How do I become dictator of the United States and further more Emperor of the west?

How do I become dictator of the United States and further more Emperor of the west?

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You don't
Seperation of powers and all that jazz works pretty well

Hype up SJWs to be the greatest threat to humanity and then get a bunch of gullible baby boomers to vote for you until you become president. Act like every attempt to check your power is an attack on the nation itself. Stage a false-flag attempt on your own life. Declare martial law. Exterminate any perceived threats. Begin a referendum to elect yourself emperor. Attempt the referendum every six months until you get a majority on the yes vote. Become emperor and find the elixir for immortality.

Get a radical party elected to power. Create or wait for a crisis and use the radical party to push through acts for dictatorial powers. Use special powers to establish permanent dictatorship.
Use the USA's overwhelming military strength to bring the rest of the western world into your empire.

founding fathers constructed a system of balanced powers that makes a dictator nearly impossible. Only way would be to stuff all the other branches with puppets or and out and out military coup

Hype up whitess to be the greatest threat to humanity and then get a bunch of gullible SJWs to vote for you until you become president. Act like every attempt to check your power is an attack on the nation itself. Stage a false-flag attempt on your own life. Declare martial law. Exterminate any perceived threats. Begin a referendum to elect yourself emperor. Attempt the referendum every six months until you get a majority on the yes vote. Become emperor and find the elixir for immortality.

>implying the men of the South won't stand up to your tyranny

>South won't stand up to your tyranny

>all southern nationalist types now are hitlerboos and stormfags as well

really made me think

Continue to back anti-gun propaganda like the brady campaign, so that the only people who would have an interest in deposing a far-right government are also the ones who think firearms are the devil and who cry for 30 minutes every time they fire an ar-15

Wear lots of fake tan until you turn orange.

>Implying the South ever accomplished anything or ever will


>all southern nationalist types now are hitlerboos and stormfags as well
>literally every pregnant Anne Frank poster on /pol/ has a Confederate flag icon

How is this history related?

No faggot, Trump is not a dictator, retard. If he was like Hitler I'm pretty sure that by now there would thousands of political dissidents jailed. The 1st camp was already filled with enemies of the state within a few months of Hitler's seizure of power.

The (white) South would likely be an American dictatorship's base of support.

Hence why millions of white Southern men took up arms against the last one who tried to set one up. Right?

you mean took up arms so the southern aristocracy could overthrow republican democracy?

Owning human beings as property is about as authoritarian as it gets, Cletus.

And they failed. :)

>tfw the USA is repeating the fall of the Roman Republic

Wasn't Barksdale on foot at Gettysburg?

>The Confederates smashed the brigade manning the Peach Orchard line, wounding and capturing the Union brigade commander himself. Some of Barksdale's regiments turned to the north and shattered Maj. Gen. Andrew A. Humphreys's division. Others of his regiments went straight ahead. By the time his men had gone as far as Plum Run, a mile into the assault, they were counterattacked by a brigade under Colonel George L. Willard. Barksdale was wounded in his left knee, followed by a cannonball to his left foot, and finally was hit by another bullet to his chest, knocking him off his horse. He told his aide, W.R. Boyd, "I am killed! Tell my wife and children that I died fighting at my post." His troops were forced to leave him for dead on the field and he died the next morning in a Union field hospital.

His horse was also killed by the cannonball if I recall correctly


That's not what he meant tho

Losers don't get participation trophies, snowflake.

1. Be born with extreme charisma, cosmic genius tier cunning and intelligence. having both helps, but id say the latter(genius tier cunning and intelligence) is far more important. good looks can help too, but are certainly not a prerequisite

2. join the US military or one of the security agencies, climb the power structure until you're general or w/e

3. wait for economic recession or collapse, then use the resulting national dissatisfaction to either run for president or launch a coup

desu given how many dumb and incompetent people there are in the US, i bet so long as you have a good grip on the military, you could easily launch a coup and win, especially if you ask for Russian/Chinese support in exchange for land grants in eastern Europe or something(sorry Ukrainians). also depends on what you're political program will be like. if you advertise your coup as a liberal revolution, you 'll then you throw your lot in with the coastal states. on other hand middle america has a lot of nukes and also agriculture. moreover, there needs to be enough dissatisfaction for the officers to even consider revolt. right now most US officers seem like constitutionalist/libertarian/basic republican types.

in the end, the question is, are you an incredibly ambitious cosmic genius, because if you're not, it's prolly not gonna happen amigo, sorry

>coming from the Yankee, who was so buttblasted about losing to Vietnamese jungle monkeys that he erected a half-mile long wall listing the names of every soldier who died to line Bell Helicopters' pockets

>only yanks were in the vietnam war
The delusion of this post kek


It was a war fought to advance Yankee interests and fueled by the Northerner's never-ending lust for world domination

what's it like knowing that virginia became a cum dumpster for the yanks who went on to send the surviving dixie descendants to die in a jungle to prove their alleigance?

that only works if you're non-white though, or married to a non-white (then have them killed on your falseflag for the best results)

Thanks, I think I got the on foot thing from reading The Killer Angels recently. It's been a while since I read any AARs or actual history.

You need to go beyond zero percent. It is a forbidden technique... But achievable to Americans.

Just going to throw my two cents in: if you want to add a state religion to your empire (and who wouldn’t), stage some sort of Jim Jones-esque cult that ends in a massive amount of deaths. Use the ensuing drama to push for some sort of anti-cult legislation, which you can then use when you’re in power to remove every religion you don’t agree with.

>mfw we can destroy the Jewish power structure this way

It's impossible. Aside from the separation of powers making it futile, there's almost voting bloc for you to focus on. Who are you even appealing to, all the conservative right-wingers who hate the Constitution and love big government? Or the left wing SJW's who love American imperialism, patriarchy, and patriotism?

It’s not possible, you have to be a charismatic chad to become a dictator here, and anyone posting on Veeky Forums isn’t that

Destroy Americas faith in congress and the senate to perform the acts of government. Break down both Houses like the Republicans are currently doing. Normalize political violence between extreme right and left. Ideally see members of Congress assassinated regularly. Amidst all of this, have the President be the office of 'reason' and rule through executive orders. Consolidate power and faith in the Executive. Abolish term limits. Neuter Congress.

Lead a popular uprising.

It's honestly extremely eerie how similar it is. I wonder if this is just how all stable democracies decay or if it's just coincidence.

trump is hindenburg. hitler came after hindenburg

>How do I become dictator of the United States and further more Emperor of the west?

You can't cause I already am and there's only one of us.

just continue where FDR went

Veeky Forums has been in the news for a decade. It's far more "normie" than you probably think.


Who will be our Octavian after Caesar(Trump) is assassinated?

Ted Cruz

He didn't mention Trump at all, but I'm interested to know why that made you think of him :)

An american dictator will most likely use the army in a coup against congress. The excuse will most likely be a huge scandal or corruption within the body politic.

It will have to be a man very high up and well connected with the military and respected. He would also likely be a religious zealot that will unify the country in a religious mania, against an enemy.

I don't see the alt-right memes making it happen though, the race question in america has been more or less settled, and religion is way more powerful ideologically than race.


I agree with you except over one thing.


Nobody gives a fuck.

I think the biggest tension in the American establishment that is only going to get worse as they have to accept new realities is whether they should abandon their liberal and atlanticist global leadership. A step down from this would, as we can already see in the media, appear as "stepping back" and "decline" in the short term at least, which upsets a lot of people throughout American society. On the other hand you have people who deem American efforts counterproductive, wasteful and harmful, and that America simply isn't powerful enough to sustain this position indefinitely.

>Implying autism can't be harnessed