Adolf Hitler - The Cost of War
Was he right?
Other urls found in this thread:
>the impartial truth
Stopped watching
>imlying impartiality is even possible
>it's another Hitler speech with dramatic/sad music in the background
yawn, who fucking cares about this faggot
Stop making these threads.
Nobody wants to watch Nordic_Wolf_88's 536th sad Hitler video underscored with a Hans Zimmer track
Adolf Hitler was a good man, a man of honor. This is just one of the many evidences of his character and spirit. It disgusts me that this world views him as the ultimate evil. A monster. When it was he who tried to rid this world of the true evil. And now we are all paying the price for allowing (((international parasites))) to suffocate us all.
>it was he who tried to rid this world of the true evil.
What true evil? Old Ukrainian babushkas and Polish intellectuals? Jewish women and children? The old and infirm?
>international parasites are suffocating us all
>captures Louis Nathaniel de Rothschild and then releases him after his family pays a ransom
What did they mean by this?
>its a "video of hitler speeches with sad and dramatic music from a super hero movie" episode
stormfags are such appeal to emotion faggots
It's shows that Hitler was humanist, not like you fucking allies who crush balls so people would testify how you want them to.
Ironic because Hitler tried to appeal to reason.
>It's shows that Hitler was humanist
Hitler didn't even know about the horrid executions, he always thought they were treated decently, why do you think he thought of sending them all to Madagascar?
>Hitler tried to appeal to reason.
Surely a humanist would have just let him go, instead of holding him hostage for money?
>crush balls
This claim again. Your source?
Redpilled /pol/sters believe what politicians say when it's politicians they like.
>Surely a humanist would have just let him go
He was suspicious of them
>This claim again. Your source?
>press play
>Hitler starts lying
>It ain't me starts playing
>take bunch of people who almost entirely live in European cities and send them to live in a jungle with no existing infrastructure, after forcibly removing all of their money and useful supplies
Pick one and only one.
>Hitler didn't even know about the horrid executions
>"If the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, then the result will not be the bolshevization of the earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe!"-Jan 31, 1939
>"And we say that the war will not end as the Jews imagine it will, namely with the uprooting of the Aryans, but the result of this war will be the complete annihilation of the Jews."-Jan 30, 1942
>suspicious of them
Who's them? Why did getting money suddenly remove his suspicions?
I thought it was a hive of zionist kikery that swoops down on any article that protrays the Germans as anything other than litteral demons from hell?
Found a picture on /pol/ of St. Hitler holding down the hand of a German soldier who was severely injured in battle but still trying to salute him, however I can't seem to find it. That picture, for me, told me everything I needed to know about St. Hitler and his persona. Knowing and experiencing war firsthand, in the trenches (the worst place to be in WWI), he was the last man to want another world war. Compared to the insane, drunken warmonger Churchill, he really was a saint.
Annihilate dosen't mean annihilate, Hitler a gud boi, it's the allies who did wrong thing, 400 billion Germans were killed in Danizg, 8 trillion were burned in Dresden, Holocuast didn't real, le truth dosen't fear investigation!
>Adolf Hitler was a good man, a man of honor
>muh appeals to emotion
Churchill didnt start the war though user, Hitler did when he invaded Poland
I think he's being facetious
>Look, Hitler is being nice to a wounded German soldier,WTF I love Nazism now!
Why are Stormweenies so easily swayed by propaganda shots?
*posts an unrealistic sounding story published in some book to prove that an historical event didn't happen*
hitler was a man of honor
>kills his political allies to consolidate total power in his person alone
Maybe if you had a ukranian babushka you would know what true suffering is user.
He looks pretty handsome in this pic. Can someone edit the moustache off?
Reminds me of that video "Was Hitler a good man".
The author say that he was honest and moral which becomes evident as long as someone is brave enough to do the research. I don't know why he was supposed to be moral because he doesn't explain that part. The more closely I inspect Hitler the worse he becomes.
