinions about it
The anglo they shouldn't have applied divide and rule over a small piece of Inrelevent desert undoing century's of multicuturalism cultivated by the Ottomans and they should have released it as a secular state
Arabs get sinificantly less butt mad, Jews still get to do Jewish stuff in cooperation with there Christian/Muslim neibors
Jews, but they are objectivly better than the paleshitians who would turn the country into just another third world muslim shithole
this to be honest familia
Easy when you have all this US backing, rabbi.
100% the anglo is in the wrong. As always.
The "Palestinians" are just Jordanians, Syrians, and Egyptians who moved in after the Jews did to get free shit.
I agree. Still get the jews out of my nation ,they are parasites
>implying the Palestinians didn't have the backing of the USSR
You mean like how places like Egypt or Iraq had U.S. backing and were and are still shitholes?
>Implying the high spheres of USSR were not full of jews
the anglo
when did european jews live in the middle east?
LARPers, those "jews" aren't related to hebrews, they dont belong in those land
The jews are far worse though. They are some slav LARPers mostly, and khazar rapebabies who are genetically not even jewish.
In fact, Palestinians are closer related to ancient jews than LAPRing "israelites"
I've never researched this topic enough. Who are Palestinians? How many Arab tribes live on the Eastern Mediterranean coast?
2000 years ago before Roman subhumans decided to genocide Jews.
Now where are Romans? They're gone. But Jews are still here and stronger than before.
>lürp lörp
kys white subhuman
They are mostly arab but many of them are mixed with negroes and some iranians
And opinion discarded.
Jesus was Palestinian which is why Zionist Jew (Pharisees) want to kill Palestinians.
Found the jew
Fucking brainlet, there is a high population of blacks in palestine, look it up
Many palestinians look like puerto ricans and mulatto
And i'm proud to be one. Problem?
Jews. They lost their lands two millennia ago. To pretend that their claim is superior to that of the locals who have lived there for two millennia is absurd.
Have you seen any significant attempt to put the Zoroastrians in control of Iran? To put the Native Americans in control of the US? To but the Aborigines in control of Australia? No. Why should the Jews get preferential treatment?
Israelis, Brits, and Americans.
Jews became useful idiots of the Brits, who distrusted the Palestinian subjects they inherited from the drawn-and-quartered Ottoman Empire. They encouraged and facilitated Jewish migration and investment in Palestine. Increasing migration by WW2 refugees led to something close to a demographic parity. The British allowed and aided Jewish settlers in expelling local Arabs and seizing their property in the 1940s, leading to establishment of Israel as an independent state in 1948. The Palestinians' Arab neighbors resisted this, but due to French and British constraints and their own corruption and underdevelopment they could not field or command effective and modern armies.
While Israel briefly maintained a Cold War neutrality because many of its citizens were socialists, their dispute with the Arabs pretty quickly fell down upon Cold War lines. Jews in America pressured the government to support Israel and much like the British, Americans recognized Western settlers as a more useful ally than the deindustrialized Arabs. This "special relationship" has only strengthened since then, because this gives the US a generally reliable ally in the Middle East and allows the Israelis a friendly guardian who will always turn a blind eye to their expansionist abuses.
Because muh holohoax!
No. Stop that. The holocaust happened. It did not entitle the Jews to take land belonging to another people and force them into an apartheid state.
Palestine had like five universities before 1948, it was one of the most urbane and developed areas outside the West thanks to fortunate geography and geology. If Israel was never established Palestine would basically be a more Lebanese Lebanon -- thoroughly Arab, but very westernized and multiconfessional.
They weren't.
Then just call them fucking blacks or Africans. Don't go "ironically" telegraphing yourself as a /pol/ack.
There were 3 universities before 1948 and they were all founded and run by Jewish settlers. Palestinians are backwards and incompetent, completely incapable of doing anything.
Yeah yeah colonialism and war is bad but honestly, the Jews spent decades and lots of resources building their national consciousness and actually managed to take over Palestine and build a nationstate a millennium later the absolute madmen. They have a vision for their country and want to do something with it.
Meanwhile the Arabs of Palestine were wandering about fucking goats and only became nationally aware once they realized Jews are superior to them. The only vision they have for Palestine is getting revenge on Jews.
I'm not a big fan of Islamic crocodile tears either. They got there by conquest to begin with.
