If apartheid South Africa was so racist and bad for black people why did millions of blacks from Zimbabwe, Angola, and other parts of Africa illegally immigrate there?
If apartheid South Africa was so racist and bad for black people why did millions of blacks from Zimbabwe, Angola...
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I'm sure you're not daft enough to think they immigrated there because they lusted for apartheid.
I imagine the same reason why people migrated to British colonial North America.
>time to move to this British colonial property of the crown.
>no taxation without representation, this is MY land!
Colonials gonna colonial. Only the worst people migrate to other places. Vikings and etc.
>I imagine the same reason why people migrated to British colonial North America.
But there was no massive infrastructure and preexisting economy to leach off of?
There were hostile natives and numerous diseases to deal with.
Get gud looser.
Given that there's still heavy immigration to South Africa today from the rest of Africa, it's not because of apartheid.
What's funny is that there are now black South African politicians railing against immigration from Nigeria, Angola, Zimbabwe, etc.
>But there was no massive infrastructure and preexisting economy to leach off of
That only applies to the first colonists. The colonies were well established for much of it's history. It's not like the revolution happened just 20 years after the mayflower compact or something. Furthermore, moving to the colonies could get you land, the most valuable gibs of all at the time, it very much is comparable.
Not really any different than Irish and Germans in the US comparing about the migrants that came after them.
No diseases in america, there was no large cities filled with livestock to produce that.
>Furthermore, moving to the colonies could get you land
Where there was no preexisting infrastructure or wealth and the land was inhabited by hostile natives
Get gud you looser.
What is this, leftist retard hour?
Land WAS the wealth back then. Its why people moved there.
>fields, buildings, and roads just magically pop up in forests
Meanwhile niggers crossed the border into South Africa and found themselves among jobs, hospitals, safety afforded to them by a police force, roads,etc.
>fields, buildings, and roads just magically pop up in forests
All three of those are what happens as a direct result of farming land. The forests even help because that's lumber whit ch was very valuable and one of america's chief exports for a long time.
Give people a plot of land that's farmable and you got roads, fields and buildings in a year as a direct result of farming. What pre-existing infrastructure do a pre-industrial society need to build houses and barns, some blacksmiths? Furthermore, when you got enough crops growing then that's wealth far more than any wage-cuck or peasant in Europe would see.
>Meanwhile niggers crossed the border into South Africa and found themselves among jobs, hospitals, safety afforded to them by a police force, roads,etc.
It's not 'meanwhile', and people migrated to America and went from landless poverty to midldle-class almost instantly, can't say the same about blacks in South Africa just because of muh police and muh hospitals. Industrialization changed everything my nigga.
Leftist snowflakes and SJWs just don't understand that if Apartheid was sooooo bad then why was it a lot better for blacks compared to today? Feminists and SJWs are triggered by facts and by the fact that the mainstream meteor is groveling for that communist terrorist Nelson Mandela. If Apartheid was so bad, why was crime rate so low and there wasn't anti-white racism? Well imagine moi shock when liberals act the "oppressive" Apartheid when in reality, South Africa was one of the freest in Africa and the most anti-communist and pro-European nation ever.
The bongs completely lost their situational awareness of the north American colonies.
benefits outweighed the costs
>All three of those are what happens as a direct result of farming land.
>farms just magically sprang up in forests
>Give people a plot of land that's farmable and you got roads, fields and buildings in a year as a direct result of farming.
>they just magically appear
Are you seriously that dumb? Do you not know what farming even is? Do you not know what trees can be used for? Do you honestly think cutting down trees and creating fields doesn't also create homes and roads in the process?
>Cut down trees.
>build homes with lumber, or even just log cabins.
>clear a field
>you now have farming next to your house
>got to bring shit to other places, use your *wooden* cart to pas by *wooden* signposts. Using the fucking trees you also made your home out of.
>the paths you take turn into roads because that's how roads worked back then.
Yeah, it's magic.
>Are you seriously that dumb? Do you not know what farming even is? Do you not know what trees can be used for? Do you honestly think cutting down trees and creating fields doesn't also create homes and roads in the process?
Requires many years of labor, preexisting tools which cost money, seeds which must be imported, time to wait for the harvest season which isn't guaranteed to be fruitful, all while defending against hostile natives, diseases, wild animals killing your livestock.
lol yeah, farms make roads
Meanwhile Abunba Kinte crosses the border into South Africa and has access to a hospital, a job, an apartment he can rent from, and without any threats to his person
There were wars in Zimbabwe, Angola and Mozambique
>There wasn't anti-white racism in South Africa under Apartheid
Some real dumb shit I'm reading, go and jerk off over Lizzie starving in a concentration camp you Boer fuck
They lusted to steal and rape. Apartheid had no allure.
>Requires many years of labor, preexisting tools which cost money, seeds which must be imported, time to wait for the harvest season which isn't guaranteed to be fruitful, all while defending against hostile natives, diseases, wild animals killing your livestock.
Higher risk, higher reward.
>Meanwhile Abunba Kinte crosses the border into South Africa and has access to a hospital, a job, an apartment he can rent from, and without any threats to his person
lower risk, lower reward.
The point, and answer to OP, was that people migrate for opportunities and then use those opportunities as much as they can and then change the system to give themselves more opportunities. Even people that don't choose to migrate, like slaves, change the system. Merge into it, become part of it. Apartheid couldn't have lasted because it's very existence created contradictions that ensured it's own eventual destruction. Just like slavery in the American south. Just like slavery in ancient Rome.
South Africa was either too weak to stop and/or too willing to accept black laborers from the rest of Africa. The history of South Africa is a history of inevitability, I'd say, once the British conquered the Boers. That's the point South Africa was fated to become black and white and Indian and equal to each other.
>Higher risk, higher reward.
>dies at 50 due to infected wound, buried alongside 2 other children who died during childhood from the measles
>lower risk, lower reward.
>becomes a MP after apartheid falls apart
You mean post apartheid?
Massive wars that lasted years. Also those places treated blacks like Shit so going to South Africa is not a big jump at all. I'm just surprised idiots haven't realized this at all.