Historically speaking, is sexual deviancy a recent thing? I see /pol/ regularly claiming that we live in a much more degenerate world than before, and that this behaviours are "promoted" by Jews, but i also find out that there have been places for stuff like this such as Gay bars as old as 17th century, and that cultures like the Native Americans had a crossdressing habits that were seen as normal.
Historically speaking, is sexual deviancy a recent thing...
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You try dressing like a bbc furry wolf in Feudalist Britain
Yeah, at least half of this goofy shite today would get you burned as a witch.
>The curfew law imposed upon the people was a compulsory duty they had to do or be punished like a criminal.
I'm not saying that the world was as degenerate before as it is now, but one would think that having a moral authority like the Church subjugating your behaviours would make people do weird shit behind doors rather than avoiding it. I don't get the "purity" meme when even the 50's had lots of rampant alcoholism and sexual repression of women
Deviancy is by definition subjective as it refers to non-normality. What's considered normal in one culture is considered weird or even taboo in another. From history we know that the societally prefered and acceptable forms of sexuality varied. We know that people have a sexdrive and that people have sexual quirks. We also know that these quirks doesn't necessarily correspond to the favoured types of sexuality found within the individual's culture.
In other words: You're question is as dumb as your mom, who I've had while your father watched.
What are you trying to accomplish with this thread? Pretty sure there's no rule 34 tapestries if thats what youre after.
Wow thanks for the answer Mr. obvious. I guess we're just stupid faggots that get caught in semantics. Anyway i hope mods delete this thread because it's a shit one
/pol/ virgins are so detached from the world they think anyone who has sex is sexually deviant by default.
Read 120 Days of Sodom, it's a great book.
Inbefore someone posts the Ottoman mantrain-painting.
Medieval clergymen owned brothels and thought of having sex with hookers preferable to masturbation.
The rampant drug-use and whoremongering of the Victorian age.
That one of Xenophon's faggots who offered his life to spare his personal twink.
Whatever portion of Procopius' gossip about Theodora that's half-true. I mean training fuck-geese, wtf was that all about?
Claudius' incestous marriage with the Messalina.
Messalina's wild debauchery and cucking of a fucking roman emperor.
Tiberius' 'little fishes'.
Jimmy Savile.
Genghis Khan being the ancestor of pretty much half of asia.
That crusader knight that couldn't wait to get himself and his mrs a brazilian from the local arab.
Ask an obvious question and get an obvious answer.
My father, who grew up in coastal Montenegro in the 50s, was beaten with a rod by the father and brothers of the girl he kissed in school when he was 17, while his father, my grandfather, stood by and lectured him about morality.
No matter what anyone says, it is absolutely a recent thing that you can be sexually liberated or deviant.
Apart from the very priviliged few of the upper class, I doubt the majority of peasantry ever experienced even oral sex in their lives, let alone anything further down the line.
Like 99% of humans that ever lived before the 20th century probably did not do anything apart from missionary to put the seed in the womb.
>An anecdote refering to one single experience of single individual trumphs all the evidence availible.
Why don't you atleast do a fucking google search before making vapid arguments?
Reminder that /pol/ got along with /mlp/
Rome had tens of millions of inhabitants, the vast majority of which did not have access to leisure houses with fresco's on them, you imbecile.
The average dude in antiquity was either some poor farmer or some poor herdsman or a bumfuck poor fucknut in a walled in city, masturbating to those fresco's because he will likely never experience any of it.
Same goes for literally all other regions of Earth.
Not to mention that after Rome, you had none of that through the entirety of the Christian and Muslim dominated regions.
Just when was it that you discovered you had no soul?
>No matter what anyone says, it is absolutely a recent thing that you can be sexually liberated or deviant.
Wew lad
>Like 99% of humans that ever lived before the 20th century probably did not do anything apart from missionary to put the seed in the womb.
What was silphium?
What are brothels?
What is the history of syphilis?
slavs don't have those. They get beaten and lectured to get their rocks off.
>is X social behaviour a new thing?
Answer is always "no". Times change, but people don't. For a meme example, the Pompeii graffiti. If you updated the wording and removed the historical context, it would sound just like shit people say today. I guaran-fucking-tee that Ancient Mayans bitched about their neighbours and Early Modern Italians got high with friends
>hitler in OP
> What was silphium?
What are rich people and how many were there?
> What are brothels?
What "amount of people living in urban environment prior to the industrial revolution"?
Like seriously, you had brothels in medieval Catholic countries as well, but they sure as hell weren't the norm experience(they aren't even in modern times ffs you fucktard) to an average persons life.
> What is the history of syphilis?
STD's spread through regular sex imbecile, no need to be a deviant to achieve that.
Look up the extent of Syphilis in Europe between its introduction from the Americas until the XXth century, when it became treatable, that'll answer your question.
Nice red herring there, buddy.
