How did the "Moors were Black" thing start? I know this one is not just niggers we wuzing because Europeans themselves used to depict Moors as Black back then.
How did the "Moors were Black" thing start...
It is the evil French colonialists that pushed this meme, first they named them sarrasin(a black wheat), then they said mean things about them in their songs
>There exists no doubt about the reason for Roland's fear and that of and his troops when they encounter the Moors: it is their blackness. This is further emphasized by the later stereotypical description of them, namely that the only things white about them are their teeth (Roland 1934).
I had an argument in my class the other day about moors not being black. It was painful.
How did it go?
everybody born within the borders of what we call africa, at any point in history, is by definition black
dude it's why we call it fucking africa
africa literally comes from the ancient egyptian word 'ifriqiya' and its like 10,000 years old, way older than any other languages
The moors were predominantly Berber and Arab but there were a few blacks. On some depictIons, you see the occasional black person. I'm sure the occasional west african made their way in the ranks. Of course, to say that they moors were therefore black in general is retarded. "Moor" was never a self-described group btw. It was just a catch-all term that Euros used to mean North African Muslims for the most part.
First they were black and then the antiSJW was founded and they blustered and spreged otherwise
Well the person involved didn't expect anyone to question what she was saying, so I think she was taken aback a bit at first. Eventually she and the professor both were really up in arms about the subject, and shouted at me.
Then again these are the same people who said that there was no racism before the Spanish came to America and began classifying people, so I don't think I should really be taking them seriously.
I don't think modern notions of what the term black means link together with that idea.
Thank you for the thoughtful post. Yeah, what my classmate/professor had been arguing was that any "moor" mentioned in history / literature was definitely black without a doubt.
What does it matter, they still got HAMMERED
The blacks among Arabic Moors were mostly slaves who were treated like shit by their masters. Thinking Moors were black is literally a remnant of medieval European banter when a bunch of Franks called their opponents niggers in a mocking way.
>Be Moor.
>Be Multiethnic.
>Medieval Euroshits who barely saw people from outside their Kingdoms & Villages see black Person.
>Shill that super-foreign looking person as representative of all of you.
Artists like experimenting and trying new techniques. When painting a scene in an area whose population is a mix of folks that look almost identical to the people the artist paints every day and a smaller group of folks that look exotic, they're going to want to paint the more exotic looking people.
Having black servants, courtiers, etc was actually a fashionable trend among continental nobility for quite some time, particularly in France, so many contemporary Europeans probably had a skewed perception of what most North Africans looked like as a result.
>Well the person involved didn't expect anyone to question what she was saying, so I think she was taken aback a bit at first. Eventually she and the professor both were really up in arms about the subject, and shouted at me.
>Then again these are the same people who said that there was no racism before the Spanish came to America and began classifying people, so I don't think I should really be taking them seriously.
But, couldn't you have simple solved the dispute by googling it or looking it up in a book if they disbelieved you?
There exist a type of people that will adamantly refuse to say they are incorrect, regardless of the amount of evidence you slap in their face.
See: flat-earthers
How the fuck can you be a teacher with such a mindset?
>what my classmate/professor had been arguing was that any "moor" mentioned in history / literature was definitely black without a doubt.
Should have asked him about why the Spanish called the Muslim FIlipinos Moors
So where was racism before it? In post-reconquista Spain? Scientific racism was most definitely a modern phenomenon, IIRC at least.
It was around but not in a form we would really recognize, like how the romans saw north europeans as barbarians and the chinese saw basically everyone else as inferior. Thing is these forms of discrimination werent specifically based on race a lot of the time so its kinda difficult to label racism
To Europeans, Moors are all kangs.
Teachers tend to be people who failed at doing something else in life.
Moor is a catch all term for Maghrebis and West African to an extent. Since Maghrebis are Black past the coast of North Africa, calling moors Black is accurate.