And I never got why nazis are obsessed with Churchill so much. Because he refused to divide Europe between UK and Germany? Or are they really that stupid that they don't know when he became the PM? I've been asking them that for some time but the only answer I ever got was "something something jews"
>War was the anvil on which Hitler’s worldview was forged; to him, war was “the most memorable period of my life,” and “all the past fell away into oblivion.” German National Socialism was born in war, emerging triumphant over a country deeply scarred by defeat and eager to reclaim its greatness and to punish those who had usurped it. As a political philosophy, Nazism glorified struggle and conflict, viewing them as the purpose of a nation and a measure of its overall condition. As a political movement and state system, Nazism made its ideology real, plunging the European continent into a war of annihilation and a sea of blood. Nazism–inseparable from war–destroyed the old Europe, and thus helped to create the world in which we live.
t. Richard Bessel
tl;dr OP is full of shit
Yes. Them.
>polish intellectuals
Trying to deny some crimes there again?
You can't be intellectual if you're Polish.
Fuck off back to /int/ already you retarded piece of turd.
And you can't understand this sense of humor unless you're German.
>If the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, then the result will not be the bolshevization of the earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe!"-
This quote is real, but taken in context, the claim of extermination is not the meaning of the word annihilation, the rest of the text is about emigration of the Jews, which would also be a form of annihilation.
He continues:
"At this moment, the Jews are still propagating their campaign of hatred in certain states under the cover of press, film, radio, theater, and literature, which are all in their hands. Should indeed this one Volk attain its goal of prodding masses of millions from other peoples to enter into a war devoid of all sense for them, and serving the interests of the Jews exclusively, then the effectiveness of an enlightenment will once more display its might. Within Germany, this enlightenment conquered Jewry utterly in the span of a few years."
Basically he views Jewishness as a form of Marxism that can be eradicated by education. He also expresses his desire to remove the Jews out of Europe if they start another war (which surprise, surprise - happened). I've seen you posting these disingenuine quotes taken out of context in numerousd threads now, like a typical jew.
Like fucking clockwork
Your quote is blatantly taken out of context, you retard. I'm just pointing your fallacies that you propagate that some poor fool will take as facts. If you've read the full speech (and maybe you have read it), you would obviously be well aware that Hitler didn't mean murdering the jews literally
First Hitler wanted to mostly sent Jews somewhere else (like beyond Ural) the extermination programs accelerated once that was no longer possible leaving Germans with soldiers guarding cities, camps and ghettoes when they could be fighting.
Of course killings didn't start in 1942 they just intensified then and of course not just jews but for example Polish elites and clergy.
You don't have any facts to back that up.
1. extermination; eradication; wiping out
>The impartial truth
Please leave Veeky Forums
You have your own containment board in pol and no one wants these threads.
Yes, poor Hitler, igniting a world war to attain German imperial ambitions which ended in the deaths of millions of Europeans. Maybe if we take him at his word in his speeches to the Reichstag and drape the recordings with dramatic music, it will make you believe that he was being bullied by an omnipotent Jewish elite.
There's nothing in that extended quote that suggests that annihilation doesn't mean annihilation. You're performing mental acrobatics.
About what? AB Aktion? The problem that deniers can have with this one is that it wasn't just anonymous victims but for example Polish olympic athletes, president of Warsaw, speaker of the Senate, members of the parliament, university profesors etc.
In the first years of the occupation the families of the victims were receiving death certificates and sometimes the bodies. But of course it's just the tip of the iceberg because random people were being murdered too.
As for early reports inside the concentration camps there are among others: Pilecki's report, Jan Karski's work, Major's report.
On the German side there are their own words for example in journals (mostly Frank and Goebbels).
Hitler was a LOSER A.K.A. A SUBHUMAN.
It doesn't matter how much you spam "him" over here. Losers and subhumans like YOU will always fail at literally everything you do.
He was flawed, but contorting one’s mind to not agree with Hitler is a bad idea
Was it this one you were referring to?
Stalin was flawed, but contorting one's mind to not agree with Stalin is a bad idea.
For some reason, I agree with this almost completely
Sure, what about it?
So you agree that Hitler was a subhuman and him losing the war was obviously good for humanity?
>Stalin was flawed
No he wasn't.
Have you listened to any of his speeches?
>Hitler was a subhuman
No. If we dehumanize Hitler, we render any ethical judgement of him impossible.
