A Darker or Brighter Mexico?

How much of a difference would Emperor Maximilian have made in Mexico if he won Against Juarez over the rulership of Mexico? Would Mexico be better off, or worse off than before?

That shit would be first world.

Mexico would've been relevant in the world instead of some backwards shithole known for maids and border crossers .Ironic how an Austrian cared more about Mexico than the natives that lived in it

But America wouldn't allow that to happen. That was the root of his problems

I would assume the British Empire would give him support if nothing more than try curtail America again.

we unironically would've been on the level of France by 1900

It might have led to war yes, but now it wouldn't have been a bunch of idiots with machetes and an army on forced march, by having Maximilian in the Throne, Europe would have used Mexico as proxy to exert influence over Latin America, so going by that Mexico would've been supported by Spain, France and England and that means troops, money and equipment, hell it might led to a situation where England might've used the opportunity to try to reconquer the US since now they would have an ally that would've make a weak America wage war on two fronts

>it's all America's fault

This is the battle cry of losers everywhere.

but the death of Emperor Maximilian was literally the gringo's fault, they did everything in their power to ensure the fucking indio Juarez stayed in power, they financed his ilegitimate government, gave him asylum in Washington and went full on propagandist against an Emperor that in the little time he was in power made more progress than Juarez and his puppets ever did

also Mclane-Ocampo research that shit

it depends on the outcome of the american civil war, union wins they try all they can to get rid of him because muh Monroe doctrine
rebs win they ally with him and support the empire, possibly by buying some of the northern provinces like sonora

Maximilian won't sell land

>than the natives that lived in it
Well, wiped out europeans from the entire American continent except some mongrelized ones and ask them if they care that much as they lived before, then.

Supporting franc maçon American puppet other than honest empreror , and they complain about America now , fucking Mexican

He had his head up his ass but he was a moral and honorable dude. I can't help but respect him for the way he went out.

but its usually true. America has been responsible for almost all of the bad shit in the world since at least 1860.

But it's the historical truth.

Probably the same, he had good intentions but was a shit leader.


> states that we're crybabies for blaming america
> america has always been interfering with other nations

Mestizos are scum.

Maybe some Mexanon can enlighten me, but he had little to no popular support IIRC and was seen as a foreign puppet.

Emperor Maximilian was welcomed by many but his impartial attitude and fair-mindedness often resulted in making enemies of both sides. Liberals dismissed him outright, even though they could be charmed by him and greatly admire him personally his status and his nationality made them oppose him. A number of conservatives also turned against him after he did not give in to all their demands and restore all of their favored status.

The natives Americans in Yucatan were supporter of him and also the lower classes.

I read up on him today, and this. He was too liberal for the conservatives that wanted him, and while his liberal stance and desire to truly help the Mexican people was admired by many, including Benito Juarez, the president that resisted him and put him to death, the fact that he was an outsider seen as being imposed on the nation ment that no matter how much he did he would never gain the support of the liberals in Mexico.

All he needs is the support of the lower classes and the Indians in Mexico. His rule will be turbulent but will survive if it promotes merit over blood. It's one of the reasons why Mexico is so rife with violence

We have to take in account that Mexico would have been a player in WWI since Franz Ferdinand was his nephew, ties with the monarchy, etc.

he lost


>get killed by it's own goverment
>wtf proofs he is a shit leader?

and willy was george and nicky's cousin but that didnt stop them from attacking him

Depends entirely on the level of centralization within the Mexican Empire, and considering the political climate of Mexico at the time it's far more likely that if the monarchy was to survive it would survive in a manner similar to Brazil, heavily constrained.

We would have Juarez threads instead of Max threads.

The Mexican Empire would not side with the Central Powers as they will not have any blood ties to them

Does Veeky Forums even like Juarez?


>blood ties are the only reason for alliance


It does when it comes to the Habsburgs

This. He needs support from the lower echelon of Mexican society and not the upper, if he wants to survive.

Not amuch.

