Why do people always shit on postmodernism when it's utterly superior to disgusting modernism?
Why do people always shit on postmodernism when it's utterly superior to disgusting modernism?
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>equating architecture with philosophy
OP is a faggot
Well, this thread is supposed to be about architecture.
They're both pretty shit desu
because they took a step backwards
modernism is more eternal than "oh i am not so sure"
The OP is incoherent because the postmodernism that people shit on is the philosophy, no one really knows anything about architecture to have an opinion on it
I'm OP. I think it's pretty obvious I meant architecture since the picture contains only architecture, but I guess you have to be dumb and not get it.
I sure do love boring documentaries that are only worth watching for confirmation bias.
it's the other way around with the pics
t. Le Cuckbusier
He's not trying to be non-biased you brainlet.
I didn't say or imply otherwise. What's your point?
The neoclassical elements in the postmodern buildings in your pic are there ironically. Neoclassicism is low-status among high-end architects because it's been done before, so the only way to include it in a new building and gain respect for it is to do it in a way that signals that neoclassical designs are dumb, like making everything massively out of scale. This lets the architect appear bold and daring, while also appeasing the plebs who see any kind of decoration as good design.
Postmodern architecture appeals to your ignorance and mocks you for liking it.
The modernist buildings you posted are honest whereas postmodern are dishonest
To be fair to op, you idiots whining about postmodernism don’t really understand the philosophy either.
Nice meme. Often repeated but untrue, I'm sure you felt really smart typing that up though.
A flat denial isn't worth much when you're anonymous, user. If you want to contest my poor summary of James Howard Kunstler's take on postmodern architecture, please do so substantively. I'm willing to learn here.
Straight question, are you Jewish?
No, I just read The Geography of Nowhere because I like urban planning. It was kind of disappointing to be honest.
Good, because he's precisely the sort of pseudo-intellectual who would describe postmodernism like that, since it's basically a projection of his own values.
Brainlet detected
Both are bland at best, disgusting at worst.
Yeah he does that a lot. The Long Emergency lost a lot of its impact after I read some of his fiction and realized he was just trying to justify his anarcho-primitivist fantasies.
With all that said I'd still take high modernist architecture over today's postmodern buildings. The style needed to adapt to be more accommodating to its inhabitants; instead we got everything thrown into a blender and poured out incoherently to suit the ego of whichever architect is in vogue at the moment.
I think it's cute. What am I?
I prefer Post-Modernism to Modernism, in architecture, but I think something more traditional, with thought for the nation's respective culture taken into consideration. We should try to have safer versions of 17th, 18th, and 19th century styles built, as well as classical Roman and Greek inspired buildings. Have all of them meet modern building safety codes, but try to retain the styles.
>thought for the nation's respective culture
Postmodernism sorta does that. Pic related is inspired by traditional Malaysian islamic architecture.
Lol, post-modernism is the ultimate subversion.
Notice how the architecture on the left is just a slightly adapted version of the architecture on the right. At least the right is bold in its nauseating nature, it doesn't lie, it stands firm "This is an office building." Much like the father who shouts at his son, "You must go to school." Whereas the architecture on the left symbolises the following, "This isn't *really* an office building. Treat it as your home." Or a father saying, "Please go to school for me, you love me don't you?"
The ultimate subversion. A capitalist conditioning. Pure castration.
You know for someone who criticizes postmodern architecture you sure as fuck argue like a postmodernist philocuck would.
I think most post modern architecture just needs to age a little bit. Give it half a century.
I think Art Nouveau was too short lived. We need Art Renouveau.
The buildings on the left are art deco though.
We gave modernism half a century and the monolith is still as ugly as ever, why would postmodernism be any different?
forgot pic
They literally aren't, all are postmodern.
>We gave modernism half a century and the monolith is still as ugly as ever
at least modernism has a firm standard. postmodernism is just ironic shitposting.
Postwar modernism, especially functionalism and brutalism is what happens when ideology/philosophy poses as an architectural style. Simplicity for the sake of simplicity, ugliness for the sake ugliness, whatever isn't practical should be tossed to the trash, aversion to anything even remotely decorative or ornamental. These faggots were designing human dwellings as if they were designing chicken coops and warehouses. In order to like this shit you basically MUST think of people as nothing more than cattle, which explains why it became so widespread in the Soviet Block.
It's basically the edgiest, most autistic way of thinking imaginable and this horror somehow became a mainstream style because a bunch of politicians needed new housing and office space built fast to adjust to the postwar baby boom, and they wanted it to be built as cheap as possible.
>If you want to contest my poor summary of James Howard Kunstler's take on postmodern architecture, please do so substantively.
Kunstler, more like CUNTler
that is absolutely fucking disgusting
>big hi-test tough guys aren't allowed to find things cu..
t. triggered block liver
On the whole I find most examples of it too messy but individual elements are great (as are Art Nouveau interiors which are top notch), particularly doors and windows. I guess part of it is that it was rather short-lived and very experimental so every building is different and many things were hit-or-miss.
I think the best way to do 'Art Renouveau' is to design something fully traditional and borrow a few fitting Art Nouveau elements.
I went to preschool in pic related, a former Austro-Hungarian town villa from the first decade of the 20th century and I always thought the combination of the simple neo-baroque shape with the Art Nouveau (or rather Secessionsstil) details in the windows and some other elements blended perfectly and made it a beautiful building. I wouldn't mind living there!
There used to be a bit more of the neo-Baroque there in terms of ornamentation, including a roof over the front terrace/balcony.
I think it still looks good for having spent several decades as a public preschool in an eastern bloc country.
Same side of the building today.
Ya sir, sorry your house is burning down, we had to disband most of the fire brigades to pay for one new firestation because some faggot wanted it to look prettier to his pleb eye
You're a Marxist aren't you
They literally are aren't, they are vernacular style.
