>You're too aggressive Wilhelm!
>England, France and Belgium owned most of Africa.
Why the fuck did no one point out this hypocrisy?
>You're too aggressive Wilhelm!
>England, France and Belgium owned most of Africa.
Why the fuck did no one point out this hypocrisy?
>wilhelm why did you attack a neutral power in your current two front war
>it's okay im not the aggressor, they had colonies
Wilhelm did good trying to stamp out the Belgian menace. Sadly, the Anglo turned against him in his hour of need and so evil was allowed to endure
>ww1 was actually orchestrated by belgium
You shouldnt have posted this, theyre probably on their way for you right now, you know they kill all who try to uncover belgian world domination
Germany had a pretty hefty collection of colonies in Africa prior to WW1.
What hypocrisy? Owning large parts of Africa is not the same as invading a neutral county during war time.
The truth must be uncovered, no matter the cost. Seven lives for my country. Long live His Imperial Majesty, the Kaiser!
You don't treat whites the same way you treat Africans
It was Belgium all along, they've been pulling the strings of Europe ever since Flanders.
Because they didn’t consider Africans people
Exactly. This is why caring about the holocaust is racist
europe is not africa.
the problem is that he did not act in the best interest of his country.
and after the war, he fled like a little bitch
Belgium plots war in order to get German African Colonies.
Ancient Belgae have been sacrificing humans and plotting war since they first attempted to get Caesar to fight Germania for them. Later they would trick caesar into attack Brittania.
nice b8
I think what Germany did wasn't "okay", it's just that Britain, USA and France highly have any moral high ground when criticizing them.
>It was Belgium all along, they've been pulling the strings of Europe ever since Flanders.
I knew it. Drumpf is Belgian, you know.
Not yet.
>Africa was as important as Europe
you fuckin dipshit you
Was Wilhelm the poster boy for manlet wannabe tough guy leaders?
Wilhelm did nothing wrong.
Yeah right.
>Born a lame wimp
absolutely, he literally had a gimp arm and an inferiority complex
What? Almost all of Germany was calling for his resignation, which he refused to do until several days after the war was officially over. Even then, he moved to the Netherlands, right next door to Germany.
Africa did not have organized states that amounted to anything
that's why Belgium could send a boatful of men to take over and control an area half the land size of Europe
>if I put on a frown, a silly Dali mustache and a stupid bird on my helmet maybe they won't notice I'm an insecure manlet
>hey there Silly Willy
They did. Invading a neutral country turns the international system into chaos.
Realize that Germany ALSO had colonies in Africa, correct?
is this the new High King Cabal of Hibernia meme?
france and britain didn't commit genocides, they just brutally oppressed people
it was the germans who committed genocides
Wow. Just wow. Do you consider this funny? Are you older than 14?
Nice one. Name 2 colonial genocides Germans committed please.
>it's not genocide when we do it
Makes me think Anglos really are Jews after all
You haven't realized that the jews are our puppets yet?
You aren't puppets of one another, you're the same people.
herero and pygmies desu
ahh yes the belgian "menace"
Just because you're a Countrylet like Belgium, doesn't mean you can't be a total cunt. Look at Great Britain.
Serbia is bretty small and they proved to be cunts on a level we didn't even think possible. Same goes for Israel, Hungary, Haiti, etc
Slow-vak detected
I'm a halfbreed diaspora Serb actually. Herd a joke about Slovakia from a Hungarian dude once.
>wanna learn about Slovakia's history?
>I'll just send you an SMS then
Making rebellion isn't a genocide but it had a massive death tool
Hungarian I assume?
Gee i wonder who's behind this post
Of course. Didn't you know the Lost Tribes eventually migrated and settled in Britain?
Highly plausible.
It's the actual belief of some white supremacist groups that Germanics are the Lost Tribes and that modern Jews have no relation to the ancient Hebrews.
>It's the actual belief of some Anglos
It's an American movement, and as we all know America is the home of true Germanic heritage, culture, and genetics.