>An actual Veeky Forums Thread that could have been enlightening for all people about the French Intervention of Mexico and the potential victory of the Imperials and the effects it could have.
>Gets promptly ignore by Veeky Forums

So does this board just exist to wank at Hitler and Nazis in general?

No, because he executed good guy Max.

I would have to say there's really no way you could call a post-1865 United States weak. The advantage in experience from fighting the Civil War and the Indian Wars would be massive, especially when fighting on American soil. While it wasn't Europe, they also had a very decent navy, industrial base, infrastructure etc.
Also you just know if Western Europe doubles down on Mexico, Russia would have finally doubled down on America, since they'd had a fairly friendly relationship up until 1917

Not him, but I can imagine the CSA and Mexico under Maximilian being allies, especially if Mexico was willing to export confederate cotton into the Pacific.

Just because someone's a bad general doesn't mean they would be a bad statesman.

Basically all the royal families in Europe were related at that time and they still went to war with each other. I don't think that would have mattered much.

Yeah, actual history threads tend to get ignored for some reason.

Sadly yes

Such a horrendous existence

I thought this board was nothing more than /pol/ with dates

but wasn't Diaz everything Max was supposed to be? didn't the things they expected to happen. happen under Diaz?

Mexico would literally be that same as today, maybe a little more french cultural influence but everything would be the same expect the revolution may have come earlier.

he would have to go, what most would perceive as full commie, to get the support of the Mestizos and Indios.
and that would never happen

He already had support from the indians

Somewhat, if I remember correctly.

Why do Mexicans kill off people who try to help them?

A. American fuckery
B. Autisim

As a Mexican I've always wondered this.

I'm gonna try and go full Diaz in a couple of decades wish me luck senpai


Porfirio Diaz was exiled, not killed.

Same shit. Porfirio Diaz was their last chance and they threw it all away.

Can I get a Mexican perspective on Emperor Agustin de Iturbide? Do you view him as better or worse than Max?

>Mexico with an emperor

>Oooh the poor neglected indigenous peoples, but this ONE HERO called BENITO JUAREZ made it through and became a prominent figure
>We were in a crisis because BENITO JUAREZ had to be president to protect the rights of the people and shit but the conservatives (which to be honest were bigger cunts) were PLAYING DIRTY PLEASE BELIEVE US
>nevermind he barely did jackshit when he did become president
>The French come over delayed debts, got fucked in one battle and then won the entire war
>Juarez flees for like the third time in his career to wage yet another guerilla war
>Maximilian comes, he's a massive autist but a geniuinely good chap concerned about the country (since it was his now)
>nah senpai it's a FOREIGN INVASION so we must sperg out for the LIBERAL REVOLUTION
>>>nevermind maximilian was a liberal reformer, the conservatives also hated him when they found out which is a reason he lost
>BENITO JUAREZ WINS THE WAR, nevermind he's a politician and it was the people's guerilla war that actually fucked the French administration so much it gave up on us, not whatever shit peasant army he """commanded"""
>Maximilian shot
>More years of civil war and shit
>But hey we're free now, right?
>>>"nevermind maximilian was a liberal reformer"
>Juarez dies like two years after the war ended like a faggot
>More civil strifes and shit
>Diaz comes and whoops everyone's collective ass into submission
>Roman peace, civil liberties stamped on but the country is industrialising and bandits almost 100% eliminated by the new REAL Mexican Army
>Diaz is an autist too and forgot to expand civil liberties and respect democracy after the country was in a more or less decent, sustainable state
>Gommies revolt, with good reason but catastrophic results

I think this is basically what happens from Maximilian to Diaz, but my memory may be foggy. However I absolutely remember the horrendous amounts of dick sucking for Juarez are undeserved.

Maximilian and Diaz were Mexico last chance to be a bustling first world nation.

Not really, but we could have reached a really good level by the 20-30s which we did in the 50s

Wasn't that due to WW2 and you playing the Merchant and labour?

Don't throw Your life away.

>Yeah, actual history threads tend to get ignored for some reason.
Fucking why? What's the point of this board if it's going to be nothing more than /pol/ with dates?