Has nothing of any importancell ever happened in baltice countries, and still is a rather small unnoticed plot of land?
Am I ignorant or
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Lithuanians were kings of Poland or something. That's about it I think.
Lithuania is a thing. The other two are literal empty patches of land that were called countries and nations in the beginning of a 20th century.
Short answer:
Yes, you are ignorant.
Longer answer:
There have been many battles there, even such where fates of crusades and wars, kingdoms and empires, of cities and people hanged in the balance. Ultimately though, this depends on your definition of important. For a villager of the 16th century, getting raided by 10 bandits would have probably been the most important battle for them. A millenial memster on Veeky Forums would probably have another as demonstrated by: .
>battle sites
>important history
For some battles, sure. But 10 bandits attacking a farm is important to those involved but not to the world at large
I don't get your point. Are you saying that everything is equally important? Or that an event's importance is weighed by how strongly an individual involved felt about it regardless of global impact?
they just stole the name mate
how does one steal his name from himself?
tbqh, belarusians LARPing a bunch of illiterate swamp-fume trippers is even sadder than them being conquered by said swampniggers
They were important warm water ports for Russia
>Am I ignorant
Yes you are, we are basically -stans of Europe, nobody knows a thing and that is good.
My point was that OP needs to redefine the paramaters of his question. As it stands it's a meaningless, empty question. Battles where just an example how importance is relative.
Where are you from and why do you hate the place(s) you just mentioned?
Baltic history in a nutshell:
>get cucked by Teutonic crusaders
>get cucked by Prussia
>get cucked by Sweden
>get cucked by Russia/USSR
Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, calm down
One of the crusades happened. Also, Riga was one of the first non-kraut cities to adopt Lutheranism as a religion which resulted in the pogroms against Catholics.
Estonians in Viking era did sack the Viking capital of Sigtuna and have killed many viking kings and enslaving them while western europe shivered in fear in their castles.
Seeing as Balts get shit on for existing, I'd say it's quite remarkable for a culture to still exist after all those 800 years of slavery and wars fought on their soil. The people were always ruled by dominant powers at those times, driving them to near extinction by others trying to raise a colony of their own.
You can talk about how Baltics are irrelevant and contributing nothing, but as far I see it, you have no knowledge about Baltics
Inb4 t.angry balt
>empty and bavkwards lands before soviet enlightenment and industrialisation brought civilisation
>""warm water ports"" in the baltic ""crucial"" for muscovites
>baltics sans LIT were only ever objects of history to be cucked by the proper subjects of history
>balts and esties were slaves
>esties wuz wikangz
I wish these memes would die already.
You mean Norsemen settled in Balticum?
Grand Duchy of Lithuania was literally the biggest nation in Europe at one point, my educationlet friend.
>inb4 butthurt ByeloRUSSIANS
Sigtuna was sacked by Karelians or a coalition of Karelians and Oeselians
>>""warm water ports"" in the baltic ""crucial"" for muscovites
whats wrong with this one
Here comes the fingoloid kang.
So you be saying Estonian Mongoloid Kangs sacked Sigtuna? Is that what you be saying?
We killed bunch of jews (around 90% of their entire population in Latvia) and let the g*rmans take all the blame
riga and all baltic cities were literally german
Curonians are literally a Latvian tribe
Nothing is german
It's more likely that the pillage of Sigtuna never happened than that it was done by Curonians.
The only source for the event is Eric's Chronicle which identifies Karelians as the culprits.
>Swerige haffde mykin vadha aff karelom ok mykin onadha The foro aff haffuit oc vp i mäle bade i lugne ok swa i äle alt hemelika jnnan swia skär ok optast ä mz stylda här en tyma fiöl them en then luna at the brändo wp sightuna Ok brändo thz swa alt i röther at then stadhin fik ey än böther Jon erchebiscop wart ther slägen tess war mangin hedin fäghen at them crisno gik swa illa i hand thz gledde karela ok rytza land
>after all those 800 years of slavery and wars fought on their soil.
You mean 800 years og G*rman slavery.
the baltics is a centuries long experiment in g*rman tyranny and apartheid with german landlords and city rulers conspiring together to segregate baltic natives from economic, cultural and social life of the region. The only people who tried to break the g*rman chokehold on baltic life was the Swedish imperial administrators who saw how smallminded and petty the german rulers of the region for what they were and tried to break their power, replace them with a new swedish (and finnish, anyone loyal desu) nobility, and elevate the native balts' social and economic position for the profit of themselves and the empire (this is most clear in their effort to preserve baltic languages and customs as a consequence of reformation effort to proselytize in the vernacular). Theres a REASON the G*rms turned on the Swedes and with open arms embraced Russian rule under Peter (the Great): the swedes were actually putting them in their place while Peter promised (and indeed did) allow the G*rman overlords of the region to preserve their ridiculous social and tax privileges so as to win their loyalty and gain a warm water port. These G*rms then proceeded to TAKE OVER the Russian empire from within; these G*rms, like a parasitic microbe, proceeded to become enobled by the Russians, formed a huge amount of the bureaucracy and the military staff of the Russian state and generally fill the upper rungs of the elite from 1700 onward. When russian natives and native elites complained about the state being dominated by foreigners, they were talking PARTICULARLY about g*rmans having disproportionate influence in the government, these g*rms having come from the BALTIC regions.
*smacks lips*
To take the story full circle. The G*rms of the Baltic region then proceeded to betray their Russian overlords in WWI, even in the newly independent Baltic states proceeded to dominate life there. Finally, if this were not enough, a baltic G*rman named Alfred (((Rosenberg))) became Hitler's confidante and proceeded to become the ideologue for the N*zi party, one of his main ideas being the destruction of Russia. Here, we have another example of Baltic G*rman treachery.
