Redraw the borders of Europe to your liking. It doesn't have to be realistic or historical, just whatever you want.
Redraw the borders of Europe to your liking. It doesn't have to be realistic or historical, just whatever you want
Other urls found in this thread:
I leave it the way it is but put yugoslavia back together this time stretch from the med to the black sea
Behold, perfection.
Well, Georgia and Armenia should also unite, and call themselves;
Giorgio Armani
Also, what have the Turks ever done to you, man?
T*rkey can come back, if they get conquered by the Persians.
> Also, what have the Turks ever done to you, man?
It's just geography dude, its for the migrants, not the Turks.
Grey is germany
Oh god oh god oh god please no I don't want to have to speak baguette
>netherland gets baguetted
>poland + balt
>v4 but not really with slovenia
>putting croats, mountain serbs and albanians into one country
what the fuck
>not splitting up macedonia but give it to serbia instead
>turkey gets cyprus
>crimea is either independent or wasteland
>its for the migrants
Congratulations on revealing your power level, Nazi.
Fuck off. Any map of Germany that uses Weimar borders deserves to be burned.
is that kaisarreich
Dude, did you not read ?
Fix the Mandela Effects NO TURKEY!!!
That's all.
somewhere in russia I'm now on a government list
So many hard choices to make ( realistic or a e s t h e t i c?) and Im still not satisfied. I should never be in charge of (re)drawing Europe.
At least 6 million would have to die to make this come true.
Retarded on all accounts.
I like what you did with the balkans and poland.
Find a single flaw, you can't
Go full natural border autismo ma dude
Best borders ever
>half of Småland is danish but not Blekinge
> Congratulations on revealing your power level, Nazi.
I am a socialist.
There is nothing nazi about denying illegal migrants entry.
It is called upholding the rule of law.
I like the Europe in this map, but don't want to go to all the effort to redraw it.
what do you guys think?
>Splitting up the UK
Never good. Never ever.
>I am a socialist
You deserve a gas chamber almost as much as nazis and commies
Fuck of fite me 1vs2
>Slovakia is independent
Either give it to Bohemia or Hungary
>Romania owns Hungarians clay
>Bohemian borders seems weird
I'd give them whole Silesia
>UK is split
>No independent Ukraine
>Bulgarian borders
Otherwise I really like it, good job user
t. triggered lolbertarian
>giving Slovakia to Bohemia
What the fuck did those bolshevik Czech faggots ever do to deserve Slovakia? Hungary is understandable, Bohemia makes no sense.
>Similiar mentality
>Similiar language And background
>Czechs literally created Slovakia
>Slovakia would be Albania tier shithole without Czechs literally carrying them
Gee I wonder
Top zozzle
Literally everything in your post is untrue.
>similar mentality
No. Czechs are mostly urbanites, homosexuals, atheists and degenerates. Slovaks are rural, agrarian, conservative and religious.
>similar language and background
Language maybe, and that's after intense bohemization of Slovak language thanks to sellout Czechophile pr*testant retards in the 19th century. Background? No.
>Czechs literally created Slovakia
ADOLF HITLER created Slovakia. Czechs didn't create anything, they were given Czechoslovakia, a state where Slovakia didn't exist as an autonomous unit even on paper, by the French to serve as a buffer zone against Germany.
>Slovakia would be Albania tier shithole without Czechs literally carrying them
If anything they exploited it. Economic gap between Czechia and Slovakia is far smaller now than it was in 1993 when the countries split.
Europe in 1840. Napoleon II was lucky.
>No independent Ukraine
Ukraine don't real
>Not giving Montenegro to Serbia
>Not giving East Prussia back to Germany
>Slovenia in V4 but not Poland
>Ukraine not part of Russia
>Baltic States merged together in one state
Absolute Garbage, this is what a REAL map of Europe looks like
Literally perfection
>Bulgaria that big
>Jews are Commies
>Jews are capitalist
Which one is it ffs?
t. Triggered Slovak
>Czechs are mostly urbanites, homosexuals, atheists and degenerates. Slovaks are rural, agrarian, conservative and religious.
lel, nice delusions you got there
>after intense bohemization of Slovak language thanks to sellout Czechophile pr*testant retards in the 19th century.
How? Just how can you know So little of history? Czechs were dealing with germanization through 17th and 18th century And just managed to recover their language in 19th Century. If anything, Slovakia, which was part of Hungary by the way, was underground HUNGARIAN influence
> Background? No.
Yes, both nations have the same background as they are both Slavíč And extremely similiar
>ADOLF HITLER created Slovakia
Oh yes, the one time Slovak subhumans stabbed Czechs in the back
>Czechs didn't create anything, they were given Czechoslovakia, a state where Slovakia didn't exist as an autonomous unit even on paper
But they fucking did, idiot. Without politicians like Masaryk, other Czech politicians And mainly Czech legions there wouldn't have been Czechoslovakia, only Bohemian lands. Slovakia would remained part of Hungary.
