Well this should be interesting
Well this should be interesting
Other urls found in this thread:
On Matt's mic, Lindy sounds like the Medieval II English adviser.
>Matt trolling Lindy by saying WWII has clear bad guys but the 100 Years War doesn't
>trolling him by saying his favorite historical movie is Braveheart
holy shit, laughed at this one
That's a pretty gay holo shirt you've got there, Matt.
Where's this from?
I did as well, LOL!
This. One of the things I like about Matt is how good he is at subtly shitting on other youtubers he clearly doesn't take seriously.
That, and all the puns about his weapons.
>One of the things I like about Matt is how good he is at subtly shitting on other youtubers he clearly doesn't take seriously.
Can you provide examples. Also I thought he took lindy seriously since made all these videos with him and is fine with doing more.
>Can you provide examples.
Watch pretty much any of his response videos. He's always very polite about it, but there are usually subtle signs showing a lack of respect for people that obviously don't know what they're talking about. The moments in these videos with Lindy where he throws out slight jabs about the France stuff, climate change, and Braveheart are good examples. There's a clear difference between the ways he handles certain people, and the way he treats people like Martin Austwick and Dave Rawlings that he completely respects.
I think he takes Lindy as seriously as he should be taken, which is an entertaining guy who talks about interesting things he doesn't always know much about. Matt is one of the people that founded HEMA, and sometimes Lindy says some pretty stupid shit. I think he likes Lindy as a person and respects some of his opinions, but gets tired with all his posturing sometimes.
You don't have to think your friend is a person is completely credible to make a video with them.
that were a lot of f-words to be brutally desu
Matt Easton is a former soccer hooligan who graduated from bats and bike chains to swords because he wanted to bring some honor back into curbstomping and has since donned the cape of look-at-me-I'm-knowledgeable-and-respectable. Once a wanker always a wanker.
>Lindy reading this thread and realizing Matt is using him to gain viewership and that he doesn't actually value his opinion
>Everybody talking about Lindybeige and ScholaGladiatoria
What does Veeky Forums think of Brandon F?
Holy fuck my poor sides.
>Brandon F?
literally who?
>Lindy: I've played Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4, and knife, instant fatal every time.
Lindy calls himself British