Do Indo-European languages actually correlate with Haplogroup R1a and R1b?
Do Indo-European languages actually correlate with Haplogroup R1a and R1b?
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Were the Indus Valley people indo-Eurpean?
Certain subclades
Not really.
For example: Turkmen-Persian division. Turkmens have more R1b albeit they're Turkic where as Persians are Indo-European and lack R1b
Literally every indoeuropean civilization developed by copying a pre IE one
Hittite-Hattians and Assyrians that had already built prosperous cities in Anatolia
Mycenaeans-Minoans, they copied everything from them
Romans-Etruscans copied everything from them
Persians-Elamites, Assyrians and other people from what is now Iran and Iraq
I don't how much the Indoeuropeans copied from the indus valley since they actually destroyed civilization for the next millenium or more... instead of copying them they just sent the subcontinent abck a thousand years, however weirdly enough a very common symbol in the the earliest indian script is identical to a recurring symbol in the Indus valley civilization script, which is pre Indian of course from 1500 years before
Literally every non-indoeuropean civilization developed by copying a pre IE one. Hurrians-assyrians. Minoans-phienicians, elamites-sumerians
The oldest civilization being trypillian which later became known as PIE
Absolutely no, the Phoenician alphabet was invented 7 centuries after the Linear A script and 9 centuries after the Minoan hieroglyphs, there are some who argue Minoans might have been influenced by the Egyptian in developing hieroglyphs but it's debated, their civilization has its roots back in the 3rd millenium bc in the Cycladic civilization
Not to mention that when Minoans had a lot of influence and colonies in Anatolia and all of the Aegean islands and part of mainland greece, plus having a heavy presence in Egypt (Avaris), Cyprus (giving them their script) and Syria/Palestine in the 19th century bc, the Phoenicians didn't have such a power and influence on the seas until the 10-8th century bc, before then they were irrelevant and only traded with the nearby kingdoms like Egypt, and had zero colonies, and were just a bunch of city states vassals to the Egyptian empire
Minoans are just island phienicians. Get over it
Minoans have nothing to do with Phoenicians, genetically they were different from Canaanites and linguistically too, Phoenicians were Semitic while whatever language was conveyed in the Linear A script wasn't Semitic, but probably a language isolate.
Their culture was completely different too, from the pottery, to the gods, to the architecture and art.
Why the fuck do you go around spouting random bullshit about subjects you clearly don't know anything about?
>Literally every non-indoeuropean civilization developed by copying a pre IE one
I don't think they owe something to the IE people.
turkmen are descended from aryans hence the r1b/r1a
most persians are arab basically hence they don't have high levels of r1a/r1b (they're basically semites larping as iranids)
The horse, chariot, steel, metallurgy etc.
Trypillian is the oldest civilization and is founder of PIE
my parents are Lebanese, and I'm constantly surrounded by middle-easterners, and there's a clear difference between an arab and a persian, pretty much like a Portuguese and German: Both of them are white, but the difference is kind of clear.
Recent research says otherwise. Learn to his
lebanese aren't really arab
persians are basically poos + saudis mixed
>inb4 you're an iranian and you post pictures of azeris or caspian natives to try and disprove me
Different alphabet, completely different, older culture. And Phoenicians didn't even speak an IE language
There is no proof that Sumerians were IE.
>The oldest civilization being trypillian which later became known as PIE
More fairy tales.
Cite said research you ass birthed nigger
I'm a leb diaspora in Brazil.
Btw I didn't know modern persians had a poo influence.
>The horse, chariot, steel, metallurgy etc
Didn't know that, this is amazing. Btw are you sure other civilizations actually got the idea from them or did similar things in a different way? These technologies got into Sumer?
>Cucuteni-Trypillian Culture (c. 7,500 to 4,750 ybp ; Romania, Moldova, western Ukraine): R0, H(x3), H5*, H5b*, H1b1*, HV, HV0, HV6-24, J, T2a1b1, T2b, U8b1a2b, U8b1b
my ancestor :)
>>The horse, chariot, steel, metallurgy etc
>Didn't know that, this is amazing. Btw are you sure other civilizations actually got the idea from them or did similar things in a different way? These technologies got into Sumer?
Horses were probably domesticated by Indo Europeans, but the chariot and metallurgy are both Mesopotamian inventions, as is the domestication of cattle and agriculture upon which Indo European "culture" depended.
>nordcucks are somewhat worse than afrocentrists
They also invented the wheel (all pre-sumerian)
Anthony, David W. (2010), The Horse, the Wheel, and Language: How Bronze-Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World, Princeton University
this desu
Only spoke wheeled chariots
No, absolutely np, you have been provenw rong numerous times I suspect you're the same faggot spouting this crap
Absolutely no
No it doesn't
You are an idiot. Steel was invented in Anatolia, by IE. The same dudes that brought the planet into the iron age.
