How much BTC should I have before the end of the year?
BTC accumulation goal?
Join the elusive club 21.
My goal is 1 btc by the end of the year, 5 btc by the end of next year.
Should be at 25 at least.
I'm at 2.5 right now. I feel like by the end of next year it won't even be worth buying because the price will be insane. I don't trade shitcoins because I don't have the time. I just put a little bit of my paycheck into it every month. Should I still do this after it passes 10k?
Club 1000 here. If I stare hard enough with my opera glasses I can almost make out your sad little building way down there.
I don't own a building.
Yeah you lease because you're poor.
Karma is real. Help a poorfag out?
Probably so.
If you dont want to deal with shitcoins, maybe you could take a percent of your btc, 10%, 25% depending on your risk level and just trade btc.
Sell some for USD if you think its at a high, buy it back + more when it dips down a bit.
That said, why are you still on Veeky Forums with 1000 BTC? If I had that money, I'd already have bought my own island and moved there together with a cute girl, wasting my time at the beach.
(btw, I don't have 21 BTC, just said what OP should aim for.)
You realize bitcoin is going to destroy itself by forking right?
Why is anyone in bitcoin other than for first mover advantage?
Once you destroy its brand with forks everyone is going to go to Ethereum.
I don't think a flippening is possible, but if it were to happen, it would't happen overnight. We'd all have a couple weeks (at least) to exchange our BTC for ETH. That won't be necessary, though, because BTC Gold/Cash/every cute fork coin will die
Because fuck the beach, $5 MM doesn't really buy much of an island and still have money for everything else.
Why post on Veeky Forums? What if you came into a couple million dollars suddenly? How many people would you tell? How many of your close friends could even try to relate to your problems without getting pissed off or begging for cash?
At the end of the day you just have to keep most of what you experience to yourself. I was giddy today when I toured an especially large Equinox gym in Boston. Not only does it have huge floors and hardly anyone there thanks to $200+ monthly fees, but it's got a lounge area, spa, cafe, shoe shines, nice showers with big bath towels and all sorts of nice shit. For the executive package you get your own dedicated locker with included laundry service- so you can just keep all your gym clothes and gear there and never need to worry about washing it or forgetting anything.
I'll see you at that gym one day, big boy. it's too expensive for me (1 BTC club here) but fuck is it nice...
Don't lie user. You are here because.
You were a btard first
A pollack probably later
Then you became a coiner
And no matter how much money you have. No Opera or high end entertainment gives you the same keks as the pink wojaks.
Embrace it
No matter how rich or poor you are the ride never ends
>Why post on Veeky Forums? What if you came into a couple million dollars suddenly? How many people would you tell? How many of your close friends could even try to relate to your problems without getting pissed off or begging for cash?
This is a really good question. Did you tell someone? I probably wouldn't tell anyone except for close family (in case I suddenly die, they should be able to obtain the keys in some way).
>At the end of the day you just have to keep most of what you experience to yourself. I was giddy today when I toured an especially large Equinox gym in Boston. Not only does it have huge floors and hardly anyone there thanks to $200+ monthly fees, but it's got a lounge area, spa, cafe, shoe shines, nice showers with big bath towels and all sorts of nice shit. For the executive package you get your own dedicated locker with included laundry service- so you can just keep all your gym clothes and gear there and never need to worry about washing it or forgetting anything.
No offense but I'm not trying to get rich to have my own locker in the gym.
That aside, the Island thing was partly a joke. More precisely, you are right with your statement that 5 million are not enough. I will buy one when I have 10 mio. As soon as I have 1 million, though, I'm going to create my own company and continue from there. I've some good ideas about what I want to do but am too risk averse to quit my decently well paying job for now.
>You were a btard first
>A pollack probably later
I guess briefly.
>Then you became a coiner
No I had coins back in 2011. Didn't really discover biz until this year.
>And no matter how much money you have. No Opera or high end entertainment gives you the same keks as the pink wojaks.
God yes, such lulz
>No matter how rich or poor you are the ride never ends
So true.
But the anonymity bit is true too. People near me know I've done "well" but I'm usually hiding my power level so they don't see me doing spendy things. I don't tell them I'm irked or ecstatic that my portfolio is up or down a half million today or I crossed another mill. I don't tell them I can now passively make a couple hundred k a year margin lending or anything like that. It's nice to just brag and yell sometimes.
>I've some good ideas about what I want to do but am too risk averse to quit my decently well paying job for now.
You can do both at the same time. I started a successful chemical company but kept my shitty lab job for two years
>Did you tell someone?
Not really. I've told people who are pretty close to me or richer more about how I'm feeling and dealing with this without naming numbers. It's a hell of a lot easier for a trust fund kid to empathize with your having time and money on your hands and not being understood by other people.
Nice LARP.
>inb4 Inspect Element "proof"
>As soon as I have 1 million, though, I'm going to create my own company and continue from there
Why do people think all you have to do is "create your own company" or whatever?
Chances are you will lose your BTC. If you want NEET bucks just buy a couple of properties and rent them. Opening a business without a clear idea and know it will sell will lose you money.