Why is communism considered discredited and pure evil due to the Hodolomor when England did the same thing under capitalism in Ireland and India and killed even more people?
Why is communism considered discredited and pure evil due to the Hodolomor when England did the same thing under...
17th century England wasn't a capitalist state. Nice bait.
They did it in the Great Famine in the mid 1800s and multiple times in India in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
Also, Congo Free Was done in the early 1900s.
>they weren't real capitalists they were just using the power of the state to enforce private property so the produce from the landowners could be shipped elsewhere and sold for a profit
Why didnt the nazis talk about the holocaust?
You see, people have a tendency to ignore their own crimes.
Because you need to employ some serious mental gymnastics to equate the 1840s with the 1930s. If a famine was to happen because of government incompetence in 2020, it would arguably br worse than holodomor
>bengal famine of 1943
Some of the famines in India were after Holodomor tho
Apples and oranges. Hodolomor was largely ideological mismanagement. The market simply dictated that rice should be shipped out of India at that point.
It was the all mighty market.
Good thing you can't make the free market pay for crimes against humanity eh lad
>a famine in 1943 when the entire world is at war and one caused by a need to inflate your own ego is totes the same thing guys
The famine on Ukraine was after the deadliest Western civil war ever in a country that had been in WWI up until then and right after a mutant flu killed 100 million people. And it was caused by weather and exacerbated by retardation, however Russia had a far better excuse for being fucked up at that point.
Almost 20 years after and during are not the same fucko.
The Hodolomor is really just the tip of the iceberg that's why.
It's also the great famine in China , the Cultural Revolution in China, the killing fields in Cambodia, Stalins purge , stalins forced labour and death camps, North Korean famine , labour and death camps and the fact that every "communist" nation has turned into a totalitarian police state.
literally everything you just stated has either not happened or been extremely exaggerated by the CIA. Nice try bucko.
>Why is communism considered discredited and pure evil due to the Hodolomor
It is discredited and considered pure evil for reasons entirely unrelated to the Holodomor.
>Civil War ends in 1922
>Hodolomor is 1932
>20 years
>Literally describes feudal system
The false dichotomy between capitalism and communism needs to die in a deep hole.
It's impossible to argue with someone who lives in another reality.
If you wish to ignore all historical evidence in favor of handpicked arguments found on image boards I suggest going to or 8gag because Veeky Forums isn't the place for you.
Give me a non-CIA source for these stats you've just stated, otherwise get out of this thread bucko.
>The BEIC was not a capitalist entity.
>every "communist" nation has turned into a totalitarian police state
Everythin before this is just nitpicking the wprst examples and could be applied to any ideoogy, this last bit is semi true but only because wherever communism emerged capitaalist states immidiatley took almost every measure possible to destroy them
Anything I send to you, you will instantly denounce as CIA propaganda while your own proof is an infographic found on 8fag.
It's impossible to argue with your types, I've tried and failed many times. Just please leave Veeky Forums your "bucko"s give you away clear as day.
It's not really nitpicking when every major communist state to arise has huge calamities leading to the deaths of millions.
Many capitalistic states have had no such tragedies.
Also it's not as if western capitalists were in a which hunt purging small defenseless commies, it's was a global power struggle between two super powers.
For shitty thing the CIA or MI5 did to hamper communists the KGB or Chinese Intelligence took action to hamper capitalists.
In summary, no one cares.
One thing I will add , is small nations in Latin America did apply "communism" without any major catastrophes.
However their capitalist neighbors tended to do better economically (could be the result of sanctions)
You have no idea what you're talking about and you're the reason my people suffer. Latin american failed states failed on their own and statism is always involved
t. latin america
Chile was on a "decent" path with Allende but that got stopped quick
Who knows, given a few years a socialist Chile could have flourished, or they could have been the next Venezuela
oh hey yeah, finally someone remembers those communists intelligence agencies that existed and did all of the same things the CIA did
thank you sir
In the reason you fucktards.m can't cover together a working state ? Interesting
Can you actually explain what is wrong with what I said taco?
Mercantilism isn’t capitalism. The world as a whole did not begin to seriously entertain and put capitalist policies into effect within the last 60-70 years
There’s a reason boomers and their parents have an almost fanatical dedication to it, and it isn’t because it was 100 years into the system when they were born
Indians aren't whites.
Because it works
'growth based economy'
Because lead poisoning damaged their brain to the point where they honestly believe cable news.
There's a reason the generations immediately before them did everything in their power to limit the political and economic powers of the oligarchs.
Until you e exploited and destroyed your country in pursuit of growth and collapse. Capitalists are traitorous bugmen
Yes as opposed to your country being exploited and destroyed in the name of a dysfunctional ideology. Communists are either delusional fuckheads or psychopathic pigs that know exactly that whoever controls the redistribution of the "people owned" resources controls everything. Everyone else has fuck all.
Cromwell is widely regarded as a villainous tyrant.
Only in bogtrotterland.
>The false dichotomy between capitalism and communism needs to die in a deep hole.
Well, we fascists can help you with that dying in deep holes stuff, user.
It wasn't "intentional"/"political".
The only true answer, I think.
Good post.
>ideological mismanagement
Not totally.
So Cuba, the DDR, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia weren't major communist countries?
Ireland and India weren't results of Capitalism, they were results of the eternal *nglo.
because communism threatened capitalism/democracy so they made it an equivalent of fascism to scare the majority of the public
Capitalism is widely seen to have been born in early 16th century England. During the civil war, it was by no doubt one.
Cuba wasn't , Hungary, Yugoslavia and Chezchoslovokia were part of the USSR and forced to be "communist". I've already pointed to the calamities of the USSR.
I will say Cuba managed to get somethings right.
>citation needed
England was mercantilist or state capitalist.
Everything was done to make money for the crown / state
>Hungary, Yugoslavia and Chezchoslovokia were part of the USSR and
No, they were not.
For example, do you even know who Tito was?
>eastern bloc
>Warsaw pact
>formal USSR member
same shit it's all commieland
>state of Veeky Forums
>amerifat education
Probably both.
None of countries you mention were in USSR.
CzSk and Hungary belong to Warsaw pact but Yugoslavia was fully independent.
Also looking at the state of Europe I would say that Soviet Communism preserved more than USA capitalism.