>conspiring together to segregate baltic natives from economic, cultural and social life of the region.
And before people accuse me of exaggerating, we actually have laws written down for segregating and discriminating native Balts. They forbade interracial marriage, from using Baltic languages in cities, from joining any artisan trades and guilds, from MOVING into the cities, from owning certain property and patronizing certain establishments. Although this didn't work 100% in practice, we see the workings of the G*rman mind centuries before the atrocities of the 20th century.
I'm sure Balts would be much better off if they were Russianized
I'm sure you're not objective here Fingoloid kang. Keep sucking that german dick. Just a reminder that Finnic l1 has nothing to do with Germanics.
If you're being ironic, I'd like to point out that the Russians enabled G*rman tyranny in the Baltic by preserving their privileges so as to detach them from the Swedish Empire.
Are you a Pole or a Latvian?
Keep sucking that Russian dick and blaming evil German boogeyman for everything.
Finnish I1-L287(not Finnic) is of proto-Germanic origin and unknown among other Finnic people including Estonians.
West Karelians, aka the Karelians who sacked Sigtuna have it though since they are on the Finnish-East Baltic Finnic continuum.
MUH HERITAGE. How are you any different than R1a Fingoloid? You shit up every thread with your Fingoloid fantasies. Grow up, no one cares about Fingolians in a thread about Baltics.
The only fantasy here is some Curonian kang claiming that Curonians sacked Sigtuna when the only chronicle which attests the event is Eric's and which says not a single word about Curoshits and names Karelians as the culprits. Stop being a wewuz nigger.
Maybe Oeselians from Saaremaa were involved in the event as they were a fellow Finnic people but not exclusively.
Was Kaupo the greatest Latvian in history?
You are ignorant.
>no one cares about irrelevant ethnicity in a thread about other irrelevant ethnicity
No, apparently Estonians loved to raid just as much as the Scandinavians did;
That can't be true. Finnic people were always peaceful.
Being a Lativan is absolutely suffering.
Imagine that your entire history is being a eternal serf or germans.
First it were German theocracies trying to convert us, then Teutonic Order, then Livonian Order, then Courland, then Swedes then the russians came and made baltic german nobles the ruling class here, then after we get our freedom soviets return and after then germans return and want to finish colonising it, but fail spectacularly and you return back to soviets... The only nation which didn't cuck us entirely was probably Poland.
Only time we were happy was probably when we were free barbarian savages living together with our Lithuanian brothers...
Who ever though that we should be separate from Lithuania, should be lynched.
You dumb fuck, that autist claimed that curonians are estonian, which they weren't. That's enough of reason to ignore him
Latvian riflemen(Originally a WW1 military unit consisting of 8 battalions in Russian Imperial Army) practically won the civil war for Lenin.
No, that's a shitty myth
jogaila was literally a lithuanian and nobody ever debates this
and he founded the very important jagiellon dynasty after betraying his own country
Romanovs were Lithuanian
>making relevant
>t. brainwashed vycka cultist
Jogaila didn't betray shit.
Unlike v*tautas.
I thought Lithuanians loves Vytautas?
I am neoGalindian
and only the unenlightened proles love him
Skirgaila is the true hero in the story
My sweet summerchild.
Estonians happen to be great fighters when time calls upon it.
For instance when WW1 ended, Estonia was fighting against then Soviets and Baltic Landeswehr at once preserving their Independence.
They also almost captured Riga from Germans, but Western powers stopped it, perhaps not wanting to see United Baltic rise that would become somesort of regional influence.
imo. I think Estonians and Latvians have more in common than finns and estonia.
Would be nice to see Estonia-Latvia united.
Adding to that, reason why Soviet Union couldn't conquer Finland was because Estonians under Nazi German occupation held out the Red Army from capturing Tallinn, from which they would have gained huge advantage in taking Helsinki.
denmark owned estonia for a while
Russians would be the largest ethnic group in Estonia-Latvia.
Battle of Cēsīs only
We do. That guy is a vatnik/revisionist. Either that or his last name is Jyczczczwzwzyowski
Latvia and Estonia shouldn't be independent, prove me wrong.
Take it easy Putin
t. Efraimas Žemkalnis
I bet you're from Wilno, too.
I was right. Wyczeslav Gogorzczkisznyky i found you out.
But you're wrong. Try again, faggot.
pro tip: >10000 gyv.
Think north.
thats west gopnik.
last hint: PIENAS
Holy fuck I hate my countrymen
T. Lithuanian
you mean northeast, you dingus
p.s. rokiškio is the worst milk on the market
raminkis katite
Omfg you nigger.
>thread involving Lithuanians
> starts talking in native tongue and shitposting
And yet they wonder why everyone thinks of them as barbarians. Go back to
Their ruling caste was norse
Šī ir baltu teritorija
That wouldn't surprise me. Estonians have always been especially fond of the Swedes.
Balts on Veeky Forums are bunch of underage anime-loving autists. They're also extremly butthurt and take memes seriously as seen ITT.
you don't finish the prestigious meme university if you don't take memes seriously, iicsrn
Tinder "about me" section:
"I'm an avid reader."
Couldn't even read:
>Has nothing of any importancell EVER happened in baltice countries...
You care too much about this stuff. Don't tell me that you are embarrassed
You mean when Lithuanians were fleeing from the battlefield leaving Polacks alone against the Teutons?
That was a strategic retreat
lithuanian propaganda
Well then your statement that supposedly they ran is also Polack propoganda. You have no proofs mate
LOL who did the polish ever beat?
As for Latvia and Estonia, they've mostly been populated by Germans in cities and in all important positions.
Latvians and Estonians seem pretty chill. I don't know what's the problem with Lithuanians.