>Germans are the most bullied group on Veeky Forums
Does pic related explain the growing trend of Germanophobia on /int/? Is it social envy?
>Germans are the most bullied group on Veeky Forums
Does pic related explain the growing trend of Germanophobia on /int/? Is it social envy?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Germany claiming Austrian achievements
Nothing new there
>he's consumed by social envy
>Nation of Poets and Thinkers.
The people who delivered the “best” Christians, the “best” Romantics, the “best” nationalists, the “best” fascists, the “best” Communists are now delivering the “best” democrats and multiculturalists.
Grow up and stop crying.
[social envy intensifies]
>social envy
Austrians are just mountain germans, they are to us what the swiss are to the jews, mountain jews.
Were an easy target these days, former glory days long gone, just some faceless economic powerhouse now doing the bidding of banking interests. thats all.
Crying is what most of the "german haters" on here do. this board is INFESTED with lefti antifa wannabes.
Lemme guess. Hitler was German but Mozart was Austrian?
Mozart absolutely was Austrian and identified himself as such
But Hitler considered himself German not Austrian.
Grow up and stop crying
Friendly reminder that Germanophobia is thinly-veiled RACISM, and racism is against the rules.
Any Germanophobic posts WILL be reported.
Germans aren't a race.
Friendly reminder that Germany is a made up country
Like any self-respecting Austrian of the time would.
>he's never heard of the master race
The ABSOLUTE STATE of Veeky Forums education
Envious of what? Loosing two world wars? Having their leader blow his brains out? Committing the worst genocide in history?
„Was mich aber am meisten aufrichtet und guten Mutes erhält, ist, dass ich ein ehrlicher Deutscher bin.“
―Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Brief vom 29. Mai 1778
>he can't spell "lose"
>expects me to take him seriously
The ABSOLUTE STATE of Veeky Forums education
The correct term is "Herrenvolk", the butchered translation to an inferior language is master race.
Is it cummies or piss?
>Is it cummies or piss?
Why can't it be both? It's 2017, shitlord
Just a natural antithesis to /pol/'s love of all things german.
Same things goes for /int/ and their hatred and bullying of americans really.
Germans are the most bullied group on /pol/.
Love how comfy the threads are with actual germans in them. Polacks and Germans shit on each other and it's in a fun way, but when some (((((((german)))))) amerishit arrives it turns into a shitfest.
What the fuck is Americans problem? It's like they're trying to prove that they're more German than Germans themselves.
Piss. That photo was taken in 1992 when a nazi mob burnt down a shelter for asylum seekers in Rostock-Lichtenhagen. Guy in pic related had one too many that day.
Why are Amerimutts so obsessed with being German?
The term is "Poles". "Polacks" just dehumanizes them.
Stop dehumanizing an entire group of people just because they've been repeatedly turned into the butter in a Nazi/Soviet rape sandwich and haven't achieved anything of worth in their 1000 years history.
Modern ones sure, but make an Imperial or Nazi Germany thread and you'll get a feels thread.
Not sure if you can still make one of these threads after the 2016 elections and /pol/acks getting the spotlight though, mods have been getting a little too trigger happy.
Akshually Poles call themselves "Polak" "Polka" in Polish.
The fact that Germans are the most bullied group on both /pol/ and Veeky Forums shows one thing and one thing ONLY: that /pol/ and Veeky Forums are Siamese twins.
I agree, we are involuntarily tied to that trash heap just like all the other boards on this Godforsaken website.
>austria isn't germany
It's because Veeky Forums is full of gay frog commies.
That's correct.
t. guy who wants to be a German
t. Butthurt Belgium
Germany has atoned for its past sins.
Germany has embraced the world. Maybe, just maybe it's time for the world to embrace Germany
Perhaps it is because Krauts keep bitching about how unfair they have been treated while at the same time spouting how they are high and mighty and superior to everyone else. Berlin should have been nuked desu.
That's only true if your only source of information is Veeky Forums.
Nah m8, every Kraut I have talked to has had a massive superiority complex when it comes to "MUH ANCESTORS" although I do not know what I hate more, Krauts, or G*rmaboos.
>spouting how they are high and mighty and superior to everyone else
Why do you confuse rational acknowledgment of German exceptionalism with smugness?
>social envy
>best music in history
Excuse me?
>he's never listened to My Hands Are Bananas
>all those failed designs
>all those resource wasters
Wernher von Braun moved to US after the war and died and American my friend.
No, pic related does
>Wernher von Braun
How can the United Stains of Shartmerica even compete?
>social envy & impotent rage: the infographic
Makes me question the company you keep. Who were these people? Referring to your ancestors might be a normal thing in Germany though as the past has been kept alive by Hollywood for several generations. Everyone pretty much knows what their families did at that time.