>Often repeated but untrue
Even as someone who isn't interested in Architecture, Neoclassicalshit has been done to fucking death, its no surprise if architects find it unimaginative anymore.
>19th Century.
>Dude let's make a court building/city hall. How do we go about this?
So, what would an equally efficient alternative be if you wanted to prevent a shortage of affordable housing and homelessness?
People are forgetting it depends on the city. Modernist architecture with a hint of gothic is the defining style of the eastern US, and it works fine as an inherently American style.
It looks pig disgusting when intermixed with old towns and cities like in Europe though.
Wow it used to be beautiful. But you're right it could have got much worse, they were lucky.
Carpenters apprentice here, I think gothic looks like shit. Pretty clever load distribution though.
>those tiny people at the front
hot damn that's much bigger than it seems
t. Gian-Giaccopo Vespucci di Torino
who dis?
He's making an argument you stupid fucking shit. Then he backs his argument up with information.
Art nouveau could possibly be repeated in a minimalist way, but otherwise it's too much and ugly.
Art deco on the other hand could be brought back.
Meh, art déco is too bland more often than not. It's really the cutoff style for me, some of it is okay (upmarket townhouses and stone buildings still fit in) but once you get to downmarket and large buildings it just doesn't make an area more agreable to live in.
Belle époque steel and stone architecture though...
There really needs to be a proper design board on Veeky Forums where things like architecture, urban planning, interior design, industrial/product design, landscape architecture, etc. can be discussed. I mean shit, we have fucking 3D and graphic design boards. The topic is also far more worthy than other shit boards we have gotten in the past few years like /vip/ and /bant/
t. Urban Planner
You're right.
Btw as you're an urban planner, I read a science po report a couple of years ago which was explaining how post haussmanian urban planning had more or less failed despite its many different forms and urban planners were shifting back from blocks surrounded by gardens to blocks encompassing gardens, courtyards and other buildings, basically going back to some kind of eco- haussmanian planning. Is this really becoming a thing?
It would quickly divolve into nothing but gothic faggitry and nobody wouod ever talk about actual construction.
philosophy is only in the mind lmao
It really looks tacky lol. If I saw that on the street it wouldn't surprise me if it was made of plastic
The thing about 'Haussmanian' planning as you put it, is that it was conceived in Europe in an era without powered transportation, and that much of American urban planning in the 20th century, especially post WWII development is focused around grappling how people move between home and work.
The modern approach of having large setbacks and divided lots were a symptom of streets being built and designed primarily around automobile usage and there being a vast amount of industrialized resources able to cater to each person having their own lot. Currently the higher-end trend is going back towards buildings being built closer to streets and having the streets be narrower and more accommodating to pedestrians and transit commuters.
I'm not well versed in European planning other than historical examples, i.e. medieval cities, but I do work primarily on the East Coast in the US, which is significantly different than the Midwest, South, or the West Coast. Most of the work that I do in urban infill development, as in converting 'underused' or brownfield sites into mixed-use developments along new-ish transit corridors (local rail/ subway/ light rail)
Oh ok interesting, thanks user. I always find it funny how Paris was more "ecological" back in the 1900s when the city developped the metro, tramways and omnibuses in tandem. Basically perfect public transport. And now people considered it a revolution to bring a tramway back in the city a couple of years ago. The automobile really did no one a favour in city life unfortunately.
The word neoclassical is a meme itself and not applicable here.
probably some jew
Right-wing brainlets don't know the difference between modernism and postmodernism, whether in the sense of architecture or philosophy.
They also seem to use "modernism" and "modernity" interchangeably.
with that post you are ruining this board
This board is for history, for fucking history, ITS NOT FOR BLAMING SOME PEOPLE CLAIMING TO BE SEMITIC
I had an argument with someone over the usage of "minimalism" and he was claiming that the so-called minimalist lifestyle is in no way tied to the design movement/philosophy. What exactly did he think design was or what it's trying to do?
calm down faggot
Modernism, particularly functionalism and brutalism, is infinitely superior than any whimsical le oldie attempts of postmodernism ever.
Because while being better nothing is ever going to top art deco because in most countries its no longer permitted to pay people basically shit all for years on end and thusly covering whole buildings in cool decorations and making them out of mostly carved stone is prohibitivley expensive
This basically means we have a tonne of mindblowing old buildings and all the mew sruff that isnt space bubble age zaha hadid madness in boring by comparison
Also Art Deco
Birth control.
>functionalist architecture
t. commieblock conoisseur
>modernism with fancy shapes on top
>buildings should be about avant-garde masturbation
>Shitting on the Torre Velasca
Just no
Clearly, you need to cover the landscape in buildings like it.
This is a beautiful facade.
It's interesting without being gaudy, contributes to a pedestrian's sense of street life, and respects the scale of surrounding buildings.
Good call user.
When you see "postmodernism" mentioned on the Internet, it's probably a safe assumption the poster means "critical theory as applied by Anita Sarkeesian".
I always loved how Art Nouveau blended both symmetrical and asymmetrical elements, and organic forms with the artificial.
And Modernism isn't?
It can get a bit excessive, though. That doorway gives me a creepy H.R. Giger vibe.
Some commies, it was already like this in the early 1980s.
What? That's a perfectly normal building where I live.
You know nothing of architecture.
>dude architecture needs to be avant-garde and imaginative, who cares if it all looks like shit, not like the people who actually have to live with it for years matter
Abraj Al Bait is textbook postmodernism.
You're right but I'm right too
>people always shit on postmodernism
Like who? Paul Joseph Watson? Other plebeians like that faggot?
Because they have little to no understanding about either and blame everything on 'muh cultural relativism, cultural marxism, nihilism'.