My brother believes in ancient aliens. He says that the Egyptians were unable to bring their stones up when building the pyramids. Can Veeky Forums bring up a rebuttal l to ancient ayy lmaos?
My brother believes in ancient aliens...
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Yeah, thousands of slaves and a hundred years can do a lot more than just build a symple structure.
>Can Veeky Forums bring up a rebuttal l to ancient ayy lmaos?
"haha get fucked"
you're welcome
-Put rocks on logs and tie them to ropes
-Give a bunch of people beer to pull said ropes
-Wow congrats you've got a pyramid
Tell him he's a racist alt-right drumpftard for doubting that proud people of color can stack blocks together.
Also there's a clear evolutionary development of pyramids.
mastaba>step pyramid>meidum pyramid>bent pyramid>true pyramid
Pharaohs built pyramids as tombs for them. Obviously they didn't have 100 years time to finish them - mid they were built in 20 years, which is quite fast. With Great pyramid of Giza and such - almost impossible, in fact
So you believe in ancient alieums?
>there's a clear evolutionary development of pyramids
This. Seriously, you can see them learn from their mistakes.
No, not really. But, you know, this fucking thing
there was a pretty good documentary debunking ancient ayyyliums
So the egyptians knew about the jetsons?
I remember some biologist claiming that those might be visions from some psychotropic mushrooms - also that means that creators of Jetsons were most likely high on something. meh, who knows my man
What's the next step of your master plan?
Be dead inside of it
that "fucking thing" could be depicting literally anything
you see shit you're familiar with, like jesus christ on dog's asshole
>build in a circular formation upward so you are always laying a stone
>as soon as one stone arrives one its laid and two others are going up the scaffolding
Not that hard.
its technique more than manpower, but people can not get over the manpower.
>like jesus christ on dog's asshole
sorry, I see only your mom
things are not THAT subjective -that's literally a fucking helicopter up there
>people can not get over the manpower
they could call up literally entire population of lower egypt after harvest
those people had fuckall to do and everyone would like some extra grain
there is nothing mysterious about it
the whole rationale behind the building is maximum autism but not supernatural
>that's literally a fucking helicopter up there
you can't even see third of it
also a propeller driven aircraft among flying saucers is kinda poor form
well, whatever. To be honest I never took it seriously - if nothing, It must be someone's retarded joke
it could be something completely mundane and explained already on top of it
I'm not willing to dive into a pile of /x/tier trash webs google will no doubt feed me upon asking to fish for it though
honestly if you can't do this yourself you deserve to put up with bong ripping /x/tard conspiracy peddling
A zeppelin?
>mid they were built in 20 years
Fuck are you going on about? Maybe they finished it up after he fucking died.
>pyramids were built by slaves
>forced labour isn't slavery
>Literally just look up the list of heaviest monoliths
I don't understand why people think you can't move a very heavy rock. If you get lots of people together and are crafty then your good. The Alexander Column is a thing after all
Don't be a fucking retard user.
That's a fucking hollowed out rectangle mate. It only looks like a helicopter because you know what a helicopter is. Besides, like that other user mentioned. You can't see the whole thing as a piece of it has fallen off.
>Slaves built the pyramids.
FFS mate, don't feed him falsehoods to disprove some other falsehood.
>Muh taxes are slavery
You dingus
or you can see the aliens learn from their mistakes
A counter-weight argument. Also, drop some cyanide into his coffee.