>If anything they exploited it.
Except they didn't
>Economic gap between Czechia and Slovakia is far smaller now than it was in 1993 when the countries split.
Maybe because EU is pumping money into it, gee. Also, Slovakias economy was waaay better in 1920's-30's than it was in pre-Czechoslovakian times. That doesn't seem like explotation to me. It almost seems like Czechs uplifted Slovakia hmmmmm
Why doesn't France get Wallonia?
Because they shit on their balls.
>Finland Is Russian
>Split Britain
>Romania owns Hungarian land
>Slovakia exists
t. Attila Horváth
>lel, nice delusions you got there
Nice non-refutation, brainlet.
>Just how can you know So little of history?
I know more than you apparently. The codification of Slovak language was driven by Slovak Lutherans who were using the Czech Bible of Kralice for centuries and were immensely influenced by Czech language and culture, and during codification bohemized the absolute shit out of the language. And this was already seen as a mere compromise contrasted to the more radical czechophiles like Ján Kollár who just wanted all Slovaks to speak Czech.
>Yes, both nations have the same background as they are both Slavíč And extremely similiar
You still haven't explained what exactly are they so similar in, besides language. Probably because you don't even know yourself.
>Oh yes, the one time Slovak subhumans stabbed Czechs in the back
How can you stab your enemy in the back? Slovaks had no obligation to feel loyal to Czechoslovakia, especially after the Czechs blatantly violated the Pittsburgh agreement and imprisoned Dr. Tuka on trumped up charges when he brought up the vacuum iuris existing in Martin Declaration, which essentially nullified any obligation of Slovaks to stay in Czechoslovakia after 10 years.
>But they fucking did, idiot.
No. Czechoslovakia was to Slovakia like USSR was to Latvia - it was a military occupation and colonization.
>like Masaryk
Masaryk wasn't even a Czech. He was a Slovak on his father's side and Moravian German on his mother's side. Another pr*testant traitorous faggot that even other protestants (Vajanský) hated.
>EU is pumping money
Thinking "EU money" is helping anyone other than corrupt politicians collecting it is brainletry par excellence.
>Slovakias economy was waaay better in 1920's-30's than it was in pre-Czechoslovakian times.
Big fucking nope. The impoverished "hunger valleys" in Gemer and Hont only emerged after the new government in Prague severed their historical economic ties to Budapest.
>Dr. Tuka
yeah, how do they dare to imprison Hungarian spy that claims Slovaks are Mongols
>No. Czechoslovakia was to Slovakia like USSR was to Latvia - it was a military occupation and colonization.
top kek
>Hungarian spy that claims Slovaks are Mongols
He was never a Hungarian spy, that's something the Czechs made up. It's literally Czech propaganda.
nice try schlomo
t. Hovnajs Nekvasil
You sure showed me you communist faggot.
Nations based on language.
fuck republics
fuck russia too
Move aside, amateurs.
Look at this shit:
>Po vzniku Československa v roce 1918 prosazoval opětovné připojení Slovenska k Maďarsku.[2] Sám sebe označoval za Maďara.[2]
>Sám sebe označoval za Maďara
He literally never claimed to be a Magyar, interstingly enough this bullshit is mentioned only in Czech wikipedia article and nowhere else. That guy literally declared Slovakia to be de jure independent, upon which the Czechs called him a Hungarian spy and arrested him. Imagine being retarded enough to say being a Slovak nationalist makes you a Hungarian agent.
Reminds me of this.
t.Russian in Denial
Yet, you didn't post anything to back up your claims. Why would I bother when you were obviously baiting?
>Slovak Lutherans who were using the Czech Bible of Kralice for centuries and were immensely influenced by Czech language
But that is not bohemization in a sense of Bohemia forcing Czech on Slovaks like you were implying, genius. It was their choice to revive Slovak language using old czech.
>How can you stab your enemy in the back?
Top lel
>Slovaks had no obligation to feel loyal to Czechoslovakia,
Oh yes, Czechs only freed them from Hungarians who were actively opressing them for centuries
>No. Czechoslovakia was to Slovakia like USSR was to Latvia - it was a military occupation and colonization.
Top lel
>Masaryk wasn't even a Czech. He was a Slovak on his father's side and Moravian German on his mother's side.
Yet he himself never stated He was a Slovak, only that he felt like Czechoslovak. Also, he was Bohemian politician in A-U. Nuff said.
>Thinking "EU money" is helping anyone other than corrupt politicians collecting it is brainletry par excellence.
EU definitely did pump huge amount of money to Slovakia And your "mmmuh corrupt politicians, se totally did everything ourselves" can't deny that
Stop with your slovak-shitposting right now.
>I disagree with this so it must be propaganda
Typical Tankie/Stormfags approach
>You still haven't explained what exactly are they so similar in, besides language. Probably because you don't even know yourself.
What are West slavs.