>t. buttblasted arabs
After a century and a half of constantly waging war, colonizing Europe, Africa, India, and Indochina, and acting like the backwards animals they are, Arabs are now angry that Jews took a tiny strip of the land they were wasting and a actually developed it. The reason they are still pissed off about it to this day is because Israel is the biggest embarrassment to the Arab world in it's history. They lost to a tiny faction of impoverished Jewish farmers with some backing from Czechoslovakia, and then despite their backing from the Soviets and vastly superior numbers, they lost numerous more times until they finally got a "win" (which was actually a completely embarrassing military failure) so they signed a peace treaty pretending that they had any sort of pride left.
Today, Israel is the only country in the Middle East that is even remotely successful, and despite receiving who knows how much aid from both the West and from the USSR, Arab countries are just such failures that they couldn't catch up to the Jews.
Before the Jews arrived, that land was being wasted. If you have any understanding of Arab culture and society, you will know that if the Jews didn't arrive and actually make use of the land by creating a country with a high standard of living, it would still be a shithole today. Palestinians are the most butthurt people of all time, beating out Russians, Ukrainians, the Turks, and Indians.
The ironic part is that Israel actually treats their Arab citizens better than they do in any Arab country. The whole situation is just such an embarrassment to Arab competence, it shows why they should not be able to run things and gives the most effective and thorough demonstration for it in history.
Pic related, the participants of the 1948 war. They don't even have an excuse like the US does in Vietnam that it was far away.
>Arabs colonizing Indochina
Post utterly discarded
Unlike Rhodesia, Israel can cite the Holocaust when criticized, thus are in the right.
>Who is in the wrong
Save people as always
Pretty sure Stalin killed all of them.
I may not completely agree, but this is actually a sensible antizionist argument. And it's a simple one too, instead of the usual ill-thought arguments.
Especially the arguments that invoke conspiracy theories.
However the context of how Israel was created does matter, which is the aftermath of World War 2, the holocaust and pogroms.
I think those events would have radicalized anyone who was Jewish back then to become a Zionist, especially if your immediate family was affected by it.
As long as the Arabs kill Jews, the Arabs
kill Arabs, the Jews kill Arabs, the Jews
kill Jews, and the Persians kill (in the
Name of Allah) themselves, Nobody.
Neither Indochina nor colonization
>Malaysian mainland
>Not Indochina
>500k Arabs living in a place that was never Arab
>Not colonization
The Jews got fucked over by the holocaust, I agree.
That does not entitle them to land in a part of the world that had nothing to do with the Holocaust. It does not give them the right to displace those who lived there. It certainly doesn't give them the right to treat the displaced locals about as well as blacks were treated in South Africa.
Racial slurs aside he's right.
As an Israeli I live in a place that is next to an Arab village that has a very large population of blacks.
Ironically a large group of Arabs in Israel dislike them for that reason.
jews need a containment zone
mudshits have plenty of land already
>Jews, but they are objectivly better than the paleshitians who would turn the country into just another third world muslim shithole
This meme. The oil rich countries of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, etc. have a very high standard of living. Iran has a large percentage of educated citizens amd has produced numerous scientists. Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon are only shit thanks to Jewish meddling which have essentially deatroyed those nation's ability to recover from their conflicts.
Self extermination?
Nobody's wrong?
Lol might work.
>palestine had backing of the USSR
The Israeli government can take actions to resolve the situation, and nobody else can. They're all wrong to keep fighting, Palestinians slightly less since they're the ones who are actually being wronged, but it's the government that is wrong to keep the conditions in place, and the only government in the region is the Israeli government.
Same user as I 100% believe people with this opinion never been to Israel.
Although I do admit that in times of war ranging from the 40's to the 60's Arabs where deported and thus mistreated, today all Arabs get the right to vote and even have people representing them in the Knesset as seen here en.wikipedia.org
Though if we are talking about the Palistain occupation that's a different story. One Israel tried to get out of ever since the Six Day War since nobody ever wanted to negotiate with us since we are not viewed as a legal country by the Arabs and by UN law we have no choice but to stay until negotiations happen.
Sadly some of the things that have been said do ring true, for example the fact that a 2000 year old claim is a bit dodgey. But still Jews as an ethnic identity deserve a nation to safeguard themselves and the right to have a nation which they feel 100% like they belong to since time (and some of the assholes here and in /pol/) have forever proven that if a person considers himself a Jew then they will always be dismissed, ridiculed and hated for just being born. I've talked with enough people (my father included) whom have been mistreated at their country of birth for being a Jew and where glad to leave it.
People like: Meno Burg, Alfred Dreyfus and Samuel HaNagid to name a few are proof that no matter how hard Jews tried to show that they are loyal to their country in the end they all got shat on and could never fit in.
As for who is in the wrong ? If anyone is, it would be the Brits for leaving the region in such a sad state of affairs and causing more harm then good in their attempts at fixing the situation at the time.
>this is what /pol/ literally believes