I'm a complete moron on this, so I'd appreciate it if someone could educate me. How come the Chinese, after getting completely and literaly raped by the Japanese during ww2, went straight into being a world superpower and a member of the security council with nuclear capabilities?
Weren't it the Americans that pretty much single handedly defeated the Japanese? Why give the Chinese the honor of security councel membership?
Chinese Status
Other urls found in this thread:
>muh superpower
Shoo shooo Chink shill
>completely and literally raped.
Nope. Unlike France, the entirety of China didn't fall to Nips.
Also Modern China always had a potential to be a great power whoever ruled it, IMO. All you had to do really is unite the country.
Why can't you just do some simple study yourself rather than waiting people to spoon-feed you? It's really not that if you can use internet.
Also to answer your questions:
>getting completely and literaly raped by the Japanese during ww2
No. China fought for over 8 years and never surrender as a whole with enough victories to stall IJA till the final victory.
>went straight into being a world superpower and a member of the security council with nuclear capabilities
Lots of things happened after WW2, do the research yourself.
>Weren't it the Americans that pretty much single handedly defeated the Japanese?
No, but they did contribute a lot, especially the nukes.
>Why give the Chinese the honor of security councel membership?
Because they earned/won it, China is one of the founders of UN and UNSC.
>Why give the Chinese the honor of security councel membership?
because they wanted a 4th non-Soviet Allied country in there and they didn't want to give it to Canada or Brazil
75% of japanese casualties happened in the chinese theater
In China they are taught that their country bore the most effort in the defeat of Japan, as the Soviets did against the Germans in Europe
Nationalist China founded the UN, not the PRC. I think OP made the mistake.
I'm surprised however that a permanent seat was given to a weakened nation, in a civil war. Did the US or the UK helped the Kuomintang in any way ?
They did. They suffered the most, at least.
Its true though china started fighting back in 1938 in terms of effot that surely deserves credit.
Sortaaaa true as the mass of Japanese Ground Forces (the real army) was tied up in the static frontline in China, while USAians were pretty much fighting shitty garrison troops or the Japanese Navy's own private ground forces.
USAians only fought the real Japanese army in the Philippines, Okinawa, and in Iwo Jima.
But the Naval operations of the USA were decisive in defeating nips.
because you never fail to deliver it
>How come the Chinese, after getting completely and literaly raped by the Japanese during ww2
They lost most of the battles, but they had a massive amount of manpower and a massive population spread out across a large country. The Japanese mostly only held the coastal cities, they had no hope of ever conquering the entire country. The fight for China was a stalemate that slowly turned against Japan as the US advanced on them.
>Went straight into being a world superpower
They didn't, had a rough time all the way until the 80s, the 50-60s were especially bad years due to terrible domestic policies enacted by the communist party.
>and a member of the security council with nuclear capabilities?
Republic of China (nationalist party) was a founding member of the UN and on the security council. The intention was that they would be a semi-democratic (but authoritarian) counterbalance to the USSR in the east. However they lost the war against the communists and fled to Taiwan, where they were essentially powerless. For a little while, the west hoped that the Nationalists could eventually retake the mainland, but then communist China developed nukes and that hope went out the window.
>Weren't it the Americans that pretty much single handedly defeated the Japanese? Why give the Chinese the honor of security councel membership?
Americans spearheaded the defeat yes, but they were the only ones that could project power. The bulk of the Japanese army was tied down in China and SEA. Even if China eventually pushed them out of the mainland, they had no way to invade Japan. Why give China the seat? See above.
China being a superpower is the status quo, as has been for the majority of history.
The last couple of centuries (Chinese century of humiliation), are the exception rather than the rule.
Chinks BTFO
Literally nobody you linked to was saying China defeated Japan. Everyone was saying the Chinks tied down the mass of Jap ground forces in China.
Nobody cares what SJW China thinks.
There is no "superpower" until 19th century when countries could project their power in a worldwide scale.
Deng Xiaoping tbqh
>Chinks BTFO
BTFO of what?
China did win the war and defeat Japan in quite a few battles, both KMT and commies also did fight the war, the only difference is ROC is replaced by PRC now. These are all facts.
More like Japs BTFO.
>went straight into being a world superpower
They didn't
>member of the security council
What did France do? They were on the winning side, that's all
>nuclear capabilities
Only started in the 60's
Also, when Mao appeared it was Taiwan who stayed on the UNSC and it only got fixed in 1971
Alright faggot, if you wanna breach into semantics, we'll say "extremely powerful nation", is that okay for your sensitive defintion-anal feefees?
>Rome wasn't a superpower
>Portugal and Spain didn't project their power worldwide
>Rome wasn't a superpower
Wasn't it super powerful???
Even if we don't take into account the war, just by it's size China would justify a seat. The more important question is why India did not get a seat. While relatively small coountries like britain and france have seats.
I think this is due to White previledge, and should be addressed soon.