Dude I know Christian Identity. The concept was developed by Anglos, spread to America by Anglos, modified by Anglos and even today most people who believe in it are Anglos (read: southerners). Anglos are not Germanics.
>England, France and Belgium
>not destroying Europe
>German autism triggered when these countries tell them not to destroy europe
Yeah Germans are the true nords,
Just look at Hitler, Himmler and Goebbels for example.
But these aren't Anglos, they're Americans; therefore, Germanic.
Southerners are all Anglos and niggers.
Did you order pasta?
>This is a load of shit and you know it.
>Back in the eighties, British was the single biggest census category, bigger than both Irish and German, at over 25%. What happened since then? Did we have a huge influx of Krauts and Micks? And huge expulsion of our Brits? No, we added the "American" category. And many old settler-descendants, ones who had been here since the foundation of this nation, checked that.
>Also, even then, I'd estimate that an even larger portion of the populace who are mainly British-American check an other box on the census. Why? Because they feel closer to some more recent member of the family. For example, if one has a German grandmother, and otherwise stretches back to 1680 with only British roots, that person would be likely to check German, since that's the closest contact to foreign culture he has, as British-American culture simply evolved into American culture.
>For example, my mother is 1/4 Swedish, and is otherwise completely old-stock English-American, but she checks Swedish on any census.
>Personally, I'd reckon we're over a third primarily British, and over half, just counting whites.
British settlers in Dixie were primarily Scots, Irish, and Brittonic, but nice try Hans.
Congo was Belgian m8
Not the guy you're replying but I keep seeing this shit and it's simply inaccurate. Few points:
First, the "American" ancestry is claimed only by 6.2% of the population. Even if this is where all your supposed Anglos "disappeared" into, counting them as English would boost English Americans only to 13.6% of the population, which is still smaller than the 14.4% share of German Americans.
Second, it's ignoring the fact that most Southerners aren't ancestrally English, but Scottish and Scots-Irish (Ulster Scots) descendants of protestants who originally settled in Virginia and the Carolinas. Appalachia which is now the region with the highest amount of people claiming "American" ancestry, is overwhelmingly Scottish.
Third, you mention English descendants claiming to be German, but the opposite is the case - Germans were forced to Anglicize and claim to be ancestrally English to avoid anti-German discrimination during WW1 and WW2. Schmiedt became Smith, Fuchs became Fox, Schneider became Taylor. Only when this generation of people started to die out during the 1970s and 1980s, their descendants started reclaiming their German heritage because they weren't mentally fucked by the discrimination baggage.
*invades Iran*
*invades Iceland*
*tries to invade Norway, but gets beaten to the punch*
Nothin personnel
USA literally invaded Mexico just because.
The USA had the decency to produce a casus belli. Germany couldn't be bothered to even sink one of their own ships.
>produce a casus belli
Real life isn't a Liquoria game you Parashit autist.
ca·sus bel·li
ˈkäsəs ˈbelē,ˈkāsəs ˈbelˌī/
noun: casus belli; plural noun: casus belli
an act or situation provoking or justifying war.
Are you saying that the USA didn't try to jutsify their war?
>we have the moral high ground because we invented some ridiculous bullshit to justify our aggressive behavior, even though it wasn't true
>The Herero are an ethnic group inhabiting parts of Southern Africa. The majority reside in Namibia, with the remainder found in Botswana and Angola.
>Congo was Belgian m8
What did the brainlet mean?
Nobody seems to mention that they tried to sell finns to soviets in kinship-wars too
Win the war set the narrative. The Anglos traded short term victory for long term defeat. fuck em.
>Autismus spricht
They can't keep getting away with it
Reminder Belgium got exactly what was coming to it. Germans might not have given a fuck about Belgians colonial actions, but it was a nice little turn around.
Pygmies live in Congo which was Belgian. The Herero massacre is a German thing, true.