The Hittites established an empire in north-central Anatolia around 1600 BC. They appear to be the first to understand the production of iron from its ores and regard it highly in their society.[96] The Hittites began to smelt iron between 1500 and 1200 BC and the practice spread to the rest of the Near East after their empire fell in 1180 BC.[95] The subsequent period is called the Iron Age
You should fuck off from his.
>You are an idiot.
Fuck off you fucktard, you are a wewuzzing polish autist
> Steel was invented in Anatolia
Steel was invented in Anatolia around 2000 bc by HATTIANS who were Pre IE, Indoeuropean Luwians and Hittites took over later, also it was invented contemporarily in other parts of the Near East like Syria and Iran by non IE people.
>The same dudes that brought the planet into the iron age.
Not at all, the iron age came 1000 years later and iron was first mass produced in the Levant by Phoenicians, a Semitic people.
"n the Mesopotamian states of Sumer, Akkad and Assyria, the initial use of iron reaches far back, to perhaps 3000 BC.[14] One of the earliest smelted iron artifacts known was a dagger with an iron blade found in a Hattic tomb in Anatolia, dating from 2500 BC.[15] T"
Hattians were Pre IE Hurrian speakers, now fuck off and die you autist
Not only the horse, chariot, steel, iron, wheel, composite bow, equestrianism... Pretty much the entire modern world
Only spooked wheel ones
>composite bow
No, invented independently in different parts of the world
First sued by non IE NEar Easterners
You mean spooked wheel, wheels were first discovered in Mesopotamia and the Neolithic Balkans
>persians are basically poos + saudis mixed
You are a retard
Scholars and facts disagree with your revisionism. Hittites were the first in understanding production of iron and brought the iron age.
The word Iron is even named Aryan=Iran=iron
Neck yourself with a steel cable
Oh my dear little Polish autist
It's really like speaking with an angry 4 years old child
>Hittites were the first in understanding production of iron and brought the iron age.
Proven wrong in my previous post, one of the first smelted iron object is a dagger found in a Hattian tomb dating to 2500 bc, and earlier iron objects were found in Syria and Mesopotamia
>The word Iron is even named Aryan=Iran=iron
Fuck off you autist, this is really the cherry on top of your cake of mental retardation and insecurity
Not only did the Hittites bring the iron(aryan) age, they also developed equestrianism, agriculture.
The IE of eastern Europe were the first with the wheel.
The superiority of IE brings envy and hatred to the mental midget
Iron is an element fuck face. It's been used, but Hittites produced it
>every time they appear the civilization collapses
>The word Iron is even named Aryan=Iran=iron
One of the dumbest things I've read on Veeky Forums.
Haha. I just ignore the reaching mongoloid.
Hittites were famous for their iron processing and the beautiful adornment of their iron-made objects. In fact, they are the FIRST people known to process iron, and during the Neo-Hittite kingdom, during the 12th century BC, iron metallurgy spread from them to the whole Middle East. Iron revolutionized the weaponry.
>The development of iron smelting was once attributed to the Hittites of Anatolia during the Late Bronze Age. It was believed that they maintained a monopoly on ironworking, and that their empire had been based on that advantage.[17] Accordingly, the invading Sea Peoples were responsible for spreading the knowledge through that region. This theory is no longer held in the common current thought of the majority of scholarship,[17] since there is no archaeological evidence of the alleged Hittite monopoly. While there are some iron objects from Bronze Age Anatolia, the number is comparable to iron objects found in Egypt and other places of the same time period; and only a small number of these objects are weapons.[18]
Iron was first smelted by Hattians, Hittites did continue to smelt it in small quantities but they used bronze swords and weapons, it was mass produced first in the Syro-Palestinian coast
This is what happened. The first Nordic warrior vs subhuman mongoloid barbarian.
Wonder which Abdul could be behind this post
The early speakers of these languages were predominantly R1b-M269 (centum subfamily) and R1a-M17 (satem subfamily). The correlations has been broken by subsequent events in a lot of cases, but the archaeological record is very clear.
>The word Iron is even named Aryan=Iran=iron
>From Middle English iren, from Old English īsern, īsærn, īren, īsen, from Proto-Germanic *īsarną (compare Dutch ijzer, West Frisian izer, German Eisen, Danish jern), from Gaulish īsarno-, from Proto-Celtic *īsarnom (compare Welsh haearn, Irish iarann), a derivation from Proto-Indo-European *h1ésh2r̥ (“blood”)