If you could go back in time and kill one historical figure (and only one), who would you choose? Pic related is my choice
If you could go back in time and kill one historical figure (and only one), who would you choose...
>choose hitler but fashyfags get mad
I choose pic related then.
This or Muhammed seems to be the only rational choice.
Your pic related too.
I'm assuming you're American and know absolutely nothing about Marxism.
$100 on OP has never even read the back cover of one of his books.
Nostradamus. The conspiracy theories would get so much more interesting.
This is what edgy teenagers say
"uh how dare he analyze and critique capitalism, by doing so he caused holodomor, stalin's purges, the khmer rouge, and the national SOCIALIST german workers party (who did nothing wrong except socialism) and antifa supersoldiers!!!! I wish I cud throw him out of heligopter like Bassd pinocchio ché"
>but why not kill Stalin instead
Lenin created the environment, so there would be another Stalin. this probably kills two birds with one stone anyways by eliminating Nazi Germany's possible existence
Who would you choose then?
Churchill would be quite a productive kill, especially if you whacked him in the 19th Century.
They are fuck load philosopher who analyze and critic the capitalist better Karl 'lol just replace the ruling class with workers lmao' Marx
>If you could go back in time and kill one historical figure (and only one), who would you choose?
There is no point. In particular, there is no point in killing scientists or philosophers, hoping that their ideals would never spawn. They will, and not much later.
Gosh, what a thread full of brainlets from /pol/
There is nothing inherently bad about Marxism (besides loss of individual and state identity). It is a good thought experiment, a theory that was never meant to actually be taken to practice.
The problem is, people did take it seriously, and those people killed 100s of millions as a result.
Nicholas II before 1905
>a theory that was never meant to actually be taken to practice.
Never meant by whom?
>The problem is, people did take it seriously, and those people killed 100s of millions as a result.
The problem is, every notion about some idea (and in most cases some organisation) killing gorillions is pure propaganda devoid of any substance entirely
A death count of 100s of millions within the last century ALONE is a fucking record mate. That's impressive even by religion's standards.
Hence, if he never wrote about it, people wouldn't be inspired by it, try it and fail at it multiple times at the cost of national identities, infrastructure and human lives.
That's a completely exaggerated number, though.
The deaths of people, national identity, nature, resources, progress, and relations arent and issue? Imagine if these communist countries never came about oppressing their people, threateming the first world with nuclear annihilation, and disrupting the third world from its change of progress and growth inclung the coministry nations themselves.
Vietnam, china, africa, the middle east and south America would have been mostly ignored by European thanks to the US and the US would have no reason to care about South America beyond being neighbors.
Ahh yes, the old "but it wasnt pure Marxism!! Those other guys are just doing it wrong; I swear my different super special brand of socialism will work!!!" argument.
>loss of individual identity
sure, idenity sure matters in changing the mode of production of a society :^)
You are like a little baby, who reeeees that things in real life happen not like he wants them to happen, and knows for sure, and best than anyone, that it would be better for everyone if things would be like he wanted them to be.
No, I' m just saying that your numbers are wrong. Not only didn't communism kill 100s of gorrilion, but it ultimately saved exactly 523 981 000 people.
>the US would't care about these countries
Do you believe the US was some kind of superhero deafeating da big bad ebil gommunism? The US would still subvert other countries to gain influence over them and increase their profit based control everywhere.
Never meant by a giant under developped, almost feudal nation with too many people who never cared for the govermnent, wanted to be left alone, and didnt have that piggybacking effect european countries so that the new system can ride on instead of having to force people into overdrive, starvation and slavery to be modern for a short period then stuck in the 50s till the 90s due to the lack of innovation, which stresse's the flaws of marx's theories to the max, like China and Russia, it could work for small countries like Greece, Germany india or the UK.
Although personally I still think it wouldn't work for long, just better...
The first living creature on earth.
By doing that I erase all suffering from the world.
>Bolshevik Revolution
>Stalin's (various) Purges
>Mao's (even more various) Purges
>South American states
>Cuban Purges
>Khmer Rouge
>most of SE Asia, barring Japan in fact
>not in the 100s of millions
What does that even mean autist?
Communism put half the world in a time lock and destroyed not only the environment and culture, but also the economic progress of many countries.
Impossible thing to do.
Primordial Earth 3 billion years ago was a perfect soup of all the elements that happen to make up life. Unless you were to sterilize the entirety of seawater, life would still occur.
I'm genuinely curious to your argument because all evidence points to the contrary.
That isn't strictly true at all, some countries owe their economic development to gommunists dragging them forward
Sure but for what purpose? They were doing it to keep a quick powerhold on the world against an enemy who could strike at any moment, but without them the US citizen's wouldn't like that were wastin money in Asia and southave america. The middle east has the excuse of terrorist cells but these other countries don't.
