Medieval European dynastic politics means that if X Duke of the Kingdom of A dies...

>Medieval European dynastic politics means that if X Duke of the Kingdom of A dies, and the relative that inherits his lands is the King of B, this means that the people of X Duchy are now people of the Kingdom of B.

How the fuck did Euroniggers live like this? Don't they ever get confused? Be a peasant, and then go "Oh the Duke is dead and has no children so his cousin in Another Kingdom is now our lord, we iz foreigners now."

Why are Euronigs like this? The only other place that is ever like this is the Middle East, you don't see this retarded shit elsewhere.

It was only ever a problem for the nobles. Serfs were only interested in not loosing their homes because some rats shat in a bag of flour.

just play CK2
>be kaiser
>invite to court people with claims on neighbourg kingdoms
>conquer said kingdom, make him a king under me
>now the HRE controls all of Europe

Most people's identities at the time were quite attached to their immediate locale.

Also they considered themselves subjects of a kingdom, not citizens of a nation. Only citizens in Medieval Europe were people who belonged to Chartered Cities or City States, who had different rights than rural peasants.

Also Euronigs are like that because the warlords of Post-ROman Western Europe were keen on the notion of "peerage." That is: all the nobles being equals. Even across Kingdom lines. Intermarriages between nobles from different kingdoms were therefore pretty much the norm. Since a fief is quite literally the property of a nobleman, the fief goes where its inheritance dictates.

That exists rarely anywhere else outside Europe or the Mediterranean. I mean in China, for example, The Emperor's authority on being the sole bearer of the Mandate of Heaven. Meaning only his bloodline is important (so long as people agree he has Mandate anyway).

European nobles were constantly fighting each other over ridiculous bullshit. It's not really that surprising.

>The only other place that is ever like this is the Middle East

Japanese and Chinese warlords also fought each other over ridiculous bullshit for centuries. That's just how rich people acted for the majority of history until guns were finally invented. Knights can't act so smug anymore when any old peasant can blow them off the back of their horse with a musketoon.

As a serf the only thing that would change would be names and potential enemies in a war

>Kingdom A
>Kingdom B
Are you thinking into USA?

You're talking like it happened every decade but in truth most counties and duchies were kept in the same family for a century or more.

Border regions were more prone to switch but if you lived in the middle of France you'd be french regardless of which duke ruled Anjou

Except in Japan or China, you don't just suddenly become belonging to a foreign ruler just because your Duke died. In Imperial China, you don't even have a Duke. Feudalism died there.

Now Japan has feudalism, but their nobles marry internally amongst other Japanese. Not to mention they didn't give a shit about matrilineal inheritance as a princess belongs to his husband's family.

Do you even play AOE?

Tying your identity to a nation is a modern concept. During the medieval period people would either associate themselves with their religion, family, profession, or city. Kings didn't even identify with their people in the way rulers do now, but saw themselves as belonging to a pan-European group of elites, which is why you had kings of England who never learned English -because French was the language of rulers.

It's a problem for the lower classes if King of B gets in a war and wants some extra manpower

Essentially what happened with the duchy of Burgundy.

Belgium only exists today because Mary of Burgundy married Maximilian I of the HRE.

If I seem to remember the same thing happened with Hungary absorbing the kingdom of Sicily during the heydays of the house of Anjou.

The reverse happened with the 100 years war, which is completely absurd when one thinks about it in ethnic terms, with England trying to absorb France as a kingdom, but it makes perfect sense if one looks at it from a feudal perspective because of shaky succession for the Valois kings, even though the kings of England were supposed to pay homage to the
kings of France.

>Medieval European dynastic politics means that if X Duke of the Kingdom of A dies, and the relative that inherits his lands is the King of B, this means that the people of X Duchy are now people of the Kingdom of B.

>How the fuck did Euroniggers live like this? Don't they ever get confused? Be a peasant, and then go "Oh the Duke is dead and has no children so his cousin in Another Kingdom is now our lord, we iz foreigners now."

That's fucking wrong tho you utter mingoloid? It just means that King B is also now the Duke of X. Dukedom X (usually) still retains all it's separate laws and institutions, including separate inheritance and succession laws, so that the heir to the Dukedom of X might not always be the same descendant as the heir to the Kingdom of B. That's the difference between a person union, where 2 countries just happen to have the same monarch, and an actual union of administration.

King of B should get some mercenaries instead of wasting money arming the useless cunts keeping him in power

China did have a feudal period before the unified Empire, where such succession Hijinks happened. The Kings of Zhou (the Ji Clan) literally held control of their empire by marrying off prince and princesses and whatever spare relatives to the Sub-Kings and minor princes of the Ancient Chinese States. In addition to requiring every subject state to furnish the Zhou King with a princess.

The States of Zhou and the subsequent warring states also did see each other as "foreign." Albeit everyone belonging to a high form of civilization called "Huaxia" that came to be under Zhou rule.

It is similar to how Greek City States considered each other foreign, but belonging to Hellenic culture. But the Ancient Chinese go way further by the States having their own languages, culture, and even ethnicities.

> It's a problem for the lower classes if King of B gets in a war and wants some extra manpower

Drafting commoners into war was incredibly uncommon before the Early Modern Period.

I still don't understand why would any soldier back in middle ages risk his life fighting for a king/duke/count just because of his blood claim to some stupid duchy...
Like i understand why a Roman legionary would fight or a barbarian who wants his people to migrate somewhere better or a crusader fighting for his religon... but risking your life for some lord's shittyass claim???
>My dad fucked dat ass and now i have a claim to that caste, go risk dying taking it so i could live in it lamo
Was everyone a mercenary fighting for money back then?

>back then
Do you think modern-day soldiers fight for free? Also, fighting meant loot, and hostages if you were lucky.

Fighting in wars was probably pretty exciting for the peasants look at the outpouring of volunteerism that happened in ww1 people crave adventure

Cus you are his loyal housecarl who get money and status at home, loot and bitches abroad.
Or you want to become a housecarl.

Levies mostly did work like ditch-digging.

In europe anyhow. But really, this depends a lot on region and time period

>An american in the 21st century wonders why feudal peasants in medieval times don't live like an American in the 21st century

>we iz foreigners now."
no because the king is now king of your land AND his. it does not make it ONE COUNTRY.
Two countries one king.

Well in WW1 a lot of soldiers fought because of intense growth of 19th century Nationalism.
In middle ages it was less about "muh nation" but rather "muh king or lord" or "muh God"

>Medieval European dynastic politics


serfs were tied to the land so how the fuck would they be foreign because their lord changed

fucking retarded amerimutts

Nationalism is much younger than a lot of people realize.

>back then
I bet you think modern soldiers fight for free.
Cut all benefits and lower pay for USA Army and you will see how numbers shrink.
Heck make them pay for honor of serving under USA flag.

>Be a peasant, and then go
Most peasants wouldn't give a shit who their monarch was, only their liege-lord at most.

>balkanise exists as a word
>when Germans did it first and worst

Except the balkans have arbitary borders for sub cultures when HRE is just your standard feudal land, look at internal border of spain under Carlos I