>"Dude, the past was shit. Do you really want to die of war and diseases?!"
"Dude, the past was shit. Do you really want to die of war and diseases?!"
They're right though.
I fail to see what's wrong with it
I too love high infant mortality.
The only people who want to go back to the past and be a peasant are NEETs who completely lack ambition. I’d much rather that people who are naturally talented have a chance to advance themselves and put their skills to good use rather than shovel shit all their lives working for some lazy inbred in a castle.
>The only people who want to go back to the past and be a peasant are NEETs
this literally does NOT compute
why would a person who's allowed to stay alive only thanks to modern times' socialist hyper abundance wish to go live in times where their social standard would go objectively through the fucking floor?
It's fairly obvious. They do not associate themselves with their proportionate class, but with some sort of nobility.
Muh suburban middle class will translate well r-right?
But high infant mortality is a good thing retard.
Muh capitalism
I think that would have been the worst
Imagine having a beautiful child with your wife who you love intensely and you raise them with diligence and affection, and then they get typhus and die in your arms after days of intense suffering.
>why would a person who's allowed to stay alive only thanks to modern times' socialist hyper abundance wish to go live in times where their social standard would go objectively through the fucking floor?
Because they think if they were forced to work they wouldn’t mind because they’d finally have that “qt traditionalist wife” they’ve been dreaming of and they think they would be productive and happy living a simple life without the internet and other modern vices to distract them. They also wouldn’t have to worry about financial problems (even though these would be replaced with worrying about diseases and starving). They’re cut from the same cloth as modern fascist and communist teenagers who want their whole lives determined for them because they’re scared of doing things on their own initiative.
Honestly living in any era before 1950`s is hell.
>Because they think if they were forced to work they wouldn’t mind because they’d finally have that “qt traditionalist wife” they’ve been dreaming of and they think they would be productive and happy living a simple life without the internet and other modern vices to distract them.
>professional parasite thinks drudging outside in any weather to stay fed without so much as fucking electricity is "happy simple life"
yes, this makes perfect sense
That's an honourable death.
You brainlets have to realise that death was so common in the past that people accepted it. People could literally due of a tooth ache.
Bang your head against a wall, retard.
Sounds like direct hit.
guess it takes actually tasting hard work to appreciate not having to do it
Now you've got it.
Sounds like you're a brainlet. Pick up a book.
200 years ago, I would have been an officer in an army surrounded by my own people fighting for something worthwhile or learning a trade to establish a family business or line.
Instead, I was born in this degenerate era, filling out University essays reused from the year before to be graded by some jaded 60 year old childless female lecturer who passive-aggressively comments on my writing and orders me to do things for her only to return home to my completely demoralised family and single mother and to walk the streets of an unrecognisable town where I bear no connection to this place at all and this is my punishment, to slave away for the next 40 years in order to finally pay off a house that I could have learned to build for a much lower cost but I have been forgotten even by my own state.
What punishment is this, to live a life of no meaning and to be thankful for it?
Sounds like cwaying.
Just tell them that if life was really so bad a long time ago, there would have never been so many great works of art, and no one would actually want to fight for anything, or reproduce. Venice in the Baroque was comfy as fuck.
"officer in an army"
Unless you're descended from a noble family, no
>I would have been an officer
Key word: or
> fighting for something worthwhile
> 200 years ago
200 years ago, wars were pissing contests between noble families, there was nothing worthwhile about them.
>I would have been an officer in an army
So, why aren't you an officer now, when you don't even have to be of high birth to become one?
>fighting for something worthwhile
Like profits of the East India Company, but due to being illiterate and simple-minded, beliving you actually fighting for some higher purpose
>Fighting for Jews
>Your family doesn't have sufficient social standing to make you an officer
>Even if they did, you are too weak and indecisive to be one
>You can learn a trade nowadays cheaper and safer
>Starting bussines is also easier
Global Rule 2
Jews Dominated European finances much harder since renascence than at a modern date, because gentiles were forbidden and discouraged from usury.
>professional parasite thinks drudging outside in any weather to stay fed without so much as fucking electricity is "happy simple life"
Sure, a lot of them seem to perceive themselves almost like drug addicts, except in place of drugs they are addicted to modern comforts. They blame their status on being afraid of the uncertainty of 21st century life, because in many ways, pre-modern life was simpler and more straightforward and the course of your life was essentially laid out from the moment you were born based on who your parents are.
