Losers thread. People with shitty/mediocre lives post stats and likelihood of kys

Losers thread. People with shitty/mediocre lives post stats and likelihood of kys

>28 y/o
>just dropped out of grad school with 50k debt
>15k LINK
>$3k in bank
>$15/hr job, live with parents
>IBS, no social life
>93% in the next few days but might wait to see how LINK turns out, then kms

Other urls found in this thread:


>sex life at an all time pathetic, try to change myself
>get career
>get Veeky Forums
>cut hair, change style
>try online dating, it's aweful
>move to the other side of the country
>even more lonely, few dates I get are disasters
>discover crypto, make a fortune in a short time
>feel like I'm finally going to make it in life
>discover margin trading, lose everything
>realize the night sky is the endless abyss of Hell itself. We are all prisoners of the world, society, our bodies, and our minds.

Nothing will ever get any better. No matter how hard you try.

>shitty degree from shitty state school
>2k Elix lmao
>$2k in the bank
>$14/hr job, live with parents
>no friends

Fix your mental state loser, many people with less than you who are naturally happy.

Too fixated on attaining materialistic goals will ruin you, has ruined you.

I have 0.7 BTC ( I lost a lot from being scammed) but I am extremely happy and optimistic for the future, I am excited.

I do not depend on seeing my balance increase in value for my source of purpose in life, no purpose, no motivation = depression.

I hope you idiots actually listen to this and stop trying to chase a rabbit down a endless tunnel.

>Live with parents
>Never had a job
>$15k or so in crypto but it's all gone bad in the last few weeks, didn't get in on any recent moon missions

>21 living with parents
> sorta have shit going for me i guess
>never held hands with a girl
>50k ELIX
>Ignored eth at 2 bucks
>maxed credit cards on china shit coins the day before China ban
>sold ark for civic the day before moon mission
>sold 3k Walton coin at 3 bucks (bought at 50 cents)
>got blacked
> tfw you're broke irl but still 600% up on initial investment 3 months ago

How were you scammed

>25, european
>studying English Studies
>want to drop uni because surrounded by commies and retards and that degree will probably only get me a job at Mcdonalds
>no job
>live with parents
>succesful sister
>all savings are in crypto
>1900€ into LINK and some ICO
>no friends

At least I am white and have a gf...

I've begun crossdressing more as my crypto involvement intensifies.

Being your own girl is the best...

>18 y/o kissless virgin
>college freshman
>1.1 BTC waiting for something new to invest in, started with .3 BTC a month ago
>$4k in bank
>no job, most likely gonna have a $12/hr one pretty soon
>lost some good friends because of stupid thot
>got cucked

tell me how to get a girl, im not ugly but i just cant talk to any hot ones. ty.

>17k Student loan Debt, $3500 CC debt
>9k in crypto, $400 in bank
>rarely leave house
>live with parents, trying to move out
>cant move out because dont wanna work for $12/hr and dont wanna cash out crypto yet

Whats IBS...is that when your stomach is fucked up? if so you probably got worms and/or fungus; not kidding OP look that shit up and do a cleanse.

become cam trap for more crypto. its the only way

> 20 y/o
> 3500 LINK
> lost around $1700 in crypto so far
> minimum wage job
> half of my paycheck goes to rent
> 3/4 goes to groceries, and anything else goes into crypto
> literal wageslave, living paycheck to paycheck
> college dropout
> around $5k in debt
> will use crypto gains to buy some psychedelics and dissociatives + want to get into benzos
> likelihood of suicide is at 4.7%

I was stupid and gave my private key to some fake airdrop and lost 20 ETH and 40k LINK.

I was blinded by naivety and greed at the time, and I got burnt. Dog eat dog world, I am over the moon that this is real.

I mean who would of ever thought we'd be here doing this, creating memes, making real money on internet coins.

Too many people seem to forget what they actually already have.

>live with my parents, work for my dad making $10 an hr (untaxed)
>Only $200 in the bank, $3500 in crypto
>never had any sexual contact with a woman, ever
>extremely low self confidence
>don't talk to any of my friends anymore

A couple months ago I decided to go all in on crypto. My life fucking sucks, and if I lose it all it's not like anything will change for me. So I'm hoping to make it, so I can travel the world and then probably kill myself if I don't find love.

I guess some diversification into Fapcoin couldn't hurt

Good on you for keeping a positive attitude but goddam dont be so fucking retarded next time

Thanks bud, yeah it was a lesson and a half for sure.

Fucking idiots thinking they losers...

I am the real loser here

>I clean shit because I work on some piggery, I have to take dead pigs out and shit, I work from 8 AM to 5 PM doing this.