The US isn't evil or good you'd have to be a retarded manchild to think that. For example think of the movie 'the cube' the experiment wasnt done for good or evil, just out of a nihilistic ignorance, people at the top wanted money and communism was both the drive and excuse, without it that drive for military profit wouldn't be as big.
There is no point to elaborate. I'm just throwing around empty, meaningless and overgeneralized accusations like most people in the thread.
George W. Washington
Too bad that most citizens of communist or formerly communist countries have a different opinions... But who are they to question you? Brainwashed uneducated morons
It's called competition between world super powers. Just because the USSR wouldn't exist as a super power, another powerful country would take it's place, and compete with the US instead for global power. Just like in WW1, there wasn't a huge communist superpower, but the superpowers of that time still fought between each other to secure more global power.
Yeah being shot and starved till you work like a nag all day to make cappy products in terrible conditions might be worth it in the long run but it's the same thing as slavery for the south, it's a completely immoral thing to be proud of.
>put the world on a timelock
>Russian medieval outback shitheap to literal world spacerace nuclear industrial superpower in 20 years
nice try, rothschild.
Imagine the peace
Oh yeah people who were forced to eat propaganda all day aren't brainwashed, just look at those happy north koreans, I'm sure they'd miss the current system too, meanwhile the ones who escape figure out it was a terrible hell.
>ameritard so IQ-deprived you have to explain to him extremely basic global politics
>just look at those happy americlaps
You're fed propaganda out the ass, retard.
I doubt it, the US people enjoyed being docile and left alone competing with themselves, not until post WW2 did people want be involved with the outside world at all.
Oh and I forgot the Chinese Civil War that led to Mao's purges as well. My bad.
I like how no one has tried to dispute the numbers anymore after I listed it.
I mean fuck, China alone is in the 50 millions for the death toll over 30 years.
This is a meme, we aren't living in the 50s anymore, can you name me some propaganda that isn't tin foil conspiracy theory shit, or normale poltical rivalry propaganda.
Stalin, Mao, and the Khmer Rouge were the only ones whose victims definitely numbered in the millions.
>Ugh! I don't need to defend my obviously superior viewpoints with facts! I'll just dismiss this entire thread's discourse as ridiculous with no substance! That will prove my argument!
>this is a meme im not controlled i dopent open ledit i dont watch fogs news i use ma mind i swear saddam had he wmds kim will nuke us if we dont atak isis is saudi arabia's kid not ours we always dindu nuffin
kys, literal subhuman.
Credible estimates for Stalin are in the 10-20 mil range, 40-50 mil for Mao, so you’re two biggest offenders only get you to 70 million at most. Khmer Rouge killed a lot relative to population, but in absolute numbers only 2 mil. If you assign all deaths from Russian Civil War, even those caused by whites, that’s another 8 million. So now 80 mil total. The rest only killed a few thousand each, so no way you reach 100 mil, let alone hundreds.
BTW the 100 million figure comes from the Black Book of Communism, two of whose co-authors (Werth and Margolin) said the editor Courtois was obsessed with reaching the magical number of 100 million and manipulated things in order to do so.
Obviously Communism is bad and killed a lot of people but it helps no one to use ridiculously exaggerated numbers
How'd you come to the 100's of millions figure from this? I'm not seeing any estimates listed for each instance here so what's it based on?
What are the Philippines, Cuba, Mexico
What I learned from this thread is that gommunism killed 100,000,000 people, destroyed their culture and economy until the based capitalists had to come in and fixed everything
Some numbers for Stalin are below ten million.
We get this thread literally every week. Sometimes even more often than that.
Pic related is my pick, however.
Fair enough. I suppose I was being a bit hyperbolic.
Still, 70-80 million is horrifying in a century.
Why do you leftypol soyboys want a safespace?
Funny a bunch of those are more to blame on America and capitalism than anything else.
Funny how it's ok when the mutts/non communists do it (Genocides of socialists/suspected socialists in Korea, Indonesian genocide, all those revolutions in Europe and france, dictators like pinochet, the opium invasion, starving North Korea) but fuck communists! right? USA dindu nuffin wrong
Example faggot, you're just spewing old rhetoric that lost all meaning, next thing you'll be saying mobile phones are bad, people aren't spending enough time together and we need more peace and love.
You anti white leftists deserve to be genocided
Were they?
There were less than a million executions under Stalin.
There weren't a noticable number of executions under Mao.
So only Khmer Rouge then.
Killing people is bad and even if you did eliminate someone who did cause something bad in the normal timeline, the butterfly effect could lead to some other disaster or devastating war.
>antiwhite leftists
Sorry lardie, I'm not from your 3rd world country.
