Where the fuck did these guys come from? Are they native to Burma? Did the British bring them to Burma? I keep hearing people say they've been in Burma for centuries but I doubt that is true.
Where the fuck did these guys come from? Are they native to Burma? Did the British bring them to Burma? I keep hearing people say they've been in Burma for centuries but I doubt that is true.
theyre from bengladesh. Theyre a bunch of muslim sand niggers that have been attempted to make an islamic state inside myanmar for decades, but the media tells you that theyre a victim of genocide because the buddhists are fighting back
Muslim squatters trying to form a caliphate inside a non-Islamic country but they didn't realize that tactic doesn't work on non-whites who can't be guilted into accepting their own genocide.
>the media tells you that theyre a victim of genocide because the buddhists are fighting back
Honey, Myanmar is also the scene of Buddhist VS. Buddhist violence. Its just that the Government has pet Buddhists as well.
All of Myanmar's minorities are rebelling. That says a lot about their government.
>trying to teach /pol/ anything
They are a scab race imported by the Company to work depopulated lands in the 18th century. One falsified history, of the type Muslims specialise in, later and you have the 'Rohingya'.
Bengali squatters deprive the Rakhine of their lands, and ought to migrate into the sea.
Bengalis are not one of Myanmar's minorities, that's the point. They are Bangladeshi diaspora.
Shan have nowhere to run. Bengali trash can drift back accross the border. If their fellow Bengali Muslims decide to kill them, let that serve as an example of how they behave towards their own people, let alone the Buddhists.
Besides, half of those minorities are rising against the drug peddling mafia military, and the hand-wringing over rapist Banglets only distracts people from the internal conflicts that matter.
>trying to teach redditors anything
rohingya are literal lapdogs of the KSA and only started getting uppity in a serious way when myanmar opened up a pipeline that goes into china
scratch a "muslim fighting for oppression" a saudi bleeds
You really are retarded. You know that brownies have existed in Burma before brits were a thing in the region?
Here's the thing, Burman is killing anyone who doesn't assimailte or kowtow to Bamar supremacy. Baht's why the military rape villagers and massacre entire villages of minorities.
They are actually trying to commit a mass ethnic cleansing/removal.
On top of a mass "forgetting" of Rohingyans history and presence in the country.
good, muslims are fucking assholes
Please don't be an edgelord user. I know it's in your nature but what's happening in Burma is fucked up because everyone is being raped by the military government and anyone who isn't psycho can see it's fucked up.
"""""Rohingya"""" ethnic cleansing was literally triggered by them setting a police station on fire. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Myanmar isn't France or the UK. They don't care for "vibrancy".
>people conveniently forget that rakhine state was a part of the bengal sultanate.
>terrorists set a police station on fire
>respond by raping and murdering women and children who may not have supported or even known about such attacks
stop being edgy
They are killing the Karen too
Imagine the smell
Then why is Iran giving money to the Rohingya, and why is their supreme leader calling for a Jihad against the Buddhist Myanmar government?