What's their problem?

What's their problem?

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They're gooks


Korea exists.

They breed like fucking rabbits.


Literally historical Pepe and Wojak

Small peepees

Japan's population is declining and China is headed for a pretty major demographic crisis thanks to their one-child policy, though.

Nanking massacre did not happen

ww2 didn't happen

they are tsundere for each other

Imagine you live in a shithole country and got a small penis. You'd be mad too.

Imagine being Korea right smack dab between these two crazy cunts

Is this the power of rice?

but i wish it did!

North Korea should really just nuke Japan already.

For a period of approximately 50 years, the Japanese had an empire with which they were dominant over China. There are some people still butthurt about this even though it happened ages ago, though mostly the other country is used as a scapegoat to distract from issues back home.

The one child policy ended though?

It ended when it became too expensive to have two children

China is gonna get an immigrant influx like the west soon unless robotics takes over in a massive way

>There are some people still butthurt about this even though it happened ages ago
Chines are butthurt because Japanese always like to deny, even justify the atrocities they did, including both their people and officials, they act like this in this shitty site as well.

Chinese ruler
>I am the son of heaven, highest lord over all under heaven and king of the earth, that's why everyone should pay tribute to the middle-kingdom

Japanese ruler letter to Chinese ruler
>yo homes, so you are the heavenly king of everyone? No shit, me too! let's be friends nigga.

Japs did nothing wrong

>Use shogun as proxy

They have suffered too much.

Denying the Holocaust is less impudent than this jej

Why is “Jap” considered racist when it’s just a shortening of “Japanese”?


I call them that all the time and they don't care.

>it didn't happen
>do it again
Make up your damn mind.

It's racist?


Japs see everything as offensive. Koreans build a comfort women statue in Australia and they lose their shit. They tried to take the Korean organisation to court and sue them for racial discrimination. The Australian court immediately threw the case out for being retarded and now the Korean organisation has pledged to build more statues -- at least one in each Australian state.

>Birthdays comparably low to that of Europe and the United States

are u retarded lol

I remember reading about that. All over a fucking statue.

God, Asians are autistic.

>build a comfort woman statue
>get sued for racism

>build a statue for common whores
>use this to slander another country's reputation
Korea dindu nuffin

Kek, based gooks.

>now the Korean organisation has pledged to build more statues -- at least one in each Australian state
Just like my Korean revenge movies!

I heard Japanese neo-Nazis got involved and were sending people death threats.


I used to think the Germans went overboard with the apologies and cutting ties with their little nazi period, but after learning Japanese and growing more interested in East Asia my opinion changed completely.
I don't think Japan's relation with Korea and China will be fixed unless there's another war or North Korea uses its nukes to make everyone forget about the past. You can see from the recent San Francisco/Osaka problem that most of the right wing in Japan has no intention of changing their approach. They think they're in the right by denying shit and that no one has the right to "defame" Japan because they paid some "goodwill gestures" and reparations.

Japanese did apologize.

But Japanese apologies are similar to the way unrepentant people mumble apologies when you're not listening and say I ALREADY DID when you demand it.

What's worse, being asshurt about the dickocaust or being asshurt about being asshurt about the dickocaust?

I wonder if it would be any different had MacArthur bothered to meet Hirohito about apologizing

Not really, China's population trends have stabilized.

Read up on "Embracing Defeat."

Part of Mac's decision to not raise hell about anything to the Emperor was to keep Nips safely conservative and away from Communism.


Chinks and Nips actually.

>that's why everyone should pay tribute to the middle-kingdom
Homage would be a better word, the tributary system was never about money, China always gave its emissaries more valuable gifts in return for "the tribute".

Auto correct most likely.

>less than two million combatants
>30,000,000 die (estimates actually range up to 100,000,000)


>at least one in each Australian state

>the Korean organisation has pledged to build more statues -- at least one in each Australian state.

Jesus Christ, was Oldboy a docu feature? Korean vengeance is fucking harsh.

The Chinese are just pissed that the Japanese joined the "lel kill the chinaman" game

That's just Chinese history for you.
>oh fugg another ten million people just died! :DD

The real problem is that the one-child policy resulted in a massive skew of adult males compared to adult females, so a hundred million chinese of that generation are guaranteed to find no partners ever. Not even importing eastern european wives can solve shit of this magnitude.

>eats the civilian population
>kills more people than WW2 in the 8th century
>wages a war against mongorians in which they turn out to be more savage than the actual mongorians

Chinks take war extremely seriously

>100 million chinks buy Veeky Forums passes
>/r9k/ becomes a planetary phenomenon

What a time to be alive

Neither side is willing to let go of events surrounding WW2 for different reason, the Japanese government is dominated by an elite that's unironically reactionary and is desperate to revise the post WW2 order back to the good ol' days. Plus Japanese culture has allowed the right to consistently use thuggery and intimidation to try to cow the entire nation into going along with their autism. They're just a step above their assassinating spree of the 20s and 30s.
The Chinese utilize this unending stream of retardation to successfully mobilize the population on the basis of nationalism and combine it with economic growth to keep the population compliant.
>one gazillion statues worldwide for forces prostitutes
The Japs clearly did it and were absolute cunts towards them, and those women had it fucking rough both in the brothels and after, but the Koreans are really taking it a bit far


Same reason why people use Chinaman in a desperate attempt to be offensive and edgy but it is the actual thought prosess that they think it is offensive that makes people upset.

Korea was the real MVP all along.

indeed, if I remember correctly Evola braise Ancient China for being one of the only states to be Fascist.

It will be interesting to see how they enact their vengeance on Japan in the future.