>moving the goalposts
I never said that the West wasn't culpable in atrocities committed at the same time, I'm just saying communism has a much MUCH higher body count.
>neoliberals and social democrats are communists
Epic. I like it. Also, why does /pol/ call everyone they don't like 'soyboys'? You guys know Hitler was literally a vegan that ate a shit ton of soy products, right? Your leader was THE soyboy.
>people dying in 3rd world/unstable countries/under dictators
really gets the noggins joggin
Well, then it wouldn't be communism's death toll but ineffective dictatorships' death toll. But guess what? Socialist regimes were (and are) so often ineffective dictatorships that you can't separate communism into its own category. Socialist democracy would produce much different results than socialist dictatorship. Surely you understand that much?
Also you are arguing for killing innocent men because opportunistic, ruthless usurpers abused their theories in order to gain legitimacy for their own coup d'etats. Why not kill the violent dictators who did the killing? And would you go back in time to murder Jesus because of the Crusades?
>le all of /pol/ worships Hitler XD
Why can't you leftypol soyboys convince me to be anti white?
Why should I hate my own race?
Why Marx? Because of the people killed under "communism"? The Soviet Union worked pretty well from a purely economic perspective, and its leaders being tyrans doesn't have anything to do with communism. They would only have used another state ideology as cover if Marx never existed and would've been equally shitty in practice. On the other hand, we might not have had actual socialism, which nowadays works perfectly in Scandinavia for example. Like said you are probably American and have been brainwashed into hating left-wing ideology
The great purge was about 600,000 and the famine of 1932-33 was a few million. Mao killed at least several hundred thousand landlords and "class enemies" and was partially responsible for the starvation of 15-45 million.
Marx was just one of many communist/socialist thinkers of the time. He was successful in making a "scientific" (keep in mind scientific meant something different at the time) system with a materialistic framework, but if it hadn't been him it may very well have been someone else.
Besides, heaping blame on Marx is stupid, since he was influenced by Hegel, who was influenced by Kant, who was influenced by... on and on to Thales.
Do they not? I can go to /pol/ at any given hour and see at least 2 threads on the front page with a Hitler picture used for OP. Pretty sure /pol/ loves their senpai
Have you ever been on /pol/? There's a ton of actual holocaust deniers on there, unless these guys are being ironic I don't think they are all too critical towards nazism.
>associating your local 3rd world politics with the rest of the world
stop projecting, subhuman. No one is ineterested in hearing about the latest development in your outback shithole, what the leftie antifa diverse genderless "communists" did to you. buy a rope.
>this delusion
Holy shit
This but unironically
>leaders being tyrans doesn't have anything to do with communism.
this is what anti white leftists actually believe
Scandinavia is not socialist. Socialism is when the workers own the means to production. Which, as far as I know, is not the case in Norway and Sweden.
>the absolute state of ameriflaps
It also has daily communists threads, anti-German and Polandboo circlejerk thread
>60-70 million people dead in just 3 countries as a direct result of communist rule
Or are you going to just dismiss those as third world shitholes too?
>you should kill yourself for not hating your own race
>with a Hitler picture used for OP
holy shit, you subhuman leftypol shills are triggers by the existence jpegs?
What's your race?
>guys, if you use Nazi imagery and constantly talk about how awesome national socialism is and how Hitler was right about everything that doesn't mean you're a Nazi!
You're actually retarded. How old are you? 15? 16? I refuse to believe an adult is capable of this stupidity/mental gymnastics.
Hitler worship isn't as popular as it once was, /pol/ is more concerned with whatever the newest meme issue is than National Socialism, that's why they come and make threads on here instead
>Damn commies starved people in famines
Why not counting heart attacks? Surely people who die from heart attacks in communist countries were spooked to death by bloody totalitarian dictators, no?
Oh, and I meant that the opening statement is always the same as well.
>the ideology under dictators isn't the problem, it's the dictators themselves that all happen to be genociding people in the name of that ideology!
>the leftypol shill is triggered by PICTURES of Hitler
>the mentally ill subhuman see's memesas full support everything nat soc related
>think not hatinfg your own race is nat soc
>is okay whit the daily pro Stalin threads, and anit white threads on Veeky Forums though
why don't you leftypol subhumans go back to your anti white safespace?
I agree with you completely. He is simply the most famous writer of it.
I just think too much socialism is a detriment to human advancement and happiness, with communism being an extreme example of this very phenomenon.
>everyone I don't like is a shill
Wow, thank you. I didn't know i was a shill until you let me know. Where do I pick up my Soros check?
The French never looked there. No, sir. Same for Africa, the "Middle East", and South America. No European has ever gone there and meddled. Nope.
mind pointing out where I said you were a shill in my post, leftypol subhuman?
What the hell is a "time lock?" Are you going to spout that the Soviet Union ushered in a neo-dark age next?