>500 eur month salary

>I left school at 6th grade

>Atm my crypto holdings are 500 FLIK and 1k ENJ

>Around 300 eur left to sustain myself until the end of month

>At least I live on my own

>Every month I take 250 eur and buy btc to invest in shitcoins, so I am only left with money to buy food, should I continue? I guess its enough for you "losers" kys retards you dont fucking know what its like to be a loser

stop eating wheat and your IBS will go away. look it up if you don't believe me. there are studies. you are probably gluten-intolerant. also cut out dairy.

lol, you have $3K fiat in the bank...for what...why not go all on something you believe in like LINK if you already have 15K LINK and thinking of kys already.

Fucking LARPers. Veeky Forums is trash lately.

At least be truthful.

Here are my LOSER stats, worse than you:

>age 29
>quit all jobs i've worked in past 4 yrs, mid-income range stuff.
>finished BA
>$1.2 in bank
>$280 in crypto, down from $900 total deposited including cuckbase fees
>living with parents, dad is a fucking idiot, annoying, cripple, mom is loud bitch, both are poor and barely surviving on soc. security
>I have no health issues but am a gambling addict and alcoholic
>no job, basically do nothing all day but refresh charts, shitpost.
>not a virgin but now basically incel/vocel, jacking off sometimes to /gif/.
>35% KMS probability, birthday coming up, it could be pottery to die on bday.

Many of you have no fucking balls whatsoever and cannot fathom that your life is not that bad compared to others. oh well. perspective.

Don't diversify, apply investment concentration.

Consider playing on x3 leverage to catch bull runs (Like XRP & ETH upcoming)

Stop playing in risky stupid shit coins, you may win 3 times but one loss could ruin all your work, focus on quality.

Membered to stay patient, the market will go on for years, multiple trillions is inevitable at this point)

>no debt
>completely financially independent
>Army paying for my school
>not even close to a virgin but honestly don't care about women rn
>Almost done with my degrees in math and physics, almost going to get my commission
>20k in crypto (loop and link)
>1k bank
>Love my startup job that is giving me stock options

Seriously, aren't most of you faggots white guys? I came from a whitetrash whore and a mentally ill retard father yet I'm still doing fine. I'm not even that great, my life has been fucking easy. The game is literally rigged in our favor. Kill yourselves.

That's the spirit brother, it's all in how one choices to reflect upon the world, you're gonna make it.

white privilege pls go
have fun wagecucking for someone else's "startup" and being an armycuck for ZOG.

anyway, you don't know how hard it is to be a shitskin under 6'...

going all in on that KYS eye-cee-oh could end the pain, the ennui, that existential emptiness.

see you in hell

>meme degree, payed off debt
>$40k in savings
>$160k in crypto
>Bartend, throw events
>Pretty great social life but feel imposter-y. >Value my alone time more than seeing people.
>15% by end of year

>Useless 4 year degree from DeVry, 100k in debt
>400$ in bank
>1k$ in BTC
>No job, live with parents.
>Only sex has been with escorts and two drunk fat chick.
>Convinced them that I'm a full-time crypto trader even though I have a third of what I started with two months ago.
>Gonna kms if golem doesn't moon in the next two weeks.

>white privilege
its funny because we are witnessing minorities getting favored more and more and having to accept their racism as lash back for all the things our ancestors did.


holy shit... im sorry. please get help before it's too late.

hey you fucking deadbeat loser shit bag. the world won't miss you if you were to die, how does it feel? i bet it feels good desu. similar cuckry as you but fairly comfy,

>25 y/o
>bury people for ok money
>ok money means you won't be getting rich or settle down ever here
>1/3rd income goes to mom for rent
>-4k usd in CC, 900 usd on account
>about 2.8k in cuckcoins

i would honestly have offed my self way sooner, but i would feel bad for my parents. seeing them getting old and helpless hurts to watch so i have a need to take care of them which is really the only thing from killing myself. hurts being a kissless, sightless virgin being invisible to women.

>live in rotting shack in middle of nowhere
>sleeps on floor
>250$ in bank
>ow 2700$ in back taxes and power bills
>hermit mode engaged
>unsuccessful online scam artist & author
>chances of not making it through winter due to self inflicted wound : 50%
Im a wizard though, so I should be good.
>tfw put it all on black
>tfw sushi gets comped

How do you browse Veeky Forums if you're blind?

...Do you text-to-speech the whole thing?

i feel your pain brother... i wonder what the % of people who own crypto are in similar situation as yours... honestly at this point, you might as well as pray that your coin goes up.

