Why do Ethiopians and Somalis look the way they do? Are they mixed?
Why do Ethiopians and Somalis look the way they do? Are they mixed?
Ancient Ethiopians and Somalis were Nordic
This is why they're the smartest niggers in Africa because they have nordic blood albeit it's dilluted
Mixture from ancient arabians crossing the red sea
No niggers are very genetically distant from Eurasians meaning their genetic diversity is far greater than ours thats why niggers come in so many forms in Africa.
>Are they mixed?
yes, semitic people went to wrong lands and end up mixing with negros
>trusting richard lynn's numbers
The first Ethiopians were a Semitic speaking Middle Easterner group that crossed into the Horn and mixed in with Nilotics. That's why Ethiopians and Somalis have 30ish Cauasiaoid DNA
>Richard Lynn
He literally included people below the age of 14 in his sample test in third world countries. And studies for 104 countries (including Ethiopia) were missing they just used results from neighboring and similar countries.
Imagine actually believing this kind of shit
he also literally excluded people who scored too high because they're deemed "unrepresentative".
>average IQ: 69
>was the first country to become christian
They aren't Bantu, they're Cushitic.
>race is connected to intelligence
God, please tell me you are trolling. You know this has been debunked by science for ages, right?
If race is not connected to intelligence then why are asians smarter than whitey?
Education system, access to information, cultural willingness to study etc could all be better. Even if we don't know the cause it's just a scientific fact that it's not skin color
They are a mix of Neolithic Levantines and pure Nilotes (who no longer exist today). They came from Egypt- Northern Sudan-Red Sea area 8000 years ago and settled in the Horn. The northern Ethiopians (Habesha people) also recieved additional South Arabian ancestry with the arrival of their South Semitic language in the range of 10-20%
Also, IQ tests are pretty fucking far from being a perfect representation of "intelligence"
You're basically right but more recent data has actually shown that other groups also shared in some of that later mixture. Somalis at about 7-10% and for Habeshas, its bumped up to 20-25%.
>the only difference between europeans and asians is skin color
If IQ test are bullshit explain why african blacks keep consistently scoring in the retard range no matter what and why whites keep scoring in the average range no matter what?
Oh btw the existence of Ashkenazi jews debunks any claim that intelligence is genetics so fuck off.
>muh education
Intelligence determines if you can be educated dumbass, if you are stupid you cant, and if you are smart then you can. Most africans are retarded thus cant be educated at all NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO, the school systems in Africa are backwards but the non negro students still manage to graduate and excel at higher rates than retardfricans proving there is nothing wrong with the education system, but the students are just fucking stupid. The same is in Black America where moronic niggers prove the "bad" system on their stupidity, black schools are shitholes indeed but you can still learn in them proving the system isnt really that awful as blacks say it is, blacks are just fucking stupid.
Sorry sperg(s), try baiting someone else. There's no way people in 2017 actually believe this, so i'm gonna stop replying right here.
n*Rds are pathetic
t. 69 IQ
That was Armenia, nice try though
>Oh btw the existence of Ashkenazi jews debunks any claim that intelligence is genetics so fuck off.
What the actual fuck?
Of course intelligence is limited by race as race are genetic subdivisions of our species and how we live in an area determines how smart we get so if you:
live in an unchanging jungle climate you will remain impulsive and mentally retarded
live in a desert you will become smarter to plan ahead to live
live in a temperate forest you will become much smarter to plan ahead to live and deal with seasons as well
live in a cold area you literally must be smart to live here
Thats why IQ drops the lower you go in latitude
90-87-West Asia
86-81-North Africa
72-58-Sub Saharan Africa
It applies to every fucking race thats why the Memethiopians are brighter than the Bantu idiots because they developed in a climate that challenged their mind more than the jungle savages Bantu.
Its why the smartest Amerindian tribes are in the temperate areas and why the tropical ameridians create the most violent shitholes on earth.
The Aboriginals are actually smarter than the Papuans this is because the desert of Australia forced them to become slightly brighter to live longer where the Papuan remain stupid animals in the jungles of the Indonesian archipelago to this very day.
How could I forget India? The pale ones developed in the northern regions while the shitskins developed in the jungle regions. Guess who is smarter? The temperate ones of course.
Oh yes I forgot about the Sentinelese and the Jarawa literal proof that jungles make you a stupid wild animals forever. Even African niggers are much smarter than these creatures.
You do know you can raise an intelligent jungle niggro outside of the jungle, right? You don't sound very 101-92 IQ right now
>raise intelligence
No you cant, the only thing that raises intelligence is your brain growing up and once its finished YOU CANT GET SMARTER NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO STUPID FAGGOT.
Also those IQs are the adult ones meaning african teenagers are basically chimps that can talk.
You're right, you obviously can't raise intelligence you retarded chimp.
Modern Ethiopians and Somalis are mixed, but even the fossils found without Eurasian DNA didn't look too far off from modern Ethiopians or Somalis, suggesting their features were their for a long time, just with darker skin. My question is why aren't they closer to the Khoisan, as both did come from East Africa (though the San's ancestors left East Africa a very long time ago, the Khoikhoi are more recent).
>pure Nilotes don't exist today
Huh? WHAT about those extremely dark skinned Nilotes that still exist today?
Whoops, didn't mean to have that "what" in caps.
Oh look, a leftist triggered by WE WUZ memes projecting
How so user?
Who's jeweing who? Amirite XD
>*spasm* KIKE! *twitching* SHILL! *seizure* KEK!
Those nilotes have a bit of niger-congo mixture that the African ancestors of Ethiopians wouldn't have had. That original population no longer exists in a pure form.
Nevertheless, they're still pretty close. You can view Ethiopians and Somalis are a mixture of people that would have *roughly* resembled dinkas and peoples that would have *roughly* resembled Yemenite Jews and some Arabs.
God shut up
You people are so annoying
>Absolute state of white wewuzzism
[clueless, smug post completely falling for obvious bait]
Ha, fucking /pol/tards BTFO amirite fellow paedos?
>/pol/ visits Veeky Forums: the post
Bantu people are now closer to Nilotes than they are to West Africans thanks to intermixing, so I guess that isn't too surprising. But considering the fact that the ancestors of both West Africans and Bantus arrived in Western Africa 12,000 years ago, do you think there was some mixing back then too?
>Somalis are the smartest
Ethiopians yes, but somalis are inbred retards.
>asks about Ethiopians and Somali and posts exclusively Amhara.
I think because of its vicinity to Arabia and the spread of Islam to the horn that many horn Africans might have Arabic admixture which would explain the narrow noses and Arab like features, it would also explain the Arabic influence on the Somali language.
Dude, Ethiopians are like the only Africans to have their own alphabet. I'd say they're smart as fuck. የኢትዮጵያ ፌዴራላዊ ዲሞክራሲያዊ ሪፐብሊክ
Culture > Race
Why were the Chinese inbred chinks retards just 100 years ago and now they are the smartest around?
/pol/ morons
They do. Believe me. Just look at the memelord Stefan Molyneux. It's sad that grown ass manchildren actually believe this shit.
Has Stefan gone full on stormfront holocaust denier yet or is he still just a trump shill
Oh shut the fuck up with your racial-fluid "Nordict" horseshit! I can't tell if you're trolling or literally insane like lgbt anymore. Go fuck yourself.