God I see this map everywhere and it is so damn dumb
>Northern Italy gets broken down into all its dialects, but apparently Southern Italy is just Italian despite the fact that actually standard Italian is based on the Tuscan dialect
>Occitan, spoken by like 5 people, gets half of France
>a bunch of meme regional identities in England are there, but the many vastly stronger regional identities which were their own states not so long ago in Germany are unacknowledged, except for Bavaria
vad kan man förvänta sig av amerikanare?
You're welcome
>Yet, you didn't post anything to back up your claims.
Over 1000 years of separate historical development is a pretty convincing argument. You're the one who claimed they are similar, you prove it.
>But that is not bohemization in a sense of Bohemia forcing Czech on Slovaks like you were implying, genius.
I literally said CZECHOPHILES and not CZECHS you bolshevik faggot.
>revive Slovak language
>by partially replacing it with another language
89 IQ logic.
>Oh yes, Czechs only freed them from Hungarians who were actively opressing them for centuries tier education
>Yet he himself never stated He was a Slovak
He did, repeatedly. Both in private and in public.
>muh EU saviors, pls breed me daddy Brussels
Not even deserving a comment, shill.
It was a kangaroo court sentencing that was never actually proven with evidence, and nobody aside from retarded Czechs ever took it seriously.
That's it? Czechia should be annexed by Poland then, they're both West Slavs after all.
>I am a socialist.
So were the National Socialists. Your point?
One is not the other scumfuck
AMERICA is much better,, we are big and strong, you're all depends on us. without america, you'd be all in war with each other,
Got a layered base map?
Here you go.
keep dreaming, frenchie cuck bastard,
This thing in the South shall be known as the Freedom Ocean of Christian European Superiority
>Over 1000 years of separate historical development is a pretty convincing argument. You're the one who claimed they are similar, you prove it.
But their history is tied together since Bohemians And Hungarians were dealing with each other through history and both Bohemia and Slovakia were part of AH. Implying that Bohemia, which had quite some influence Back then didn't influence Slovakia is simply dumb. However you can't also claim that there was some kind of bohemization going on either since Bohemia itself was undergoing germanization.
>I literally said CZECHOPHILES and not CZECHS you bolshevik faggot.
The way you framed makes it sound like Czechs were orchestrating it, faggot.
By the way, I don't understand why you keep calling me a bolshevik for no apparent reason.
>by partially replacing it with another language
But thats how languages work for christs sakes. Czech itself has Great amount of words from German, Russian etc.
What other options there were? Hungarian? German?
> tier education
Yes, Czechs were waaaay worse than Hungarians. Actually, magyars dindu nuffin
> He did, repeatedly. Both in private and in public.
Citation needed
>Not even deserving a comment, shill
Keep dreaming, Slovakia wouldn't br where it is now without Eu
I will bash your fucking head you g*Rmanoid subhuman
leave poLish land alone, dumb wh*Te yacobite scum
>slav admitting he is not white
really tickles your brain
don't even dare to speak to me you wh*Te inbred mongrel
i will wipe you from the face of the earth
not if the arabs and turks do it first
no borders no nations
The only correct answer.
based Bavaria
give it a rate then
wait a minute
this isn't /int/
>Bohemia, which had quite some influence Back then didn't influence Slovakia
The influence was mostly limited to subhuman heretical Hussites burning down villages in Slovakia until they got put down.
>The way you framed makes it sound like Czechs were orchestrating it, faggot.
You're an idiot with shit reading comprehension. Czechs started orchestrating it only after creation of Czechoslovakia when they delegated thousands of Czech school teachers to Slovakia trying to enforce Czech curriculums and bohemize the vocabulary. Beneš himself said there is no such thing as a Slovak nation and Slovakia needs to be bohemized.
>Yes, Czechs were waaaay worse than Hungarians.
Glad we agree.
>Actually, magyars dindu nuffin
Magyarization lasted from 1867 to 1914, not "centuries".
>Citation needed
"Považoval se po otci rodem za Slováka. Během gymnaziálních a univerzitních studií se deklaroval také jako Moravan, pak opět jako Slovák. S jistotou se ale nikdy necítil být Němcem, ačkoliv se k této národnosti hlásila jeho matka a inklinoval k ní i jeho bratr Ludvík."
>Keep dreaming, Slovakia wouldn't br where it is now without Eu
Full of western NGOs spreading communist faggot propaganda, and with laws criminalizing holohoax denial? I agree!
>free state of danzig
> (You)
user, that separated from history at the American War of Independence. Without the World Wars, it's unlikely that even the Poland I have there would develop, but I still give Poland a lot of land. I am anything but a Wehraboo.
Bulgaria's a bit big in this.
>united Cyprus
Almost as smart as a united ireland
Aesthetically it's pretty much subjective.
wtf i love jewish people now
>I am a socialist
What about the whole "workers of the world unite" you cunt
>scuse me am a NATONAL socielist
Or a massive faggot