>28 y/o
>kissless dateless virgin (unless you count strippers I paid one to kiss me and give me a bj a year or two ago and think I have herpes or a UTI now but am too beta to go to a doctor for it)
>had a good job but orbitted a coworker for three years who just got married a couple weeks ago, got drunk at the wedding and made an ass out of myself and got fired
>still live with parents
>went all in on walton at 28k and sold it at 11k for a 70% loss right before it mooned 20x
>got in a terrible crash a few months ago and completely totalled my car, but made it out unharmed although my heart has been acting up lately and I think I might die in my sleep soon
>probably gonna get sued soon by the girl who was probably responsible for the accident but I got cited cause she was a cute innocent 18 y/o girl

By diversifying you mean to try to invest everything into one single coin right? I might have to google more about bear/bull shit to understand it better though, solid advice anyway

/pol/ gtfo

sightless as in never seen real nudity irl. not even a nip slip or a vag slip. never held hands or anything either apart from in grade 11 where the class had to hold hands in a circle. i never wanted to let go of this grille's hand. she hastly pulled her hand away as soon as it was over.

This thread is turning into one of those DGB vignettes

>23 y/o
>160k crypto
>terrible case of genetic condition keratosis pilaris and acne
>can only wear long sleeved shirts
>will never get a gf unless she has a more fucked up genetic condition than me
>it's hereditary and literally all of my descendants would have it

I'm going to die alone and the mediocre amount of money I have does nothing to ease daily suicidal thoughts

Are you fucking mentally retarded? Fuck a bitch for 30-40 bucks, I think those virgin autists are just too lazy to do anything other than browsing Veeky Forums, you wont make it, I swear

I'm betting it all on etherscan.io/token/Golem?a=0x00889655a90ee7e2921feef96329f97e217d8ba0 being coinbase.

Probably quite a few. Crypto is my only hope.

I would turn to drugs, honestly.

I hear heroin and oxycodone feel good

oh also i was a dgb holder thanks for reminding me

I smoke a lot of weed and do adderall. It's pretty good at making me stop caring at things. If anyone here has non-disgusting skin they should consider themselves blessed, at least in that sense.

just so you can get some hope, anons
>NEET for 5 years, living with parents after suffering lymphoma and its treatment
>love tech, specially infosec, so I kept learning
>tried selling electronics stuff, doing small programming/IT jobs for a while, barely making money
>talking to (IRC) friends, they tell me they talked to some people and got a job opportunity for me
>do some interviews, some tests and get hired
>after less than a year, I make enough money to live by myself comfortably, and even save a good % of my wage
if you love something, and you know you can make money off it, keep at it, find groups of people who do the same as you, keep learning, etc., you'll make it sooner or later.
but be realistic, if you know you won't make it, try giving it a new perspective, finding new ways to use it, find new interests, etc. and by this I don't mean you NEED to find everything by yourself... just as we learn from other, we can take ideas from others, too. so, read forums, facebook groups, etc. talk to people, get new ideas from them. this thread is a good example.
and finally.... be confident of, and realistic about your knowledge.

Hmm I guess we all have this special feeling of "crypto" is the only hope left, even if I dont make big profits in 3 months from now I still will be in the crypto because its unpredictable for example I wanted to buy elix at 1k cuz I just saw the potential in it, but had no money.. guess what.. tomorrow there might be some new neo and I want to be in

>you might as well as pray that your coin goes up.
implying i dont meditate, pray and ask my subconscious to guide me to make smart financial decisions. Also gotta trip on psychedelics soon to think about the next crypto move

How bad is it user? i have that shit on my arms but its honestly not that bad; Date a Latina, a lot of latinos have it. Also, try a drastic change of diet; it really works for some people. Do keto, or weed out gluten or certain things for a month or two and see if theres any changes.

Mad Jelly of that 160k in crypto. Id be set if i had that much right now.

>went from healthy, Chad-type guy to paranoid depressive in two years
>less than $100 in crypto but I'm already starting to doubt myself
>quit talking to my high school friends after they found out I had a gay experience at 19
>minimal interaction at college, set to graduate soon though
>complicated girl problems but haven't had sex in 3 years
>no job, have been let go from many because of nervous breakdowns at work
>legit scared of others
>live with parents but try to be as least of leech as possible
>Internet addiction, spend the rest of my time cramming for assignments

I could be worse, but I fear for the future.

i said it ironically as a joke/sarc or whatever, i am pro-white, did you not see me call myself a shitskin. there are some of us who are you on your side. sometimes the joke isn't clear in text form.

Fuck buddy thats rough, glad you made it out.