I’d like you to characterize for me who wants to unironically be a medieval peasant if it’s not this demographic.
Nice strawman. I think there are a lot of valuable things to be learned from the past, especially when it comes to ethics and morals and cultural traditions, but unironically wanting to be a pre-modern peasant is a different thing entirely.
Except back then Europeans weren't fighting to establish greater Israel.
Heh, I remember posting this
Youre a cuck now youd be one then too. Some souls are just less than.
>I’d like you to characterize for me who wants to unironically be a medieval peasant if it’s not this demographic.
Not gonna point fingers. For me it has to be somebody completely unaware of realities of such existence. I worked fields and tended livestock 20 years ago and I can say with a straight face I wouldn't wish that shit on an enemy.
Some autism buck recipient hoping to be delivered from his torturous comfort and means to be CREATIVELY productive 24/7, by going back to shoveling shit without running water just sounds surreal.
Who do you think you're playing, buddy?
In what way shape or form would shoveling shit in a feudal system be superior to shoveling it in a feudal system?
Yeah, we had utilities and if someone got hurt we could actually take him to hospital.
So, uh, I guess it was markedly easier than 1000 years ago.
I'm dying to see how are you going to turn this against me.
Be superior to shoveling it in a capitalist system *
It was our own family plot and livestock in 90's eastern bloc you fucking imbecile so give me a break with your autistic screeching about jews and capitalism.
If you're too retarded to appreciate not having to FUCKING DIE from scratching yourself with a rusty nail by accident, then we have nothing to discuss here.
Oh you’re one of those. Why didn’t you just say that you were an extra retarded natsoc reactionary.
It would save so much time
The entire prosperity of modern white civilizations is based on the fusion of capital and industry enabling mass migrations away from the agricultural life you and the nazis idolized.
He isn't me.
200 years ago your chances at succeeding at either due to high mortality rate from infection and disease and inability to start up a business would keep you in poverty and put you into a very, very early grave.
Doesn't make it less fucked up to the parent who has to deal with their baby's death. And how can a child die an honorable death? They don't know anything or lived enough to make their death tragically noble.
>why would a person who's allowed to stay alive only thanks to modern times' socialist hyper abundance wish to go live in times where their social standard would go objectively through the fucking floor?
Because people like >200 years ago, I would have been an officer in an army
If you go back far enough to before agriculture was invented your living standard will go way up though.
this is a Incas were superior tier meme
it was funny maybe first five times
now it's just embarassing
t. Amerimutt that will do anything he can to attack native Americans
I love it more than barely un-existant birth rates
>Implying that technology wouldn´t naturally evolve and that women who gave birth more often wouldn´t misscarry more often because it is a normal thing as they got older
Incas were not pre-agricultural. Paleolithic men were on average around 5'9", whereas medieval men were around 5'5". Why do you think that might be?
>get post natal aborted because theres not enough land to go around
The Romans and Greeks did that too dummy.
Because not all are NEET´s and had worked alredy, without ever having received any sort of support after paying taxes, while a lot of human gargabe, also white trash but mostly minoraties suck dry their hard worked money trough taxes.
So it´s just normal they want to go back times were that sort of thing didn´t happen, and when beggars and minoraties knew theyr place (opposed to be able to form their our blocks to sell votes conviniently to whoever they saw fit, like socialists, liberals or comunists, against the whims of the productive classe sucked dry everyday)
>Paleolithic men were on average around 5'9", whereas medieval men were around 5'5". Why do you think that might be?
biggest bulls got pussy and made more
rest fucking died kissless
if you think your sex life would be somehow better you're fucking mental, the fact that you feel the need to contemplate this shit almost screams that your bloodline wouldn't even exist without modern society to prop it up
It was because of nutrition you dumb fuck. Average heights shot up again once Europeans stopped eating shit food. North and South Koreans already have a height difference after less than 100 years due to nutrition. There was not nearly enough time between the beginning of the neolithic to the modern era for height to genetically shrink by 4 inches.
>/rk9/ meets Veeky Forums
>it does not go well