>the past has been kept alive by Hollywood for several generations
>get your ass kicked by the Nazis
>have to leave all your gear while you evacuate your troops with everything that floats
>Nazis kind enough not to massacre you on the beaches
>immediately start blaming the French
>make jokes about how they are cowards for getting defeated by the same enemy that defeated you
>claim an embarrassing defeat was actually a victory
>sit back and let daddy America win the war for you
>still lose your entire empire in the process
>continue to make propaganda about it three quarters of a century later
>Nazis do not give adequate funding to Wernher von Braun and other scientists
>Can't get shit done
>Moves to America after war
>Gets proper funding and is allowed to do what he thinks best
>Helps put the first man, an American man the on moon
Like I said Wernher von Braun died an American my friend :^)
>be America
>rely on immigrant scientists to get anything done
>rely on cheap imported 3rd world labor to get anything done
>rely on black athletes to win any olympic medals
>rely on Jews to win nobel prizes
That movie showed the Brits as a bunch of assholes though, except for the pilots and merchantmen. The first fucking thing you see are Frenchmen holding the line as one of the Brit main characters runs away with the Frenchmen visibly pissed off.
>Frenchmen visibly pissed off.
Usually they're all just smiles and sunshine. Who's ever heard of a pissed-off Frenchman before?
It is great isn't it? We take all the good peoples of the world from other nations and use them for ourselves. And what are you talking about black athletes? Is that a bad thing, are you racist? :) We also have great white Athletes like Michael Phelps. You sound mad that Wernher von Braun died a proud American, like many who move to this great nation.
>immigrant scientists
>operation paperclip
Never change
Germanophobia implies it's an irrational fear, and I can most assure you it's not irrational.
>We take all the good peoples of the world from other nations
Because you don't have any of your own lmao
Thanks for admitting defeat, Amerimutt
Butthurt is irrational
What does it matter?
This thread dont belong here
Man these fucking people are ruining this board
>lists Germany's historic and unparalleled achievements
>"t-this thread doesn't belong here"
>"my vagina hurts"
Whatever you say my friend. It does say volumes when all your smart scientists and athletes discard their allegiances to where they were born and move half way across the world to the great land that is America. :)
>great land that is America.
More like great landwhale lmao
And that is why all the great peoples of your nations leave where they were born come here as soon as they can of course. :)
>all the great people come here
Wow, I thought Germans were suppose to be accepting of Muslims :) You do have millions coming to your country this very moment, much more than are coming to America.
How awefully nice of Trump to accept Muslim refugees!
How awfully nice of Merkel to accept refugees as well, isn't it nice?
Yes, she's shown the world how modern, progressive and warm-hearted Germany is this kills the Veeky Forums
Oh look, a competition about who has it worse. Just like the old ladies in the doctor's waiting room.
swedes and pajeets and above all: canadians
>This kills the Kraut
>this kills the Trumpmutt
Germans are the most bullied group on Veeky Forums.
>This kills the Merkill
>How much longer are we going to keep shitposting
>Top tier literature: Kafka
Stop LARPing Hunn
>Based Macron squeezed the orange out of Fat Donny's tiny hand and gaped his asshole in front of a live audience
this KILLS the trumpcuck
>Implying I dislike Macron
Not a Kraut so he is ok in my book
I love him, he certainly knows his place
That's a Masonic handshake.
ur mom is a lardonic milkshake lmao
Every country is made up
Grow up and stpo crying.
You mean during the time when it was still an empire? One of the biggest in the world?
Until Bismarck gaped their asshole.
I think it's a mix of shitposting to keep stormfags and wehraboos at bay and butthurt eastern euros who think they're in good company. Also, it's fun
probably the multiple times that germans have tried to destroy the white race becasue tehy hate democracy
>hey guys dont you hate how everyone stereotypes and insults Germans
>but lol dont you hate those fucking amerisharts ruining everything
>t. "White" amerim*tt
Why are they such bullies?
Germans still genocide but they're focused on genociding all whites due to being the equivalent of post-ironic edgelords lashing out at their surroundings.
Classic American leaders were the more intellectual ethno-nationalists anyway but the the South fucked it up.
Germans are objectively responsible for most of the world's problems.
Communism was a German plot to undermine Tsarist Russia
Both world wars were Germans.
Austrians are ethnically German. Austrians are German in the same sense as Bavarians, Thuringians or Hessians are German.
>cry cry cry blah blah blah
This is all a German can do. Germans always talk about how strong and mighty they are yet they form their empire and lose it immediately because the only person holding it together (Bismarck) dies and the rest of Germans are struggling to do anything because they all have so many autistic complexes that they cannot function as a cohesive society without resulting in disaster. This is why germant was better off split up.
Meanwhile, Russia is always strong.
Russia has had her empire for centuries.
Russia never collapses the second its faced with a challenge.
Russia wins its wars.
Germans always say Germany is better than Russia, and then when Germans try to attack us we strike back and show them a lesson and they claim it as unjustified terror.
Germans are cowards.
They hide in fear the second Putin looks in their direction
Yet they are all bark and no bite.
>Russia never collapses the second its faced with a challenge.
>First radar
Guess all those British radar sights in 1940 weren't real, makes you wonder why Germany bothered bombing them