>living in NYC, depress about always being broke
>Quit job i hated, slowly getting in debt
>mom gets diagnosed with lymphoma, move back to florida to be with her
>Cancer is fucking awful, get even more depressed about seeing her go through treatment
>discover crypto, discover ecommerce, realize i dont have to be poor or be a wagecuck; start thinking like an entrepreneur
>working on some ecommerce ideas, have made some crypto gains
>Mom is better, about to move out, things are finally looking up.

Its easy to be depress when you're a fucking neet not doing anything or working in some dead end job... but remember its all about perspective. You're free to do as you please and happiness is never far from reach.

*who are on your side
holy fuck i'm so retarded i can't type.

anyway the point is: if you're white, and you think your life sucks, try to take advantage of your whiteness because it is somewhat beneficial depending on how you play the genetic cards you were dealt.

like i said, my parents are low-IQ idiots and so am i. got into crypto late and as a result, losing big time because too slow to hope on hype-coins before they pump.

my bad, i wasn't in the best of moods so i just jumped to conclusions

I don't know if it's bad or not but I'm absurdly self conscious about it. I would rather lose everything I have than take my shirt off in front of a girl and see the look on her face. I like latinas a lot so that's interesting to know. I'm on a vegetarian diet right now and it got a little better but not by much. My only hope is some kind of vaccine but i'm sure that would exist already if it was possible.

Nothing sadder than seeing someone call themselves a shitskin on this site full of pedophile losers lmao. Don't ever feel inferior to these losers, you wanna see what these scum look like irl? Google John Edgar Rust lmao.

The fact you are so hung up on your race and height is why you're a loser, go out into the real world for a bit. Nothing ELSE matters only personality and your outlook on this world. Stop BEING A FUCKING VICTIM

Nigga. Take out 3500 and end your cc debt, set student loans at lowest payoff option, take difference from what amount the loans would have been and put in crypto. Do this shit yesterday.

t. Older, wiser you.

im really curious how bad it is....it could be your low self esteem man; post pics. Really try a keto diet if the vegeterian diet doesnt work. Get a tan, that helps a lot. Also, dont bathe with hot water, use oatmeal soap, and some cocoa creams help a bit. If your skin is hydrated it at least doesnt feel as rough.

Lastly get Jacked.....seriously if you're fucking jacked, have a decent tan and take care of your skin/body no fucking girl is gonna care about that shit man.

You guys are on easy mode.

>owe 175k non dischargeable, fuck me in the ass federal student loans
>50k miscellaneous debt mostly attributable to a failed business.
>I make 70k a year.

Please kill yourself you worthless faggot

The secret to losing weight is a high healthy fats low protein no carb ketogenic diet + fasting

You first, bitch

Listen to this man right here all you fuckups. I'm close to $0 in liquidity myself but don't give a shit because of one key: my $100k in platforms and brand name.

Invest in PLATFORMs and bull runs on them. Any ERC20 token was created on the ETH platform. RPX is going on the NEO PLATFORM. Smart Contracts will be written on the Tezos (XTZ) PLATFORM. Obsidian (ODN) is a digital privacy Dapp PLATFORM. (Hint: buy the plats) Brand name is something like Bitcoin, LTC is just a fork of the code you might as well own BTC.

See where this is going? Now go get rich. The market is going to hit 1 trillion at some point in the near future. No one know when that day will be is.

How in the hell did you accumulate that much student debt? Did you go to an Ivy or something?

Poor family + law school meme. Got into a top law school, graduated cum laude, all the things you're supposed to do, but graduated in 2014 (highest glut of law school graduates ever). Less than 5% of my school got the fancy 6 figga jigga jobs.

Best part is everyone going crazy when I got in and celebrating. Oh, how it makes me laugh and laugh.

This works far better than one can imagine but it takes awhile for the body to readjust to normal energy intake. Carbs are like rocket fuel. Can't keep my weight over 162 anymore.

>deferred my loans and told the government to fuck off. I'll pay that shit off when 17k is pennies to me
>3500 is on my discover card
>got offer to get cash out of my chase card, no interest for a year, just a 3% fee.
>asked for a credit increase for chase card, got 5k now
>just opened up a Bank of america cc.
>gonna max out the cash on my chase card, transfer the balance to Bofa cc, then repeat.
>additional 10k in crypto

Nice try, but im an absolute madman. All in on this crypto shit

before you off yourself remember to enrich a whale with more link. send it over papa

forgot address

Respect. Hope it works out for you.

Are you me? Not cum laude but similar story.

There are non-law careers open to you though. Some employers won't touch a law degree as you might be trouble i.e. you know your rights.

Waiting long term on BAT instead of Link.