>him losing the war was obviously good for humanity
Yeah, pretty much.
>mfw /pol/tards are literally so brain damaged they think they'll ''redpill'' people who actually studied history by posting Hitler videos with sad music
How many times do you need to hear this? Keep your trash on /pol/. You won't convert anyone here, who isn't already a neo-Nazi.
What video was that?
Because Churchill is
A) Usually hailed as a good leader, sometimes even a hero
B) He was an unapolagetic colonialist.
That's why you see stormfags try to equate the two. If Churchill isn't so bad, Hitler (who, in their mids, did more or less the same things, just to DA JOOZ), then HItler isn't so bad either.
"Hitler was good man he cared about his people you just have to look into it"
Zero arguments. I really don't care what they think about Jews. I'm also not a fan of their New York elite. It's their fight. But that butchering of history is just what gets me.
Also what were those concentration camps from the footage he was talking about? I know what he "forgot" to say was that it wasn't like Auschwitz or any place like that but probably an oflag but I'm still curious.
personal bias alert
>we will never live in the timeline where Italy, Austria and France put an end to H*tler in 1934
it's not fucking fair bros
Brits and French got the proposition to depose Hitler TWICE.
childhood is idolizing Hitler
adulthood is realizing that Mussolini, Mosley and Dollfuss made more sense
>adulthood is realizing that Mussolini made more sense
fixed that for you
>Mussolini, Dollfuss
Nope. Fuck off Nigel.
Who would in their right mind have any sort of dignity to idolize a guy by the name of Doofus?
>retard attempt at humor
Yea i thought that's what you were talking about.
Even though he apparently doesn't want to be alt right his arguments against JQ are fucking incredibly weak compared to what I've seen posted here. Although his arguments for it aren't that much better.
>Knowing and experiencing war firsthand, in the trenches (the worst place to be in WWI)
Churchill was fighting in British colonial wars when Hitler was in grade school. He also quit his position as head of the Admiralty after the Gallipoli debacle and volunteered for service on the frontlines.
>he was the last man to want another world war.
Hitler was one of the most adamant in his demands to start another world war. He practically ran Germany's economy's into the ground rearming and had to start the war a decade before German military leaders believed they would be ready.
>Compared to the insane
Hitler suffered from legitimate delusions of grandeur
>lauding a man who was jacked up on meth the last 10 years of his life while talking shit about a man who enjoyed the occasional Johnnie Walker Red Label
>warmonger Churchill
See above point, also Churchill was not Prime Minister at the time WW2 began
>he really was a saint
Do not insult Our Lord, Jesus Christ by comparing him to such a despicable excuse of a human being as Adolf Hitler.
I feel a little happy knowing that you're too much of a pussy to say this in public, knowing that you'll get the shit kicked out of you by pretty much anyone around you. stick to /pol/, it's your safe space
How fucking stupid are you people? Are we really this infested with redditors who don't recognise bait.
>le but with poltards you can't tell
Yes you fucking can, the guy is calling him fucking st. hitler
This, truly a man who cared for his people, Hitler was not an evil man.
>literally proving my point
>hitler cared about his people
>lets burn the whole of germany to ashes because we lost the shitflinging, erryone goes down with me!!!!! >:(
Truly, a real human bean and a real hero
I'll give it a 9/10 for the propaganda, but come the fuck on. HITLER STARTED WW2 AND ONLY A /POL/ FAGGOT WOULD THINK OTHERWISE.
>hur dur we know the costs of war
Fuck off.
Brainlet detected
You disgust me.
>it’s only propaganda if le evil Nazis dew it
>Adolf Hitler was a good man, a man of honor
>breaks every single treaty he made
Stormcuck detected
>he made the treaties
Brainlet detected
Wow... such good dramatic speech under Hans Zimmer soundtrack
Almost makes me forget what he wanted to do to east europeans and their lands...
Makes you want to join a pan-germanic ultra nationalist movement even tho your not a german yourself.
Absolutely this!
Hitler burns in boiling pot of horseshit and piss for destroying europe and fascist movements.
true adulthood is realizing Salazar was the greatest nationalist leader of the 20th Century.
Lol what? Hitler was the epitome of appeal to emotion.