The fact that the common man didn't have their own mansion is beyond Captain Obvious. You'd however only need to take a quick glance at the vast amounts of roman graffiti that has survived to this day to see how wrong you are. However I doubt that you will seeing as you completely fail to understand that pictures of an overt sexual nature in ordinary places such as bathhouses and menyes for services one can get in the brothel doesn't correlate to the societies views on sexuality.
I'm sorry but some backwater mountain shithole is not a representative for the whole world.
People in different eras and different areas had different habits. There were places that were prude, there were places that were perverted. And of course there were perverts in prude eras and prudes in perverted eras.
One annoying habit that I see some people making is of taking one example (sometimes an outlier) and trying to argue that everyone in that era was perverted or prudish. Not everyone in Rome was Messalina. Not everyone in Rome was Cato.
Usually the ones that do that the most are those that say "people were always perverted", who often take outliers.
This is stupid.
Sure thing buddy, lets just overlook the fact that the vast, vast majority of people before the industrial revolution lived in smaller settlements and were likely just simpledumfuck farmers and herdsman.
> I'm sorry but some backwater mountain shithole is not a representative for the whole world.
Neither is a Roman brothel.
>Read 120 Days of Sodom, it's a great book.
That might just be the worst thing I ever heard on this board.
i liked it too
Then you should start reading.
>My grandpa got beat for kissing!
>Meanwhile Aristophanes is putting on plays about sexual liberty full of giant fake phalices and innuendo about fucking horses in 411 BC.
Sexual deviancy in itself has always existed, as the autists in this thread will gladly tell you, but it is only now that it is widely accepted. In the past, deviancy was repressed, and so very few practiced it, especially in Christian Europe which had endless rules about when and how to have sex. The main source of deviancy and deviant acceptance in Europehave always been Jewish communities, which is why it's on the rise today, and why /pol/ talks so much about it.
Okay, now I just know that you are some obvious troll with all the blatant non sequiturs you throw out.
>What are rich people and how many were there?
Rich enough to afford silphium? Atleast more than 1%.
>What "amount of people living in urban environment prior to the industrial revolution"?
>The cumulative urban population for the empire is estimated at just above 10%, in peninsular Italy at between 15% and 20%, comparable to urbanization levels in 1800.
>Like seriously, you had brothels in medieval Catholic countries as well, but they sure as hell weren't the norm experience(they aren't even in modern times ffs you fucktard) to an average persons life.
I never said that they were the normal experience, stop with the strawmans.
>STD's spread through regular sex imbecile, no need to be a deviant to achieve that.
>Like 99% of humans that ever lived before the 20th century probably did not do anything apart from missionary to put the seed in the womb.
In other words: Stop moving the goalpost.
You should definitely read some historical documents instead of posting embarrassing nonsense.
Sex is the ultimate driving force of history.
I'm not overlooking that fact, friend. I'm simply pointing towards the evidence we have. If you have some sources that tell us about the sexuality of the non-urban parts of the roman empire I'd love to see them. Heck, even some sources relating to non-roman parts of the roman empire would be really neat to look over.
>Neither is a Roman brothel.
No but atleast the 'meny' from a brothel gives us some input about what sort of sexual activities were in popular demand which provides us with an insight into the larger sexuality of the (local) culture.
>Muh jews
>and so very few practiced it
Source please!
>Source please!
did someone call for the mantrain?
People have always been “degenerate”. Romans had gay orgies, nazis loved prostitutes Stop listening to /pol/.
>People have always
r/Veeky Forums
You are now aware that the Church in tge middle ages actively encouraged young men to use prostitutes to get rid of old semen and to stop them lusting after female virgins. The prostitutes working in Southwark were even refered to as Winchester Geese as the Bishop of Winchester owned all the brothels there.
That's before getting into one of the early accounts of transvestism is a court case involving a gay prostitute who dressed as a woman while servicing priests and noblemen, again from medieval London.
Reminder that not liking prostitutes is as stupid as not liking a meal because your wife didn't make it and you had to pay for it.
>a gay prostitute who dressed as a woman while servicing priests and noblemen, again from medieval London.
Elagabalus confirmed as a vampire.
/pol/ is full of retards
There have been extremely conservative and extremely liberal areas and times of history in regards to sex.
The whole past wasn't either Roman orgies or English Puritanism
You're dumb, and don't even deserve a counter argument
Have you ever heard of "pederasty"? Start there if you think "degeneracy" is new.
The world was always degenerate but in a modern society, degeneracy has destabilizing effects both locally and nationally because of all the useless people it creates that burden society.
My grandfather, who grew up in the 50's in rural Catholic as fuck Philipppines where divorce is still illegal, became popular among the girls there because he was the only one who tongued women 's pussies.
Ergo your argument is invalid.
Do you know how old the Kama Sutra is?
Typical inbred mountainnigger.