What non-law options provide decently? Everything I've looked into seems like a huge step backwards pay-wise. I'm at a point where I'm considering going back to school for cs, and riding the lawyer/coder dual threat into the smart contract age.

>sex life at an all time pathetic

My sex life has been pathetic since birth.

Also consider working for forensics in technology along with fintech. You don't need a Computer Science degree to be a programmer or infrastructure/networking expert. Tech companies are favoring private certifications over degress more and more due to the failure of meme degree hires. I have worked for major pharmaceutical companies as a college drop out and ZERO certifications, I just know my shit.

Data protection.

Yank companies are about to be caught with their pants down for GDPR & EU data transfers. Facebook are about to get railed in Strasbourg and that ruling will absolutely affect US companies.

Data protection officer/lawyer would be good. No law degree needed in EU for it, not sure about US. Specialise in it. Learning CS might assist.

i was called a quitter and idiot for dropping architecture for env science back in school. the unemployment rate specifically for architecture grads is surreal.

>also, no poo in loos ever go for env science / env consulting, so no worries there

it's crazy how much some enjoy the kool aid

>>had a good job but orbitted a coworker for three years who just got married a couple weeks ago, got drunk at the wedding and made an ass out of myself and got fired

lmao the only interesting person in this thread, mind telling us more?

Thank you based anons. I'll look into these.

Absolutely. The colleges here have dropped courses in low level programming. The students are more like web developers today. Classes offer little to no information on law unless you had a based professor who knew it was a problem. I expect the lawsuits will be numerous with few who know how to handle it legally.

Former architect student myself starting in high school. It actually taught me AutoCAD rolling into 3DSMax modeling/animation which led to programming. Law is one of the few fields where you really need to attend school. Might suck in the short term but you will make it user.

pull your legs over your head and shit on your own face.

> Be 27
> Child support

Don't even get to see the little fucker.

not op but how to fix ibs?

Often IBS comes from the lack of proper gut bacteria. Some claim it is a problem with diet, anti-biotics that wipe out too much and others with fungus or whatever that shit is that takes over if you are too acidic. Supposedly the key is to rebalance the body. Replacing alot of carbs with high fat is better way to go anyways.

Do some research or see a specialist if you can't make any progress.+

>College drop out
>Fired from job
>Still at mom's
>started in family business as clerk
>Borrowed $1000 from brother
>Weak hand in crypto
>Lost $300

Because Veeky Forums told me buy high, sell low

drag your black asshole across the carpet until your mom screams at you to stop. after two weeks of doing that you'll be good to go. also, tequila and imodium; tequila at night and imodium when you wake up.

>discover margin trading

you broke the #1 rule of trading

I got ass-fungi in my mouth from eating shit all day.

i'm sure he needed you to tell him that.

27 years old

90 dollars in bitcoin

15k in debt

no job

only 3 hundred to my name

eh, fuck it. this will make him feel better:

>Never held a job in my life
>No post-secondary
>No trade skills
>Live with my wife
>She's a camwhore
>She CEO's about $400 over 2hours of work
>This makes me even more depressed
>Don't have motivation to do anything
>Too afraid to pull the trigger and buy some BTC
>Don't have anywhere to go
>Don't have anything to do
>Don't have any friends
>Probability of suicide in the next 5 years is 30%

well, shit happens, and life has its cycles...

>>went from healthy, Chad-type guy to paranoid depressive in two years
how? lemme guess: Veeky Forums fucked you up...

>my gf is a drunk and im sober
>we absolutley hate each other
>but it doesnt make any sense for me to move out right now because....
>i have to turn myself into jail soon and serve 6 months
>ive never had a "real" job
>i never went to college
>im fat as fuck and get winded walking up stairs
>i have absolutley no idea what i want to do with the rest of my life
>depressed every day
>turning 31 soon
>time is moving faster, years feel like months
Truly the only reason i havent eaten a shotgun is because it woukd break my mothers heart.

how the fuck did you get a gf?

Not him, I'm the guy above, but I got one from literally being tall and a good liar.


why u do this

wait, so you live off your wife, she camwhoroes herself, and you've never had a job?
do you at least have some properties, some ideas on how to make money, some basic knowledge of financial math, or anything that can help you survive by yourself?

what's it like being married to a camwhore?

What should I lie to women about in order to make them love me?

You ask that like getting a woman to fall in love with you is hard.

tell them you're a full-time cryptocurrency trader
another user said that and got laid 2x according to his thread. godspeed my friend. pucci is selective these days.

write out the steps.

im a fucking idiot

step 1) lower your standards.
There you go. I'm willing to bet his girl is ugly as fuck. No offense.